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do you prefer to take notes with old-fashioned pencil and paper or do you type everything up in a word processing program? Are there advantages one way or the other?


I know I type much faster than I write and yet I can't get past the feeling that I wouldn't retain the knowledge as well if I just typed everything out. I would love the savings in time though. Hmmm.

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I'm a paper and pencil gal myself. Even with my homeschool planning - everything gets worked out with pencil and paper (and if it's scheduling, a bottle of wine doesn't hurt;)). Then I transfer everything into the computer. I really like having it all on my computer, but I just can't think that way.

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I'm a paper and pencil gal myself. Even with my homeschool planning - everything gets worked out with pencil and paper (and if it's scheduling, a bottle of wine doesn't hurt;)). Then I transfer everything into the computer. I really like having it all on my computer, but I just can't think that way.


:iagree:Especially with the part about the wine and scheduling.

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Oh, my goodness! If I were to attempt typing, I would spend hours trying to sort out the proper format for the notes. I would become obsessed with how the text looks on the page, and any onlooker would feel pity and disgust and contemplate the benefits of medication.


Just thinking about it, I feel exhausted. I think I need a drink.

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Oh, my goodness! If I were to attempt typing, I would spend hours trying to sort out the proper format for the notes. I would become obsessed with how the text looks on the page, and any onlooker would feel pity and disgust and contemplate the benefits of medication.


Just thinking about it, I feel exhausted. I think I need a drink.


:lol::lol::lol: Nicole honey, I think you are my twin separated at birth. A couple of weeks ago, I was attempting to make a course outline on the computer. (Don't you dare ask me why I would need one.) My dh was quite impressed that I managed to get 3 things into the outline in one hour. He suggested I tape my hand-written outline to the computer screen and "pretend" it was perfect. My suggestion to him is unprintable.:tongue_smilie:

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