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Comcast comes tomorrow

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to install digital voice and internet. We already have DSL through AT&T so the house is wired for it. What will they actually be doing and need access to in the house? We only have basic cable, not digital. That won't be changed.


Thanks, I'm just trying to make sure they can get to everything easily. We have a lot of stuff stored next to our computer. I was wondering if I need to move stuff.

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DSL runs on top of your phone lines, Cable is going to run on top of your cable. They will need a cable outlet near the computer to install the modem on. Our Vonage isn't routed thru the house - so i'm not sure what to tell you there.


But mainly, your house being set up for DSL doesn't mean that Cable will be wired the same at all....


What did they tell you they were doing on the phone side? (making it work on all the phones jacks in the house? We just have a cordless base at the Vonage box, the rest of the jacks in the house have no wires going to them... easy fix! LOL!!)

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Why do you have DSL if you are going to use Comcast for internet? I'm confused, LOL.


Well we've had DSL through AT&T for a long time, but Comcast is offering us unlimited digital phone for $20 a month for 2 years and Hi-Speed Internet for $20 for the next year. It's a huge savings over what we pay now for both. My dh teaches in public school. They've told them there will be for sure 3 days furlough this year, possibly 10. I'm trying to find places to cut the budget.

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Well we've had DSL through AT&T for a long time, but Comcast is offering us unlimited digital phone for $20 a month for 2 years and Hi-Speed Internet for $20 for the next year. It's a huge savings over what we pay now for both. My dh teaches in public school. They've told them there will be for sure 3 days furlough this year, possibly 10. I'm trying to find places to cut the budget.


Ok, well, keep this in mind: we just dumped Comcast. We had high-speed with them for about 6 years, and added cable and phone a little over 2 years ago. We were locked in with a rate of $113 monthly. A year after that, it went up to $130, then a few months later $140. In May, I got a bill for over $200 because our charge had gone up, again, to $180-something and I had underpaid April. In June, we got a bill for $216. It was our new regular bill.


For the past year, too, our service had been degrading steadily. Comcast rolls out new HD channels regularly, which take up much more bandwidth, but they have not incresead their bandwidth. We could not view videos online because our service would drop.


We went with Verizon DSL (faster, dedicated, $27), dial tone only on the home phone ($11) and antenna (we're rural and get 47 channels from DC, Baltimore, Salisbury, Dover, and Philadelphia, $0).


All that to say the service is not that great (my phone went out a few times, as opposed to never in 9 years with Verison), and they don't particularly value keeping customers.


*Wiring: if you're saying your home is wired for ethernet, then the cable modem will, I believe, plug into that. Otherwise, one is coax and one is copper and they are two very different animals. And, yes, the guy will need access to the house.

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Ok, well, keep this in mind: we just dumped Comcast. We had high-speed with them for about 6 years, and added cable and phone a little over 2 years ago. We were locked in with a rate of $113 monthly. A year after that, it went up to $130, then a few months later $140. In May, I got a bill for over $200 because our charge had gone up, again, to $180-something and I had underpaid April. In June, we got a bill for $216. It was our new regular bill.


For the past year, too, our service had been degrading steadily. Comcast rolls out new HD channels regularly, which take up much more bandwidth, but they have not incresead their bandwidth. We could not view videos online because our service would drop.


We went with Verizon DSL (faster, dedicated, $27), dial tone only on the home phone ($11) and antenna (we're rural and get 47 channels from DC, Baltimore, Salisbury, Dover, and Philadelphia, $0).


All that to say the service is not that great (my phone went out a few times, as opposed to never in 9 years with Verison), and they don't particularly value keeping customers.


*Wiring: if you're saying your home is wired for ethernet, then the cable modem will, I believe, plug into that. Otherwise, one is coax and one is copper and they are two very different animals. And, yes, the guy will need access to the house.



I am just going to add that we had Comcast for 3 years and we weren't terribly happy with their service either. It was frequently down. We have Vonage that runs over our cable so when we lose cable we lose everything. We also had a constant problems with some kind of frequency problem between out wireless phone and cable.


We have since moved and now we use Charter (No choice there. It is the only thing available.). We have had them for three years and we had problems for the first year but service has improved and rates have not went up. We called them last week and they told us that they had not got a call from us in two years and the only activity on the accound was that we pay our bill on time. IMO, that's a good thing. :) If I'm not callin' it means I not havin' problems.

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Lucky! We had Comcast out to install cable and replace our DSL. They figured out they couldn't do it because of the distance from our house to the junction box on the street. A week later, they sent us a letter telling us we could pay $225 to run extra lines so they could install the cable. We can't afford that.


The cable would have been cheaper than the DSL with AT&T. My DH tried to get AT&T to lower our bill due to competition since AT&T didn't know we couldn't get the cable. But AT&T wouldn't budge. They did change our plan to one that was $10 less. Woo. A whole $10 per month.

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Thanks for the info. We don't have digital cable, so I don't think that part of our bill will be going up. My sister has had Comcast phone and internet here in GA for over 2 years and she said she never has had any problems. I hope it's a location thing!!!! I know that the phone rate is set for 2 years and the internet for 1. They said internet right now is about $42 a month and that their speed is going to double in a few months for no extra charge. Our basic cable is only $23 a month including taxes, so we're looking at about $70 for cable, phone, and internet. I hope the price is worth the service???

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