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When I first mentioned about us starting the school, I had said preK-2nd grade. The concern mentioned was that if I brought in preK, I may need to address state childcare laws where I don't have any law issues to deal with if I have only school age children. That made sense to me so before I let anyone know, I cut out the preK.


However, I've now had people asking about preK. I don't have many children and it's a week and a half before school starts. My oldest children are 1st graders. Though we are doing "full day" (8:30-2:30), I do think I could fold in preK.


Here is what I was thinking of doing. In Texas, I can be just LISTED as a childcare provider which has no real regulation other than that I could take no more than 3 childcare children. So then I could add, unofficially, preK. I wouldn't add it to my website, plan to take more any other year, etc, but it would fill out my program a little and wouldn't be much of an issue legally.


Would you consider this? Can anyone think of an issue with my plan?

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I strongly suggest looking here. http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/Child_Care/Child_Care_Standards_and_Regulations/default.asp


I was supposed to start a day care for a private school a couple of years ago, but it fell through. I went to the orientation/training. There are so many regulations, you really have to look at for yourself. You could also call the state and just ask "hypothetically" what your options are. I know that the regulations cover school aged kids also unless you are a school. I don't know if you have to accredited by some organization for that to qualify. I would just do some digging on this site and call to make sure. Better to be safe than sorry. HTH



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There are a lot of regulations if you do afterschool care, younger kids, etc if you have more than 3 kids. If I took the preK'ers, I would have to cap them at 3 kids. I do not want to jump through the hoops of providing afterschool care or taking younger kids. So no more than 3.


Listed Family Homes


People who must list with the division are those who are compensated to provide regular child care (at least four hours per day, three or more days a week, for more than nine consecutive weeks) in their own homes for 1-3 unrelated children. After receipt of an application and licensing background check clearances, a certificate is issued. The listed family home caregiver must be at least 18 years old. However, there are no minimum standards, orientation or training requirements for listed homes. They are not inspected unless a report is received alleging child care is offered subject to registration and reports of abuse or neglect are investigated.

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I kept thinking 3 preK kids (well, it would be 3 young kids or afterschool kids, period). However, I am thinking differently about your question now. I wonder if I open up for the 3 kids, if they'll say, "but you have X other young children (under 12? 14?) and though they aren't daycare kids, they still are unrelated kids so if you take any kids under school-aged, then they count too."


I think I'll call and outline the situation and see what they say. Are they separate or the same?

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When I looked into home child care, they counted my dc (FL), so everything I had to do would be reliant on 5+ however many I brought in the home. Food for thought.


I think when a couple of mine head off to college, I'll be contacting you so I can do the same thing in my house. I've been told a dozen times I should, and if things don't change, I would love it!

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Thanks Terabith...


When I get bigger, I really want to change the age groupings. I would like preK and K together and then grammar stage then logic stage. I might even break it up a tad bit more (like have 3 levels for 1st-8th). But I really want the preK and K separate as my ideal.


But originally I had planned to have preK through 2nd. My oldest kids though are only 1st graders so it would actually be even easier than my original plan. Obviously there is a big difference in the schooling needs of a 4yo and a 6yo, but I really do believe I can work it out. Also, I do have help so that allows for a little more freedom.


BTW, for those thinking of doing similar? I have had SO many people looking for jobs. They say they see the website and agree with my premise. WOW. Neat to say that others are impressed.

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I was wondering if you thought it could change the quality of the school experience, possibly in a negative way, for the older ones. I don't know anything about childcare laws, but I do know that having young children around can make it difficult for older kids to do schoolwork, especially when the younger ones have less work overall. You are probably much better than I am at juggling that sort of thing though.


BTW--I looked at your school website and it sounds like a wonderful thing you're doing! I would love to start something like that here.

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Kai, thanks :)


I believe *I* can do it and do it VERY well. I don't think it will take anything away from OUR situation. HOWEVER, one concern would be that other parents would be worried if their 1st graders, for example, will get what they need and deserve if there are preKers. *I* might worry about that if I didn't know the person well. I know the one parent I have wouldn't worry AT ALL. She knows me well. But another parent? I can see the concern.

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There are lots of hoops to jump through to become licensed (or registered which is a step down from licensed). I really don't want to do that. I might at some point, but not anytime soon. I just want to run my school and run it well. And after 2:40, I want kids to go home or to daycare. :)

Your time desires lend less to toddlers, and afterschoolers would simply be like round 2 of your day? No?

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My understanding of the regulations is that all children not related to you count, no matter the age. I could be wrong. I know there is an exemption if you are accredited through a private school association. I really would call. They will shut you down if you get reported. I've seen it happen. Some representatives are more understanding than others. I've seen good ones and bad. Like I said, I read the regulations in and out when I was working for the private school. They wanted to add daycare to their existing school. The daycare had to be licensed seperatly from the school. There are ways around it if you only have them 2 days a week, etc. You just have to look hard or those exceptions. They aren't easy to find.

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The woman at the licensing office said that to be listed, it's 1-3 unrelated kids. So if my kids were little, I could still have 3 additional. However, it counts ALL unrelated children under 14 years old. There is no issue with having however many school agers but as soon as I bring a little kid in, it's now a daycare with too many kids. BTW, I think it makes sense enough but....


That's okay, better to find out now. :)

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