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HSing in NC and just received "Home School Report" in the mail?

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We moved to NC during the Spring. I filed my NOI with the DNPE and received a packet of information from them.


Today I received a dark pink postcard in the mail from the DNPE. It is titled Home School Report. At the top I am to list our school information and there are 4 questions at the bottom of the card.


Do I need to fill this out and send it back?


The card also says to expect a meeting with DNPE this year. Does anyone have any experience with this meeting? Can I decline? I need to buzz over to HSLDA and check out their guidelines.


Lastly, I forgot to have my son take a standardized test after we moved! In NC you are supposed to test annually. I registered our school sometime in April and should have tested on or before June 30. What should I do? I could go ahead and have him tested now, two months late, to cover the 08-09 school year and again in the Spring for 09-10. Should I do that? If so, what test would you recommend that he take? He tested in 3rd grade using the IOWA test which we ordered through BJU but that testing was arranged for our HS group and the tests had to be sent to the teacher who administered the test. I need something that I can get my hands on fast if I am going to test him now.

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I think the people who'd have wanted your test results would've been your last school district. I'm not in NC, but in VA the tests are for after you've finished the year. IOW, we started in December, Andrew took tests in May and those tests were put with our 2008-2009 stuff. For 2009-2010 we have our curriculum and letter of intent, but we will not have any standardized tests until we've finished with the school year.


Worse come to worst, call your school board office, they can explain it I'm sure :)

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Check for sure but I have always homeschooled in NC and here is my advice.


I sign a card each year that is voluntary submission of our test results and attendace records for the year. This is in lieu of any type of meeting. I called HSLDA when I was first asked about this and they recommended I do this. You might have to check with the NCDNPE to find out how to elect this if you choose.


As far as testing, that would be for last year and you will need to follow NC guidelines for this upcoming school year.


I've always been in NC and find their rules very easy to follow. You might check the NCHE website or give them a call for clarification. They are great.

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The testing date is a recommendation and is listed on the DNPE as such. It's not in the law. The law states to test annually. Test now and you'll be fine. Technically you have to have it done before next April. And this is also noted on the website on the testing FAQ page.


Fwiw, I never send anything in and have not yet been contacted. If I was, I'd meet at the library, pop out exactly what was legally required and then go on my merry way...not a big deal.;)




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It's just a card to let them know you will voluntarily submit your scores and attendance records at the end of the school year. I've been wondering when those cards were coming out. Now I know.


I think I sent it in the first year and forgot to send the stuff in. Then last year I know I didn't send it in. It's voluntary! You don't have to. Some people say to do it. It will show our legislature that we do comply with the rules and we don't need more rules. Some people say it's not required so don't do it.


The meeting - may not happen and yes you can decline if it does happen. The first year they weren't very bright and scheduled them at a police station. After that they wised up and used a library. Supposedly they ask second year people to do the meeting. I don't know anyone who has been asked so I can't tell you about that.


Oh, and I have no idea about the testing.

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If it's voluntary why does anyone do it?


I ask myself that a LOT. Not sure why they do, but I will say this state has a huge problem w/misinformation and a lot of it comes straight from the biggest state group. :001_huh:


The culture of fear here when we first moved to this state 5 years ago was terrible. But I will say that it is getting better each year! And the state group seems to be getting the hang of it too...lol



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I have homeschooled in NC for 4 years. I would advise you to read what the law actually said and note on the NCDNPE website the difference between required and recommended.


You are not required to test more than once a year. So you have until next April to do so since you began in April. I test the last week in May as my final week of school.


You are not required to fill out the card. You are not required to send in your test results. The law states that you must keep the records on file for one year. I do not send in my test results because they have very poor security in the office and my kids test results are confidential. The law states you must show the records if they visit your school. They are welcome to make the 3 hour trip to my house to spend 2 minutes reviewing my records.


After your second year of homeschooling, you will be invited to a record review meeting. I just did not accept their invite. I am well within the law not to go to a voluntary meeting.


You may legally throw out the pink card. The card just makes their life easier. I am a law and order kind of gal. I will comply with the law but not one millimeter beyond. JMHO

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DO NOT fill it out and send it in. DO NOT agree to any meeting with DNPE. If you are not a member of HSLDA, join immediately if not sooner.


You may test any time of the year you want.


DNPE's job would be so much "easier" if they just followed the law, just as we try to. All they really need to do is file the NOIs when they come in. They don't need to know if you're going to continue to hs. They don't need to see test scores for all children annually. They definitely do NOT need to meet any hsers IRL, ever.

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If it's voluntary why does anyone do it?

Because they are scared into it. They are told by hs leaders that by complying with such "requests" they'll keep public school officials happy and legislators won't try to pass more stringent laws.

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If it's voluntary why does anyone do it?


Fear probably. I live in GA and I've gotten a few forms from my local school board asking questions I know I do not have to answer. I don't answer them. I've run into new homeschooling moms who sign everything because they feel it's all good documentation to have in the school board files so no one will come knock on their door and question their right to homeschool.

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I have homeschooled in NC for 4 years. I would advise you to read what the law actually said and note on the NCDNPE website the difference between required and recommended.


You are not required to test more than once a year. So you have until next April to do so since you began in April. I test the last week in May as my final week of school.


You are not required to fill out the card. You are not required to send in your test results. The law states that you must keep the records on file for one year. I do not send in my test results because they have very poor security in the office and my kids test results are confidential. The law states you must show the records if they visit your school. They are welcome to make the 3 hour trip to my house to spend 2 minutes reviewing my records.


After your second year of homeschooling, you will be invited to a record review meeting. I just did not accept their invite. I am well within the law not to go to a voluntary meeting.


You may legally throw out the pink card. The card just makes their life easier. I am a law and order kind of gal. I will comply with the law but not one millimeter beyond. JMHO


Yup. I think they have reworded the card, so it's better than it was, but still -- I resent the idea of deliberately misleading people into complying with something that isn't legal to begin with.


And don't even get me started on the idea that encouraging more government involvement in homeschooling is the way to protect our rights as homeschoolers. :glare:

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