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Trouble with ebay purchase. (Mediate between dh and me, please?)

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Just kidding, of course.


Dh is not overjoyed with my deal-finding on ebay, even though it usually saves us LOTS of money.


I bought something we both wanted (a fancy coffee maker) as NEW. It arrived yesterday and WATER ran out of it.


Not a deal-breaker for me. Even though I was ticked.


I cleaned it out and tried it.


Water leaks out over the spout!


I checked the return policy (should have done this earlier, I know), and this *company* requires that the *buyer* pay return shipping. They'll replace it (why would I want another used one???) or I can pay a *25%* restocking fee!


Dh is putting a new one in his online cart with the real manufacturer. :tongue_smilie:


Can't I dispute this whole transaction with Paypal since the item was obviously used?


Or should I go to the trouble of packing this baby up and kissing my extra money good-bye?


(I'm really kidding about dh. He's just impatient to have his good coffee maker! And I don't blame him!)

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They gave you a defective item. All bets are off if they sent you what was not described. I would email them and tell them you are returning the item and would like a full refund and return mail expense. If they disagree, then open a dispute with Paypal. One thing I have learned from doing Ebay is that the seller can put whatever they want in the terms but if it violates a Paypal buyer protection plan then the buyer definately has recourse.

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How does this sound?


I received the coffee maker yesterday. When I opened it, water ran out of it. You described this item as new.

I washed it out and tried it, following the instructions. Water runs out over the spout and leaks around my cup.

At present, I am not satisfied with my purchase.


Is this assertive enough? Do I need to spell out my expectations? Or see what they'll offer?



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How does this sound?


I received the coffee maker yesterday. When I opened it, water ran out of it. You described this item as new.

I washed it out and tried it, following the instructions. Water runs out over the spout and leaks around my cup.

At present, I am not satisfied with my purchase.


Is this assertive enough? Do I need to spell out my expectations? Or see what they'll offer?





I'm a PowerSeller on eBay (non-active right now). I think that would be perfect (factual and non-emotional), but I would go ahead and kindly ask for a refund or replacement too. An honest seller will be willing to work with you, even if it means a loss on their part. I've taken my share of losses in the name of "customer service".


Here are my thoughts on the condition of the item:


(1) It could be that this item was damaged in transit (carriers are less than kind to packages and if it was bumped around one too many times it could have received internal damage).


(2) It could also be that the seller purchased the item "new" from the store, but didn't know that it was used by a previous customer and returned to the store (stores will just go ahead and resell their returns sometimes without even checking their condition).


(3) It could be that the seller knew that the item was used... but unless you are seeing poor ratings on the seller's profile, I wouldn't assume it.


(4) The item may be under manufacturer's warranty and can be replaced by the manufacturer without any cost to you... it is worth calling the number on the item's paperwork in the box so save both you and the seller un-due costs.


I hope that was a help... let me know if you have any questions regarding dispute filing... I've been through both sides of it :)





ETA: (5) It could be user-error?

Edited by babysparkler
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Sellers are always concerned about feedback. Demand a full refund plus shipping BOTH ways. If they refuse enter a dispute with PayPal and hammer them with negative feedback.


I disagree with the "tone" that this sends... I think you should handle it with more dignity and repect than "demands"... everyone makes mistakes, and you shouldn't jump to conclusions in any situation like this. Buyers and sellers can communicate without force or consequences thrown around. Just my 2cents. :)

Edited by babysparkler
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I disagree with the "tone" that this sends... I think you should handle it with more dignity and repect than "demands"... everyone makes mistakes, and you shouldn't jump to conclusions in any situation like this. Just my 2cents. :)


The tone can and should be gentle, but there should be an understanding that there can only be one satisfactory result.


I too have been on both sides of disputes and will lose money if, as a seller, I am in the wrong (or even could be in the wrong) but as a buyer I expect refunds when an item is not as described.


Many sellers today try avoid paying postage because that is where they make some money and it is so expensive.


Be polite, but be firm and accept nothing less than a full refund.

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If you file a dispute with PayPal, they (PP) will still require that you foot the bill for return shipping. You will be refunded for only what you paid and the initial shipping.


I would do my best to work it out with the seller regarding a refund first.


Whatever you do, don't "threaten" the seller with negative feedback or ebay will stick you with feedback extortion. That won't help your case at all.


Did you purchase insurance?

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No, it has nothing to do with your satisfaction. You need to state that it is obviously a used item, not as advertised and defective. You will be expecting a full refund and a UPS pick up of the item. Be polite but firm and clear about what you expect. (100% money back, they pay shipping)


Restocking fees and paying shipping are for people who changed their minds. You didn't change your mind, you got a defective product. I bet it was used because it had been retuned as defective before and they just shipped it to the next person. What a great scam:glare:



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How does this sound?


I received the coffee maker yesterday. When I opened it, water ran out of it. You described this item as new.

I washed it out and tried it, following the instructions. Water runs out over the spout and leaks around my cup.

At present, I am not satisfied with my purchase.


Is this assertive enough? Do I need to spell out my expectations? Or see what they'll offer?




I think this part is slightly unclear - at least to me. I had to read it a couple times to get what I think you were trying to say. When you opened it, there was already water in it clearly indicating that it had been previously used. Maybe clarify that it was evident someone had used it - therefore making this item used not new.


No, it has nothing to do with your satisfaction. You need to state that it is obviously a used item, not as advertised and defective. You will be expecting a full refund and a UPS pick up of the item. Be polite but firm and clear about what you expect. (100% money back, they pay shipping)


Restocking fees and paying shipping are for people who changed their minds. You didn't change your mind, you got a defective product. I bet it was used because it had been retuned as defective before and they just shipped it to the next person. What a great scam:glare:



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I would leave the feedback out of it. What you have is fine but you also need to clearly state to the company what you expect them to do to remedy the situation. If the seller doesn't want to refund or ignores you then just go right to a Paypal claim. Let Paypal handle it. Sellers are protective of their Paypal status and will usually be encouraged to work toward a resolution if they think their ability to continue using Paypal is in danger. After you get refund via Paypal, then leave neg feedback as long as you are convinced that the seller would not have resolved without Paypal running interferance.

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