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WTM Suggested Reading of Plato and Aristotle


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What Aristotle / Plato readings have you used for your young children (about 7 years old) during your study of Ancients?


Wow! I'd forgotten that Plato and Aristotle were suggested that early. I haven't found any appropriate resources yet, but searching book lists (besides WTM, you could try Veritas Press, Paula's Archives, etc.) and my local library would be my first line of research. And if you don't find something appropriate, you can always come back to them later.



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I skipped them, because I used SOTW and the AG did not list any resources. I do remember briefly looking them up in one of the encyclopedias, but basically I saved them until later. I think Dd read a Magic Treehouse that mentioned one of them on her own--but don't quote me on that.

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We also did not get any books on them w/SOTW 1. I personally read some of Plato's Republic to myself. I think one of the chapters mentions about the great Greek teachers, so we discussed them. Also, in a book we had about Alexander the Great it was mentioned that Aristotle was his teacher. Then we just talked about Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle without any specific books.

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I skipped them, because I used SOTW and the AG did not list any resources. I do remember briefly looking them up in one of the encyclopedias, but basically I saved them until later. I think Dd read a Magic Treehouse that mentioned one of them on her own--but don't quote me on that.


It was the Olympic book.

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Lol, this reminds me of when my DD was ~4, and reading on her own. DS#1 and her share a room, and so for a while she would lay down in our room while he took naps and read. We'd make sure there were plenty of her books in there. One day we came in, and she'd gone over to our bookshelf and picked up my copy of Aristotle's Metaphysics. :lol:


It was the Loeb edition, Greek on one page and English on the other. She was confused about the 'weird letters' and said that she didn't understand everything on the other side.:lol::lol:

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