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Are you a joker?

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I love practical jokes. Especially when I'm on the giving end. So here's a practical joke thread. Post yours!


The best one I ever pulled off involved horses, of course. Down the road from us is a family that bred lovely Quarter horses. He also had hay for sale, and one of my good friends used to visit their place weekly for a truckload of hay. Farmer told my friend one day that he had bought a mule, and when she asked to see it, he told her it had jumped the fence and was AWOL. For weeks he told her wild tales about this mule, who was never to be seen whenever she was picking up hay. Finally she realized there was no mule, never had been, never would be.


She and I got together and plotted revenge. First we borrowed a mule from another neighbor. Then we arranged for Farmer's barn door to be unlocked on a certain night. (Farmer's son and wife were on our team). Then we trailered the borrowed mule over there, rode it double bareback for about a half mile and snuck it into the barn. Next morning Farmer found a MULE in the barn with his high powered Quarter horses, waiting to be fed.


Well, fine and good, that was fun, but we did have to return the mule, and we didn't want to get caught doing it. So after the mule had been there a few days we drove the trailer back, walked the half mile and approached the barn from the rear. When we were almost to the door we heard a terrific blast, someone had discharged a shotgun! I hit the dirt, and my friend took off for the interior of the barn. Farmer crawled out from under a tractor, laughing maniacally, and put his foot on my back, again shooting the shotgun off into the air. Scared the you know what out of us.


So Farmer got his revenge, but it wasn't cheap. His wife told us that he had spent every night out there under the tractor since the mule showed up, just waiting to catch some mule thieves.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Luckily he gets his practical joker side fulfilled at work. :)


He has never pulled a joke on me. Hmmm, I wonder what that says about me.


Well anyway, there is a Ronald Reagan Mannequin in his office that tends to make appearances in the oddest places dressed in the oddest things. Dh will come home chuckling to tell me about Reagan's latest exploits. His office mates also leave weird messages on each others answering machines and one of them creates computerized printouts with their faces on other people's bodies with kooky captions.

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My dh and his co-workers (only two females, about 15 males) are always playing little jokes like that in their office. Dh never plays practical jokes on me, but he does like to smash his face against the kitchen window and scare me when I'm cooking.


At work recently, a partner said something about an associate borrowing some chairs from a co-workers office because she didn't have enough chairs in her office that day. Well, the comment offended her, so she put the chairs back. The next morning, dh and another guy snuck the chairs back into her office before she got to work. The day after that, the guy who helped dh found six chairs in his office when he got to work, and the next day, dh found every chair from every office on the floor in his office when he arrived. Stuff like that goes on every week at dh's office, but it usually involves someone photo-shopping pictures of co-workers and pinning them on other's office walls. *sigh* Boys.

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When I was a young teen, my best friend Amy and I bonded by elaborately “pranking†our friends at youth camp each summer. We would spend an entire Saturday the week before plotting and gathering materials. We would actually schedule what pranks to play on each day! We had a written code of pranking ethics, which banned the use of shaving cream or humiliation tactics and required restitution for any property destruction. Scaring, annoying, and inconveniencing were fair game.

Originally, we pranked a variety of people, but we soon settled on one target, a popular named Crystal. It’s not as mean as it sounds, because she relished the attention that it got her. The fact that she would “accidentally†leave her door unlocked every day was one indication that she enjoyed it.

My personal favorite prank was jalapeño toothpaste. A few days before camp, Amy and I squeezed a tube of toothpaste onto a plate. We mixed enough jalapeño juice into it to give a nice burning sensation when you brushed with it! The great part was that the mint masked the smell and it actually tasted like mint for about 2 seconds before the burn began. We sucked the toothpaste into straws, put them in Ziploc bags, and took them to camp with us. Then, we sneaked into Crystal’s room and squeezed the spicy toothpaste into her tube. That night, we locked our door, and were treated to Crystal’s screams at about 10:30 pm. She banged on our door while we laughed hysterically. When we finally let her in and we explained what it was, she laughed with us. However, she was less pleased with us a few minutes later, when the toothpaste she borrowed from her traitorous roommate was salt and vinegar flavored!

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I'm not a practical joker, but I can say the most outrageous things with a completely straight face and serious tone. The expressions I get from people are hilarious!


Oh, I just remembered! I did pull a practical joke on a friend once. She had no car, so I'd drive her to the grocery store and we'd shop together. One day, I took her shopping when I didn't really need to go (so, I had no cart with me). She was standing in the feminine products aisle, looking for what she needed and right next to her cart was the prophylactic and feminine relief display. I non-challantly (is that the right spelling?) dropped about 5 boxes of different prophylactics and two or three feminine relief remedies into her cart. She didn't notice at all until it was time to check out. She was like, "Wait a minute! Where did THIS come from? MICHELLE!!!!!" ROFL!!

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When I was in high school we spent my gr 11 (aka junior) year in San Francisco. My parents went away for a week and I'd invited a friend to spend the night (no parties--I was responsible by then). When we were walking home from the bus stop we were talking. I convinced my naive friend that we had no indoor plumbing but had to walk 3 blocks to go to the bathroom.


She was very sweet about it and took it in good stride as I was not a mean girl and wasn't poking fun at her at all, just having fun and she knew it.


I'm sure I've done others, but I tend to forget them. I can keep a straight face, though. In fact, some of my regular humour is so dry it's positively arid and few get it.

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Remudamom, that's the funniest practical joke I've ever heard.


The best practical joke I ever played was when I worked for TBS. I read in the paper that Ted was getting a divorce. So I called the accounts payable clerk in our department, whose desk was right outside my office, and pretended to be his wife. I told her not to pay anything because I was getting TBS in our divorce settlement. We had a long, elaborate conversation about it all.


It scared her to death. She went to the VP's office, right down the hall, to ask him what to do, but he wasn't in. When she got back, I called her again and told her that I would sue her for the money if she paid any of the invoice because it was MY money. Plus, since I would own the company, I would fire her.


This really sent the AP clerk into a tizzy. She went to the VP's office again; he was still in a meeting. By now, I was wise to this, so I called the VP's secretary and did the same with her.


Everyone in the accounting department was in an uproar. No one knew what to do. They sure weren't going to call Ted about this hot potato.


A frenzied hour passed, and the VP's secretary finally decided to call the VP out of the meeting to handle this emergency.


That's when I came clean. Why? Because the VP was in a meeting with Ted. I wasn't willing to take the risk that Ted would not appreciate my joke.



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at our school is hillarious and always doing something. There is one teacher who somehow will get access to the computer on your desk and send out a group email with some kind of message like "I still have this terrible foot rash, do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?"


He keeps us all laughing and there is always something going on there!

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I know some people who would do some crazy stuff.


One time they took the blades off the other one's riding mower.


Another one owned a construction business. One of them came out to find their car high up in the air held by some big piece of equipment.


Another one had a piece of concrete that came out of a pipe. The size, shape, and other characteristics made it look just like, umm , poo! They painted it brown and had a lot of fun with the various places they left it to be discovered -- like in the pool and so forth.

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Oh, gee, I indoctrinate folks and do stuff all the time; only had things go awry one time..... Let's see, last year at my neice's wedding, we happened to be staying in the same hotel where they were spending their honeymoon night. I paid for the room and got the desk clerk to let me in to "fix" up the room with some booby traps, etc., as well as a walkie-talkie under the bed (for which we had the mate in our room.....) Folks were coming in from all over to enjoy springing the trap on them.....


Ding-dong desk clerk receives a couple in wedding attire and ushers them into THAT honeymoon suite, without so much as asking their names. Neice and new hubby show up and ask for their room, then come gunning for me when the clerk pleads ignorance (why would they think *I* had done anything?) Meanwhile, befuddled clerk calls the now much bewildered *other* honeymoon couple who, of course, waive their right to *that* room (wonder why, LOL?) and take the last clean room available in the hotel for the evening.


Now clerk has to go and clean the room himself and I am compelled to remove all evidence of our intended mischief as its approaching 1 a.m. and the clerk has already driven my neice to tears by insisting there were no available rooms there for the night (the room had been reserved for months)...... But on the up side, they got not only that night free, but another in a deluxe suite for the next night, as well..... So I suppose all's well that ends well......



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