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Suggestions regarding Saxon Math and my


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11 year old son is ONLY in Saxon 4/5. We fell behind when my darling daughter was born with a severe heart defect; she needed extreme care and had many heart surgeries, we spent a ton of time in the hospital. We did school as much as we could( I also have two younger ones) but fall behind.


So where should a bright 11 year old be in saxon math? Do I jump ahead or do I keep plugging away, we have been doing 5-6 math lessons a week to catch-up!


Thanks for your help,



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You could probably skip right to 6/5, since the first lessons are review. Although the placement test is really for non-Saxon users, I'd take it anyway and see what happens. If he misses just a few, you could go over those lessons in 5/4 and see how they are covered again in 65. Most likely, they will be covered again, just at a quicker pace.


Don't you usually do Saxon 5 days a week?

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A few questions. Where is he in 54? Can he take a placement test on line and determine which level he tests into?


There is quite alot of review in Saxon. If he can add and subtract (with renaming) and do multiplying by two numbers and simple division, I think he could go into 65. Saxon 54 does go further than this, but there is quite a bit of review at he beginning of 65 that I think he would be fine with it. Give the placement test to be sure.


You may have to go slower at the beginning of 65 to make certain he understands the concepts but I think it will help him not feel so far behind to move to the next book.


How is your baby girl doing now?



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We are in the middle of the book and yes saxon is set-up for five lessons but we also do a lesson on saturday as well. Yes, he knows how to do all the above mentioned and quite well, he is very smart in math.


My baby girl passed away in my arms after being in the hospital for over 100 days. She fought hard.......


Thanks !!!



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I don't have much advice. We are Saxon users here and are using Saxon 7/6 currently and plan on using 8/7 next year (my son is 11 and will be in 6th grade) instead of moving to Chalkdust pre-Algebra as originally planned. I would say do the placement test and go from there.


The real reason for my post was to offer you my heartfelt condolences on the loss of your baby girl. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I am sorry for he loss of your little girl.


In regards to your son's math I would continue on with Saxon 54. The end of the book has lessons on averaging, probability, fractions, etc which are very important.


To speed things up we take the tests for the next book before we actually start. I let him continue to test until he falls under 85%. We review the problems he missed on al the tests (unless it was a careless mistake) and go back and complete those specific lessons ONLY. Then we do all the lessons from that point on.

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:grouphug: I am sorry for he loss of your little girl.


To speed things up we take the tests for the next book before we actually start. I let him continue to test until he falls under 85%. We review the problems he missed on al the tests (unless it was a careless mistake) and go back and complete those specific lessons ONLY. Then we do all the lessons from that point on.

:iagree: That's how we did it as well. If he's doing well where he's at, I'd start this now. Give him the next test, and if he gets 85% or above move to the next one, work on the concepts he doesn't understand, then keep moving on.


Are you wanting to stick with Saxon for sure? If he's doing well, with it and advancing I'd say you should definitely stick with Saxon. If he's not grapsing the Saxon well, you might want to consider a different math program.


:grouphug:I, too, am very sorry for the loss of your little girl!:grouphug:

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6/5 since the begiining part of the book is a review. I do agree that towards the end of 5/4 there are concepts that I shouldn't miss......


He is sooo behind, I just feel as though I need to catch him up!!!!


Do you think then I should continue moving along 5/4 (using the tests as a guide as which concepts to teach) but also start in with 6/5?



Also thank you ALL for your heartfelt condolences, she sure was a cutie!!



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No need to start with 65 until you finish 54. Trust me, he should be able to test out of about 30 or more of the Lessons in 65 when he complete 54, leaving you only 90 lessons to complete. If you continue to work 6 days a week on math you will finish the book in about 17 weeks. (I included time for investigations and tests)


One option that might work for you now is to do just the lesson practice in a few and then complete every 3rd?mixed practice for review. You would be able to do multiple lessons in one day.

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I am so sorry about your loss. :grouphug:


I think the lesson and person of you daughter will make far more of an emphasis on his life than the level of math at a random arbitrary age. It will be okay. Well, the math part. I'm not sure the loss of a baby is every okay.

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