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I don't think I'm happy with MOH 1. What should I do?


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We're starting our second rotation of history. The first go round we simply read or listened to SOTW, did some of the coloring pages & map activities. We didn't do any projects, and I was more concerned about exposure.


We started MOH, because I love the idea of having Biblical history integrated with ancient history. But I feel like it's too light, especially after having re-read TWTM recommendation. The lessons are short, and I'm just not thrilled with it for some reason. I think it's just not my style.


Should I just go back to SOTW 1 as my spine and have ds10 outline KHE? If I do that, I'll be losing the Biblical history I was so excited about.


Has anyone aligned Biblical history with SOTW? Is there another ancient history curriculum I should consider that is meatier than MOH? One that has Biblical history?

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Biblioplan may fit the bill. It combines SOTW, MOH and the encyclopedias for you in one schedule. And it is relatively inexpensive, especially since it looks like you may have most of the resources.


Hope you find something that works for you!

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I will second Biblioplan to use with MOH. I am on week 4 of BP and we are really loving it! We are listening to all the Scriptures that BP schedules on CD as a family - it is great. We are using the maps, coloring pages and timeline figures from BP. I read the MOH that BP schedules also and am picking 1-2 activities to do a week to go along with our subject matter.


The meat in BP is in the extras that you can pick and choose from. I am using Victor Journey for extra Biblical info. and then literature read alouds and readers for my olders. So far, this has been an excellent and very do-able combo for us! We love it!!!!



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We're starting our second rotation of history. The first go round we simply read or listened to SOTW, did some of the coloring pages & map activities. We didn't do any projects, and I was more concerned about exposure.


We started MOH, because I love the idea of having Biblical history integrated with ancient history. But I feel like it's too light, especially after having re-read TWTM recommendation. The lessons are short, and I'm just not thrilled with it for some reason. I think it's just not my style.


Should I just go back to SOTW 1 as my spine and have ds10 outline KHE? If I do that, I'll be losing the Biblical history I was so excited about.


Has anyone aligned Biblical history with SOTW? Is there another ancient history curriculum I should consider that is meatier than MOH? One that has Biblical history?


I had the same problem, didn't care for MoH and didn't feel like Biblioplan was the right fit either. I ended up selling both. I'm currently using History Odyssey 1 for my younger and have decided to bite the bullet and get level 2 for my 10 year old, I needed something meatier for him and it's supposed to be mostly independent but close to the same schedule so we can still talk about generally the same topics. HO offers a try it before you buy it free download of the first few weeks, they use SotW, Kingfisher/Usborne World History depending on level. I've just decided to teach Bible separately but will try to keep at the same pace IYKWIM.

If you find something really good I hope you let me know! lol

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OK, I have to chime in on HO Level 2. We love it. No Bible though. What I ended up doing, mainly to save myself from having to do all the legwork, was just adding in the MP Christian Studies program and calling it done. It is not aligned, but she will cover the Bible. I like MP a lot. I also add in readers from Sonlight, MODG and Dorothy Mills to it, and it is a nice mix for us.


We are now using Biblioplan for my two younger DDs, and it is working pretty well. It has lots of options for us, and we could re-use it in the next cycle using different resources. My version is older and doesn't have the MOH, but the Bible stories are keyed into the right spots. I may really bite the bullet and combine Biblioplan with HO for the next round, but that is my ambition talking.


Something else to consider would be just using the Dorothy Mills ancient world books or the Guerber books, both of which are narrative and cover Bible and ancient history. I think Truthquest also uses some of these too, if you are looking for something more structured or want the commentary.


There are lots of things out there! I am sure you will find the right combination.


Best wishes!

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Look at MFW,


the major spines are Victor's Journey Through the Bible, Usborne's Ancient World, Biblical Feasts and Streams of Civiliation. I think there's outlining scheduled. When I get to this I plan to incorporate all the recommended literature from the WTM.


Talk to Cadam, she can tell you in detail about this year in MFW:001_smile:

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I will second Biblioplan to use with MOH. I am on week 4 of BP and we are really loving it! We are listening to all the Scriptures that BP schedules on CD as a family - it is great. We are using the maps, coloring pages and timeline figures from BP. I read the MOH that BP schedules also and am picking 1-2 activities to do a week to go along with our subject matter.


The meat in BP is in the extras that you can pick and choose from. I am using Victor Journey for extra Biblical info. and then literature read alouds and readers for my olders. So far, this has been an excellent and very do-able combo for us! We love it!!!!




I've got Mystery of History, SOTW & Activity Guide, Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, and Usborne Book of World History (not internet linked).


What other resources would you say are must haves?

Edited by JudoMom
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We're using right now and really enjoying the Guerber Ancients book. We read the chapter, discuss any mapping that applies, look at MOH to see what we could do for hands-on, and look at Victor Journey Through the Bible. Like you, we've already been through ancients before. Guerber is really good about making connections with the history and the biblical narrative. It's been REALLY interesting for us, I'd say a don't miss. :)

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Look at MFW,


the major spines are Victor's Journey Through the Bible, Usborne's Ancient World, Biblical Feasts and Streams of Civiliation. I think there's outlining scheduled.


And the Bible... you read through much of the Old Testament (directly from the Bible, not someone's "summaries" or interpretations of what's in the Bible), so that's really your main spine. The other books help to flesh it out with historical, archeological, and geographical detail. The Biblical Feasts book is used quite a bit.


When I get to this I plan to incorporate all the recommended literature from the WTM.


Don't forget there's that booklist in the back of the TM, Katherine. :) You may or may not need the WTM list.
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We're starting our second rotation of history. The first go round we simply read or listened to SOTW, did some of the coloring pages & map activities. We didn't do any projects, and I was more concerned about exposure.


We started MOH, because I love the idea of having Biblical history integrated with ancient history. But I feel like it's too light, especially after having re-read TWTM recommendation. The lessons are short, and I'm just not thrilled with it for some reason. I think it's just not my style.


Should I just go back to SOTW 1 as my spine and have ds10 outline KHE? If I do that, I'll be losing the Biblical history I was so excited about.


Has anyone aligned Biblical history with SOTW? Is there another ancient history curriculum I should consider that is meatier than MOH? One that has Biblical history?


MOH 1 is light. The request from users was to beef it up, so volume 2 and 3 have longer lessons, more detail and more content.


My plan for next round:


Read MOH and Usborne Internet Linked World History to everyone.


Have my oldest (7th/8th grade) also read the Guerber books: Ancients, Story of the Greeks and Story of the Romans. I also want to look at Great Civilizations of the East by Lorna Oakes as it is listed as a D level resource in TOG for year 1.


Have you looked in the MOH 1 group files to see if anyone has coordinated a resource that might catch your eye? There are a ton of schedules for various text there.




p.s. I also have SOTW on audio which we will listen to also. ;)



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I've got Mystery of History, SOTW & Activity Guide, Kingfisher History Encyclopedia, and Usborne Book of World History (not internet linked).


What other resources would you say are must haves?


I don't like Usborne or Kingfisher, so I don't have those. We have the Bible on CD and are listening to that as a family. Then, I read the Victor Journey parts and MOH to follow up the next day...I also have the Child's Story Bible--very good and Jubilee Family Bible for pics.


And, then we are just doing the read alouds and readers. I got Diana Waring's Where in the World...and True Tales - we have listened to these some also. I also have the Greenleaf Guide to the OT for discussion and narration. Then there is the timelines, maps and the coloring pages. Oh, yea...I am going to use SOTW 1 where there isn't any MOH readings. I plan to get the audios from our library for this. I am trying to keep it simple, yet meaty - so far, so good!!!

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We experienced the very same thing... loved SOTW, but wanted Biblical integration. TOG was just too much for our personal circumstances in terms of time and planning and when we tried Biblioplan, I found it a bit disjointed. (No offense ladies!)


Have you considered TruthQuest ? We are using it now and it has given me the Chrisitian Worldview to share with the boys and still allowed us to use SOTW.


My 2 cents, :)

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