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Saxon Advanced Math users

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Those of you who have completed the Advanced math text by Saxon, did you have your dc complete every problem of every lesson? This is what is recommended but I wonder if it is really necessary or if it is beneficial for tests like the SAT.


Thanks in advance. :bigear:

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Yes, my two that completed the book have worked every problem of every lesson and don all the tests.


No wait--we did not do the ones calling for a graphing calculator, but only because I do not own one.


My third child is on lesson 73 and she too has done every problem in every lesson so far. I don't know whether it is necessary for the SAT, but it was necessary for my oldest who majored in engineering.



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YES! The course is constantly reviewing previous material. I think it is necessary that the kids complete each problem to get the continual reinforcement that is part of Saxon's methodology. If you are not completing each problem you are taking away from the reinforcement and the building process. I can say that by doing all the problems sd really cemented her skills.

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The Saxon curriculum is designed for the student to work every problem in every lesson. Only students who have an experienced teacher bridging material or teaching some units of more "traditional" methods to span sections of the text or transition to another curriculum should skip problems. I always recommend for hsers to work every problem.


In my experience, math students don't work too many problems; they work too little. Some of that is because they work too slowly, because they don't have the numeracy and accuracy they need to quickly and efficiently navigate the arithmetic and algebra portions of solving advanced problems.


Anyway, work 'em all. :)

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We did. Even if a student has skipped problems in previous books, in my opinion, Advanced Math is a whole new ball game. This book is PACKED with concepts, with more new concepts introduced in each lesson than in any previous book. We found that doing every problem was necessary for our sons to really learn all that material.


However, we found that we needed more than a year to complete this book -- more like 3 semesters. So we devoted two days to most lessons. First day, we'd read the lesson and start the problem set. Second day, we'd complete the problem set.

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You can either break it into two days, or break it into two *sessions* per day. I prefer the second method. It is a closer reflection of how school works (class time and homework, so you think about math twice a day), and it has actually been proven in studies to work better for mathematics learning.


So, I would schedule an hour first thing in the morning for her to hit the problems "cold" (read the lesson, work through the examples, the practice problems, and start the exercise set), and another hour later in the day to work the rest of the exercise set. If you did that four days per week, it would be fast enough to finish the book in a year.


If you split the lesson over two days, it will take you 3 semesters (or maybe 2 years) to complete the material. Honestly, I think if her computation/reasoning skills are requiring that method, then I bet she needs to review some of her Algebra 2 material. When you are *very* competent with the previous material, you should be able to integrate the new material in less than two hours per day. If she's spending more than 3-5 minutes per problem consistently, that's just too long. Seek tutoring. :)

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