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Have you heard about the Airborne refund? Apparently the stuff doesn't work!

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Like any vitamin supplement, it may help to boost your immune system. So yes, it does "work."


Can it cure the common cold? Like any other vitamin supplement, no, of course not. Can it help to boost your immune system, perhaps giving you that edge you need to not catch the cold or to lessen its severity? It could happen.


I wouldn't say the stuff doesn't work. Where it looks like they're in trouble is that they've made claims that it will cure colds, and definitely prevent you from getting sick. Silly claim.


As with anything you take, you should read the ingredients and know how they work.

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Like any vitamin supplement, it may help to boost your immune system. So yes, it does "work."


Can it cure the common cold? Like any other vitamin supplement, no, of course not. Can it help to boost your immune system, perhaps giving you that edge you need to not catch the cold or to lessen its severity? It could happen.


I wouldn't say the stuff doesn't work. Where it looks like they're in trouble is that they've made claims that it will cure colds, and definitely prevent you from getting sick. Silly claim.


As with anything you take, you should read the ingredients and know how they work.


I stand corrected. Thank you.


Jane (who swears by Emergen-C!)

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A ended up in the hospital little over a week ago. I am almost positive it was b/c of taking this. It turns out that he was actually overdosing in vitamins and it was affecting his liver. His symptoms were extremely scary. Once he stopped taking the Airborne, w/in a day his symptoms started to disappear.


Vit A and niacin need to be limited b/c they can becom toxic in high doses. I have told him to never take it again!

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Hmmmm, I thought it was just supposed to help boost your immune system (like any vitamin/mineral/herbal supplement). My older son has been taking it this year, but he doesn't take it daily. We've had no problems with it and he has been relatively well over the course of the entire school year, thus far. We were a little worried with him going back into regular school this year that he might be sick all the time, but that has turned out not to be the case.



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Hmmmm, I thought it was just supposed to help boost your immune system (like any vitamin/mineral/herbal supplement).



I thought so, too. I guess I haven't paid much attention to their advertising. I wasn't aware they claimed to cure or prevent anything.

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I used to get colds and/or flu every single year at least 2-3 times before I started using Airborne/Walborne. I have never considered these supplements to be a cure the common cold, but rather as a boost for the immune system that helps fight off symptoms before they get worse.


Like I said in another thread,


When I feel something coming on, I start taking it 3-4 x's a day, and then I slow down to 1 x daily for a few days longer once I feel better. This has worked wonders for me, and I have fended off illness time and again for the past two years. In fact, I've only been sick once this year and it was a stomach flu that came on suddenly.



Honestly, I don't represent the company and I'm not getting paid to say this, I'm only speaking from my own experience. People twist words around all the time and legal battles ensue, but who cares. I only know it really does work for me.




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