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Natural Pinkeye Remedies?

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At least I *think* it's pinkeye, or at least the beginning of it. Dd14 was complaining yesterday of irritation in her eyes. Dry, itchiness, then "sticky". She said that her eyelashes are sticking and it's leaving spots on the lenses of her glasses so she's cleaning them constantly. Her eyes are not pink, but couldn't it still be a viral infection vs. a bacterial one?


Any suggestions? If it was my little one I would squirt breastmilk in there, though I don't think she would appreciate that :lol:

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Put a drop or two of baby shampoo into a cup of water and shake or stir. Use this solution to clean your dd's eyes frequently thoughout the day. You can rinse with cool water after cleaning.


I would do the breastmilk anyway, but don't tell her what it is. Express a little into a cup and use a syringe to put some drops into her eyes. Just tell her it's eyedrops for infection.


If this isn't clear within a day or two see if your dr will give a prescription over the phone. I have cleared pinkeye with breastmilk but have not had any luck with OTC methods.

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Saline compresses -- make your own with boiled (cooled) sterile water. or wet cotton balls with 'simply saline' -- in lieu of compresses, you could use saline nose drops and put a few drops in each eye a few times a day.

I would be very hesitant putting nose drops in your eyes unless a doctor gave the ok. They sell plain artificial tears. I recommend asking your doctor as a nurse:)

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A family practitioner once told me that almost all cases of pinkeye are viral. She was complaining that she still had to write prescriptions for antibiotic drops so that kids would be allowed back into school after symptoms cleared up, despite the fact that antibiotics were rarely the cure. So I would definitely wait and try some of the remedies mentioned here before heading to see a doctor.

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Put a drop or two of baby shampoo into a cup of water and shake or stir. Use this solution to clean your dd's eyes frequently thoughout the day. You can rinse with cool water after cleaning.


I echo this. A nurse friend of mine recommended Johnson and Johnson in particular. She said to just cleanse the eye with a little of the shampoo and rinse well several times a day. I don't remember for how many days she recommended, however.


Hope the eye gets better soon!

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My son's oncologist recommends just warm rags to deal with the itchiness and such because most eye issues are viral. It always clears up within a few days around here without anything special (just warm rags). Now if her eye begins to swell or look terrible (trust me you will know the difference ewwww) then go straight to the doc.

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the homeopathic stuff in the pharmacy area of the store. Similason is the brand we have here.


I got pink eye on vacation and took this stuff for days. it did clear up without my needing a Dr or prescription!!!


It wasn't right away...it was at least 3 days before the really red stuff went away, but it did take care of it.

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