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The only way to go is up, right?

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It has already been a stinky morning. I cannot stand my house "weekend messy" all the time (since hubby lost his job over a month ago). I cannot stand us not getting projects done with 2 adults and 2 teens in the house to do them.


I just went on a stupid rampage (though admittedly, mostly in my head and taken out on the house by cleaning!) and I just can't calm down. I am on the verge of tears.


It's 8:15. Surely the day will get better from here.

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Me, too...but it's getting better! I felt inspired since it's dd's 16th birthday. I thought it would be a nice idea to read a book instead of checking email, the news, the WTM boards... ;). I got up early and went to make the coffee. I took extra time to wash out the pot, basket, bean grinder. Got it all set up and went to my cozy rocker and grabbed my book. After a few minutes I smelled coffee, so I went back to the kitchen for a big mug au cafe. I had forgotten to place the sparkling clean coffee carafe on the burner...and the entire pot including grounds was all over the counter, the stove, under the crockpot, and down the cabinet and a nice puddle was on the floor. Ah, the smell o' the mornin' to get you smiling. :D It's cleaned up now, my mind is awake, my tummy is full, but I didn't manage to read a page of my book...maybe tomorrow. So go pick one spot to really clean today, even if it's just the coffee maker. Claim a small victory. You can look at it all through the day and feel some peace. :grouphug:

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Transitions can be hard on every one. Possibly a family meeting where you all could agree on a schedule and responsibilities to knock of some of those projects and to do the daily clutter taming would be more helpful than waiting for chaos to calm.

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It has already been a stinky morning. I cannot stand my house "weekend messy" all the time (since hubby lost his job over a month ago). I cannot stand us not getting projects done with 2 adults and 2 teens in the house to do them.


I just went on a stupid rampage (though admittedly, mostly in my head and taken out on the house by cleaning!) and I just can't calm down. I am on the verge of tears.


It's 8:15. Surely the day will get better from here.


I've definitely been there. Honestly, the only thing that ever helps me when I am like that is to get away by myself for a bit and spend time with God. He is able to kind of bring back some clarity back to my thoughts. Cleaning and getting it done used to help, but I found the house would get clean but I'd still be beside myself when I was done. ;)

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I had one of those days yesterday.


My car brakes are acting up (again!), my front door still needs to be repaired, a direct deposit to my checking account is 3 days late and then.......


I get an email from my daughters camp saying they have kids and counselors sick and it may be the Swine flu.


I went to sleep early. I just figured today has to be better.

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I've definitely been there. Honestly, the only thing that ever helps me when I am like that is to get away by myself for a bit and spend time with God. He is able to kind of bring back some clarity back to my thoughts. Cleaning and getting it done used to help, but I found the house would get clean but I'd still be beside myself when I was done. ;)
In my case I get all stressed out and can't do anything about it because I simply cannot get it clean.


I am sorry things are hard Pamela. What is your plan for when school starts? (assuming you are on summer break)

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Me, too...but it's getting better! I felt inspired since it's dd's 16th birthday. I thought it would be a nice idea to read a book instead of checking email, the news, the WTM boards... ;). I got up early and went to make the coffee. I took extra time to wash out the pot, basket, bean grinder. Got it all set up and went to my cozy rocker and grabbed my book. After a few minutes I smelled coffee, so I went back to the kitchen for a big mug au cafe. I had forgotten to place the sparkling clean coffee carafe on the burner...and the entire pot including grounds was all over the counter, the stove, under the crockpot, and down the cabinet and a nice puddle was on the floor. Ah, the smell o' the mornin' to get you smiling. :D It's cleaned up now, my mind is awake, my tummy is full, but I didn't manage to read a page of my book...maybe tomorrow. So go pick one spot to really clean today, even if it's just the coffee maker. Claim a small victory. You can look at it all through the day and feel some peace. :grouphug:


Your story made me smile. All day today when I'm ready to crack (I've got extra people living in my house and a backyard wedding in less than 20 days to help plan!) I'm going to think of your coffee pot and the smell of morning and your terrific attitude...hopefully I'll be smiling again.


I love the idea of cleaning one or two areas well and rejoicing in them. Thanks for posting. You've helped me today!


To the original poster. Hang in there, sweetie. I know where you are coming from and hear your distress. I'm finding that exercise in the mornings is an absolute must in order for me to cope with the stress of the extra (messy) people living under my roof. Before exercise was a pleasure and healthy habit, now it's like taking medication for a life threatening condition.....only other people might die if I don't take my walk. :D

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I am sorry things are hard Pamela. What is your plan for when school starts? (assuming you are on summer break)


Tyler started yesterday. I'm HOPING that by the time the littles start hubby will have a JOB. I mean, if I had enough work that he could keep busy too, that would be okay, I guess; but right now I just need him to GO to work.


The house is a little more picked up now. Maybe we can take a school break (what we're all supposed to be doing) to blast some music and get the last of it done. 15 minutes plus each person doing his own room would work, I think. And I'll focus on that closet I've been meaning to get done.

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Oh, I understand about the mess! My husband is now working home all the time and he creates a mess everywhere he goes. He also talks loudly on the phone all day long and decides to start preparing his breakfast/lunch/whatever, every time I step into the kitchen. He's been away all this week and I feel so in control of the house and my life again! Not to say I don't miss him, but it really makes me realize how scattered it makes me feel to have someone dumping junk all over the place every time I turn around. I've really lost interest in keeping up with the house because it seems like an impossible and thankless task with him home.



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Yeah, I think we've just lost our groove. We love him being home. There are great parts of it. But we have lost OUR way. I'm sure he probably feels that even more than we do. I guess I could be more understanding of that. I think as we're gaining more structure, we'll do better, even with him here :) At least I'll be too busy to notice some things, at least til after 2:30 each day. And he'll probably get a job so it'll be nice that he had some time to be more laid back.


oh, he's lost his mind though! LOL My daughter is currently SHAVING (like with a RAZOR) his head! Good thing we're going to the pool so he can get a tan! LOL

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I feel the same way when dh has weekdays off, or takes vacation at an odd time to work around the farm. He does, but everything "normal" is just completely derailed, and by the time he goes back to work, I'm ready.


You know, if you said the words in your last post to your dh, and said, "I've been feeling out of my element lately, and I could not put my finger on why, but I just realized this is what it is," how would he react? He's probably feeling displaced right now, and exactly like it's a weekend all the time, but for you, it's decidedly not. Maybe learning about your routines would help to frame his day a bit; there are ways he could be helpful, after all. It might make things easier for both of you while you're in job limbo.

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I worry about this now that my DH has lost his job, too. He always had tons of vacation time at his job, and each time he was off things sort of fell apart around here, and it would take me a couple of weeks to get the housework, kids, and myself back on schedule. Now I worry that the chaos will become a permanent state if I don't stay on top of things vigilantly. I hope things start looking up for you soon!

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Pamela, we had 5 months with DH home and not in work. It was lovely having him home but incredibly frustrating because all the wonderful things we could have done with that time were impossible due to lack of money.

You will get used to having him around, then you will all miss him like mad when he has work again. Things are still new for you, I hope he has work soon, if not I'm sure you will get into some patterns at home that work for everyone.

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