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CC Prayer request for Bermuda, Halifax and Nova Scotia

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Please join with me in prayer for Bermuda, Halifax and Nova Scotia. They are in the projected path of powerful Hurricane Bill. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090819/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/tropical_weather I am praying that God will work a miracle and that Bill will not make landfall anywhere. This hurricane would be catastrophic if it were to hit land. Thank you for your prayers for these people. :)




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Yikes, I didn't know it was headed that close. As much as I dislike my ex-inlaws I wouldn't want them to get hit with this, they live in Halifax.


Yes, as of the 5:00pm advisory it is projected to skirt Bermuda (if not hit it directly) and then hit somewhere in either Halifax or Nova Scotia. It is a category 4 storm right now. It would probably lessen in strength once it got into cooler waters on it's way to Canada, but if it were to hit Bermuda, they would have catastrophic damage because it would likely still be very strong.



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ColleenNS, and everyone else in harm's way, I sure hope you're safe.


I know!! I was just reading about this on the National Hurricane Center's site! We've been in a heat wave (without AC) and now this. We are supposed to go out on Sun. for our anniversary - now we'll have to wait and see if we need to batten down the hatches. We're right outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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Thank you! It still looks like it's heading straight to NS. I'm mentally gearing up for preparing on Saturday. (I just didn't want my anniversary date to be ruined on Sunday!)


:grouphug: I know. It sucks! My birthday is September 2nd right in the heart of hurricane season. I cannot tell you how many birthdays have been ruined from storms. :( These things are notoriously unpredictable and even when it seems you are going to get a direct hit, they can often surprise you and do something completely unexpected. The national hurricane center gets better and better all the time at forcasting and determining the projected paths. As it gets closer to you, I'm sure they will have a much more acurate track of where it is expected to go. I am praying that it will skirt the coast and miss you altogether. Happy Anniversary. Even if the weather is poor, it's still something to celebrate. :grouphug:

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Bill is weakening tremendously!! :hurray: He's now only a category 1 storm. Yay!! Hopefully our friends up North will only have to contend with a Tropical storm if anything at all. :) This is great news. And Bermuda was completely spared. Not one casualty and only a little bit of rough seas. God is good! :)

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Bill is weakening tremendously!! :hurray: He's now only a category 1 storm. Yay!! Hopefully our friends up North will only have to contend with a Tropical storm if anything at all. :) This is great news. And Bermuda was completely spared. Not one casualty and only a little bit of rough seas. God is good! :)


Yay about no casualties in Bermuda! My region of NS is under tropical storm warning, but Cape Breton is under hurricane warning - it will pass by much closer to CB. (still trying to decide if we should have our anniversary date this afternoon - our friend still wants to take care of our kids!!) Thanks for cheering us on!

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Yay about no casualties in Bermuda! My region of NS is under tropical storm warning, but Cape Breton is under hurricane warning - it will pass by much closer to CB. (still trying to decide if we should have our anniversary date this afternoon - our friend still wants to take care of our kids!!) Thanks for cheering us on!


That is great news, but if I were you I'd still plan on keeping indoors. I don't know how the root structure is of the trees up there, but shallow root systems can easily go down even in a tropical storm. Tropical storms are typically not so much a wind events as a rain events and depending on the types of trees and the lay of the land (flat vs. hilly) they can cause quite a bit of damage. Down here in "hurricane alley" where I live, the land is flat and the roots of most trees go deep so a tropical storm is really not much more than the typical summer storms we get, but a tropical storm up in the Georgia mountains where my mom lives can cause widespread damage. It really all depends, but for safety's sake, maybe a quiet dinner at home with the family would be more in order and you can go out to celebrate with hubby on another night?? Just my humble 2 cents for whatever their worth. :)

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Only wet and blustery here in Halifax. Another hour before we're supposed to get the worst of it . . . we still have *power* which is a huge accomplishment for Nova Scotia Power!


Hope you had your Anniversary Lunch, Colleen!




We did!!!!!! Beth took care of them while we went to that cool 50s Diner in Bedford! Still have power, but it's out all around us....

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Glad you were able to go out on your date Colleen. We just came in from flying kites :) We didn't lose power at all and all trees are still standing. Dh is still working. We were watching the outages page on NSP all day. We could see all the areas that were out and the numbers. I think 47,000 something was the highest I saw. Right now they are down to 5900 so they are doing pretty good :) Not any outages in CB right now either which they expected to be the hardest hit. Hope NFLD is making out as well.


The positive side of this I guess is that my yard and deck are now cleaned off and ready for winter preparations :)


Our chickens stayed out in the run the entire time :confused: I'm not sure why. They have a covered roof and a door to go into the coop, but they opted for staying outside. I went to check on them a few times and they were quite a bit more vocal than usual. I chalked that up to animals being nervous in a storm but then why didn't they go inside???? It was a little humid in there as the windows weren't fully open but it is vented. Have I mentioned before that becoming a mama of chickens is an ongoing educational adventure and challenge :lol:

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Glad you were able to go out on your date Colleen. We just came in from flying kites :) We didn't lose power at all and all trees are still standing. Dh is still working. We were watching the outages page on NSP all day. We could see all the areas that were out and the numbers. I think 47,000 something was the highest I saw. Right now they are down to 5900 so they are doing pretty good :) Not any outages in CB right now either which they expected to be the hardest hit. Hope NFLD is making out as well.


The positive side of this I guess is that my yard and deck are now cleaned off and ready for winter preparations :)


Our chickens stayed out in the run the entire time :confused: I'm not sure why. They have a covered roof and a door to go into the coop, but they opted for staying outside. I went to check on them a few times and they were quite a bit more vocal than usual. I chalked that up to animals being nervous in a storm but then why didn't they go inside???? It was a little humid in there as the windows weren't fully open but it is vented. Have I mentioned before that becoming a mama of chickens is an ongoing educational adventure and challenge :lol:


I am so relieved this is mostly over for this area. I can't believe our power stayed on, either. I checked the NSP site, too, and was amazed to find that it was out, just down the road from us! Anyway, please do thank your husband from us for his hard work out there.


Good idea about flying kites! I went outside a couple of hours ago to scope out the trees - then let ds climb his usual tree. Yep, our deck is completely clear, too. I think dh will get the BBQ back out, though - it's WAY too early for winter prep!!! I need my chairs back out there so I can soak up the weather before going into hibernation again!


No clue about the chickens, but that is funny about becoming a mama of chickens!


Hopefully this storm will continue to downgrade before it hits land fully.

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Mamapjama . . . ahhhhhhhh, do we know each other? Art Gallery? Halifax? You live a bit outside of the city? Your boys looks more grown up but very familiar. You're a properly degreed teacher and artist? I think you directed me to SouleMama when Stoneridge was still Stoneridge and a few other art links?


WTM is becoming a very small world.




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