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Can you do me a favor? (CC but anyone is welcome)

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Can you pray that I will find peace and clarity about whether we should put the dc in school?


I need to make a substantial amount of money in order to provide for our family. This would be very difficult to do and homeschool at the same time.


We have a couple of options, but I am not sure which one is the right one. I want what is best for my dc and best for their futures, as well as best for our family as a whole.


Pray that I won't be bitter about this - I am angry as well as sad.

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Definitely praying here. :grouphug: Feel free to share more as you are led. Bitterness is not easily overcome. This I know.


I typed up several posts this morning but deleted them because none sounded just right. The details are not pretty - we need more income for any standard of living. Dh's job is not paying what is expected and it isn't enough to pay rent, utilities, gas, etc. (the "4 walls" as Dave Ramsey would say.) I can't frugal my way out of it - the amount after rent is much less than most spend on groceries for smaller families and utilities, toiletries, clothing, gas, etc. would have to come out of it as well. We can't


I don't want to be bitter and angry if it comes to be. I tell my dc all the time that "life isn't fair" and now I have to say it to myself.;) I also want to avoid the "Should haves" and "If...nots" as well.


This is a group effort kind of thing, so please pray that all of us can do the things we need to in order for homeschooling to continue. If it can't continue, I need to realize and accept that some things are more important than homeschooling.:tongue_smilie:

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You sound like a great lady. If you end up putting your kids in school, so what? You probably did a great job all this time and your kids will be O.K. Buckle down and do what you got to do to live. Though whatever you had planned is going down the tubes, that doesn't mean your life is.


You are on my list, girlfriend. :grouphug:

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Nothing is forever. Even if you put them in school it's not irreversible.:grouphug:


Very true, but I am not sure that we would ever go from enough money back to no money. I am afraid if I go to work that I would never be able to quit because I made too much (and would be carrying health insurance.)


You sound like a great lady. If you end up putting your kids in school, so what? You probably did a great job all this time and your kids will be O.K. Buckle down and do what you got to do to live. Though whatever you had planned is going down the tubes, that doesn't mean your life is.



That is true, but I still want them home. I want to be the one to see my 8yo finally read, my baby walk, etc. But I have to do what I have to do. I am praying that the *right* decision be made, whatever that is.

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Your three older ones could be on an "independent schedule". I did this with my ds when he was 15 for the first time as I went back to part-time work. I don't know how it would work with an 8yo - could the older kids help him/her along?


We mapped out a schedule for the week, talked about it together and then I checked the work, either at the end of the day of the week. I know this would take a while with three kiddos but it may just preserve homeschooling and teach them independent study habits. Expect mishaps, ie: "I didn't know how far I should read in the book", "I thought you said only the uneven problems...", "I had to spend an hour repairing my broken pen..." ;)


But it worked all out in the end for us. With every year, he got better at it.

Do you have some family help for your preschoolers?


My ds was in PS until 5th grade - then homeschooled until HS graduation.

He is doing fine. Don't worry. There is lots of time left to take them home again when times get better.

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Liz - my 16yo goes to a public charter and is not homeschooled (after this weekend we will no longer even be in the same state - he is returning to NC.) My 11yo is dyslexic and my 8yo is severely learning disabled. The 11yo can do some things independently, but the 8yo can do NOTHING independently (he can't read for starters and there are a multitude of other issues.)


We will have to work out something. The 11yo offered to "babysit" while I work at home - he is willing to do about anything to avoid going to school. I hope this incentive will make his schoolwork easier to deal with!

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Renee, you mentioned that you make a decent amount of money when you work.


Have you looked into the possibility of having other homeschool Moms take one of yours for some remuneration? Sounds like you have the

11yo and the 8yo to think about. I remember you are moving to a new state, this does not make it any easier but things can fall into place.

Check with homeschool groups and see if some Moms would be interested - if this is legal in the state to which you will be moving.

I think Joanne on this board taught children other than her own in her homeschool.


I know it is heart-breaking to hand young children over to others, no matter how wonderful these people are.



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Renee, you mentioned that you make a decent amount of money when you work.


Have you looked into the possibility of having other homeschool Moms take one of yours for some remuneration? Sounds like you have the

11yo and the 8yo to think about. I remember you are moving to a new state, this does not make it any easier but things can fall into place.

Check with homeschool groups and see if some Moms would be interested - if this is legal in the state to which you will be moving.

I think Joanne on this board taught children other than her own in her homeschool.


I know it is heart-breaking to hand young children over to others, no matter how wonderful these people are.




That's an interesting idea - I'll have to see if that is possible in FL.

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You mention that your DH doesn't make enough at work to support your family. Is it possible that YOU would make enough to support your family and your DH could keep them home? It wouldn't give you the satisfaction of being the one to do those things with your kids, but it could save them from public school. Also, if you still needed more income, he could be home with them during the day and then work weekends or some nights....Just helping brainstorm, as well as praying for you.

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