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Help me choose a topic for my research paper!

Which topic should I write about?  

  1. 1. Which topic should I write about?

    • The "Knowability" of God (as in what can we know about God?)
    • General vs. Special Revelation
    • The Names of God
    • The Doctrine of the Trinity
    • The Inerrancy of the Bible
    • The Nature and Existence of Angels

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What are you doing up at this hour? :D



hehehehe I'm always up late. Just ask Rosie. :p I'm working on for sale ads to try to clear out my shelves for my new curricula that I bought this year. Isn't that just extremely boring? :) I'll bet you're sorry you asked now. :p hehe

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hehehehe I'm always up late. Just ask Rosie. :p I'm working on for sale ads to try to clear out my shelves for my new curricula that I bought this year. Isn't that just extremely boring? :) I'll bet you're sorry you asked now. :p hehe


well I am off to a staff meeting...not boring but not that exciting either. :tongue_smilie:

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Whichever one you know the most about.


Sit down and quickly jot down everything you can think of about each subject (just a word or phrase of something you know) and see for which topic you have the most knowledge.


Maybe doing that will help you to see which one sparks your interest most.

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Either of those has plenty of material but also a significant devotional aspect. So the paper would be meaty but also help your spiritual life. I believe that considering the mystery of the Trinity or the meanings and significance of the names of God are both things that make it clearer how awesome God is.


Funny thing about the names of God. When DD was very young and we read about the Epic of Gilgamesh, I told her that I think that people sort of vaguely remembered the Flood, but not all the details, and that's why stories that allude to it show up in so many ancient cultures.


So a few months later she came to me with a theory of her own--having noticed that there are many names for God in the Bible, she decided that probably the ancients vaguely remembered the many names but didn't realize that they were all for the same God, so that's why they believed in so many different gods and goddesses. I thought that was a pretty good inference for a 2nd or 3rd grader!

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Are you hsing, teaching, taking classes and being a missionary in a strange country all at the same time.


If so, I think the topic should be you. Hats off and god bless.


Have fun w/your paper.


:D Close. I am a principal, a missionary in a strange country, and taking grad school classes for a master's in theology all at the same time. But my kids are not technically homeschooling. They are attending the school where I work, so we are after-schooling and vacation-schooling for now.

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Would any of these topics be of later use toward your thesis or a dissertation? One of the cleverer things I heard of in graduate school was one gentleman who tried to pick projects for his various courses that would tie in in some way with his final intentions. When he came to work on his doctoral dissertation, he had already done much research and a little writing on the topic that he pursued.


DH did something similar with his masters. He knew going in that he wanted to do something on WWI and/or Russia, so he tried to write papers that helped him develop a better understanding of these subjects.


What I'm suggesting isn't a simple recycling of a paper, but trying to use your time and effort toward to different purposes.

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Would any of these topics be of later use toward your thesis or a dissertation? One of the cleverer things I heard of in graduate school was one gentleman who tried to pick projects for his various courses that would tie in in some way with his final intentions. When he came to work on his doctoral dissertation, he had already done much research and a little writing on the topic that he pursued.


DH did something similar with his masters. He knew going in that he wanted to do something on WWI and/or Russia, so he tried to write papers that helped him develop a better understanding of these subjects.


What I'm suggesting isn't a simple recycling of a paper, but trying to use your time and effort toward to different purposes.


hmmm...very interesting....I will have to think about this more.

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