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Starting WWE and FLL and in grade 2


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My son would be in grade 2 in ps. He's in a mix of levels here at home :) This will be our first year of using WWE and FLL. Would you start from the beginning to get a grasp of things, start in the middle of grade one or start at the beginning of grade two?


I was thinking of either the middle of WWE grade one as he still isn't answering the narrative quesions in complete sentences.

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I was thinking of either the middle of WWE grade one as he still isn't answering the narrative quesions in complete sentences.


Sounds good to me. Just pick where YOU think he should be comfortable and give it a try, if it's too hard, go back, if it's too easy move forward a little faster.

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I'd definitely start at the *beginning* with FLL. Grades 1 and 2 are in a single volume, and you can easily collapse several lessons together and move as quickly as he can comfortably go and "catch up" in little or no time.


With WWE, you'd likely be fine either way.

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This is a good one to start at the beginning. I may even do something similar to this with my 4th grader (We've gotten away from a Well Trained Mind approach over the last couple of years and I just ordered the level 1 and 2 workbook for her and her 1st grade brother).


You can just skip some of the weeks where you are doing the same thing several weeks in a row if he's doing well with it.


ETA: I was speaking of WWE. 4th grade dd will be doing Rod and Staff English. Little guy FLL--from the beginning.

Edited by darlasowders
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My dd will be in 2nd grade when we start in 3 weeks. We started WWE1 in about April and have been doing 2 "days" each day. At this rate, we'll be able to finish WWE2 and part of WWE3 this year (realizing that if she bogs down, we slow down).


I think it's been beneficial for her to get in the groove of WWE with easier passages before going on to longer passages or to dictation.


I agree with the others about FLL. I'd start at the beginning. There are only 200 lessons in the 1/2 book (total), so you could get close to finishing the book by the end of the year.

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Remember WWE is not graded, but instead Leveled. So it is not so much what grade the child is in, or supposed to be in, but more at what level of work they are doing in this type of subject. If the child has not had alot of experience in narration/dictation, then it would be wise to start with WWE1. I am at the end of WWE1 now, just did Lesson 32 this week, and it definately starts to ramp up a bit. Now, I am doing it with DS10, so it's still pretty easy for him, but I could see where DS6 might start to get a little bogged down by it (I won't start WWE1 until latter half of 1st grade, or maybe even 2nd).


The thing is, if you start with WWE1, and it's a little "easy" for her, great, so be it! Go through it a little bit faster, meanwhile she is thinking this is "easy" and won't complain.


I have found whenever my children have trouble spots, if I back them up to a level that is just a tad easier/younger for them, it creates the label in their mind that's it's "easy", and they don't dread a subject matter that may have been more difficult at grade level, and therefore caused them to "not like it".


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For WWE, if your dc is able to do narrations and copywork, (look at some WWE workbook samples on peace hill press's website) then I would say start in WWE 2. I have WWE workbook 2 for my 2nd grader this year and it says to remind them to use complete sentences when they narrate (they most likely don't do this automatically yet), so if that is your only reason for keeping him/her in level one, don't worry about it, you can go ahead with WWE 2.

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this is exactly what we're doing. my 2nd grader ds7 will be starting with FLL1 and WWE1. i'm also planning on continuing with handwriting (HWT 2nd grade) - anyone else doing handwriting work as well?


then we just have to find a spelling program... any suggestions?

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My son would be in grade 2 in ps. He's in a mix of levels here at home :) This will be our first year of using WWE and FLL. Would you start from the beginning to get a grasp of things, start in the middle of grade one or start at the beginning of grade two?


I was thinking of either the middle of WWE grade one as he still isn't answering the narrative quesions in complete sentences.


I do that on purpose. My ds will be 1st grade this year, but I won't start WWE and FLL till next. You will be fine. :)




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My son would be in grade 2 in ps. He's in a mix of levels here at home :) This will be our first year of using WWE and FLL. Would you start from the beginning to get a grasp of things, start in the middle of grade one or start at the beginning of grade two?


I was thinking of either the middle of WWE grade one as he still isn't answering the narrative quesions in complete sentences.


When I began homeschooling, I had this issue too. I called Peace Hill Press and was advised to start at the beginning. I did and it worked well for us. Most PS don't cover what FLL covers at this grade level. Keep in mind you could always skip a lesson here or there depending on how your son is doing.

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