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This infuriates me:


The Jeep that struck the girl was driven by 83-year-old Geraldine Baron Deitz of Raleigh. She was charged with misdemeanor death by vehicle and passing a stopped school bus, according to the wreck report.


“The death of a child is always something that causes us to pause and reflect. And in this case, perhaps what we need to reflect on is the need to be especially careful around school buses,†said Jim Sughrue, spokesman for the Raleigh Police Department.


Deitz told police that was traveling east on North Hills Drive when she saw the stopped school bus facing west. She said she briefly stopped and waited for the bus to turn on Hillock Drive, when the bus didn’t turn, she continued driving, the wreck report stated.


Deitz said she heard a "thud" and realized she hit a child, according to the report. She went on to tell police "that she did not see where the child came from."


Deitz told police that the bus did not activate the appropriate signals to indicate that a child was exiting, the wreck report stated.


Witnesses on the scene said the bus did activate the signals. Evans also said lights and stop arms on the bus appeared to have been working properly.


That woman was too old to be driving.

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I always hold on to my son so tightly when he is going on or coming off of the bus. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen people just blow right by at 40 miles an hour in the next lane when the school bus is stopped and has the stop sign out. They just don't seem to care that they are risking the lives of children. :crying: :sad:

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Sadly, I'm not surprised. This almost happened to my youngest when he was in 5th grade. An impatient, elderly woman decided to pass my son's stopped bus and almost hit him. Luckily, she braked about two feet before she would have struck him. The bus had stopped, red lights were flashing, and the stop signs were out, but evidently she didn't feel these applied to her.


We don't live on a busy road by any means, but numerous times cars from each direction didn't stop or passed the bus. I think there should be cameras mounted on buses so these people can be fined. I don't have much sympathy for them.


Nowadays, I usually pick up my son or allow him to walk home with a group of friends.

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That is just horrible. My son is in a wheelchair. So, I am right there when he's getting off the bus. A few years ago, I was on ds's bus getting him ready to get off. A lady ignored the flashing lights and tried to pass the bus. There was a parked car there so she was stuck until the bus left. We intentionally stayed on the bus for 15 minutes and talked. It was making the lady in the car crazy. We did not care. We should have called the cops on her. I occasionally see cars blow by buses-and people not pulling over for an ambulance with sirens and lights on. How do some folks get and keep a license?

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That is just horrible. My son is in a wheelchair. So, I am right there when he's getting off the bus. A few years ago, I was on ds's bus getting him ready to get off. A lady ignored the flashing lights and tried to pass the bus. There was a parked car there so she was stuck until the bus left. We intentionally stayed on the bus for 15 minutes and talked. It was making the lady in the car crazy. We did not care. We should have called the cops on her. I occasionally see cars blow by buses-and people not pulling over for an ambulance with sirens and lights on. How do some folks get and keep a license?


My brother is a firefighter & paramedic. Where he lives, the paramedics transport & he sometimes drives. I don't think I've ever seen him more angry as when he tells me about driving the "bus" and people not getting out of the way. Someone's life is slipping away and cars won't move!

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How could the woman only be charged with a misdemeanor? That's awful! So terrible for the family of the little girl


I was thinking the same exact thing!! Ay, I'm just sick for this poor girls parents. What a sweet little girl she was too! Ay, 6 years is too short! :sad: This is such a horrible tragedy.

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