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Is "Wind in the Willows" appropriate for ds10?


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I never read the book but got it at the library on cd for ds10. I was gone yesterday when he was listening to it and he called me to say that the man was "cussing." Now I'm wondering if this is appropriate or if it was just a small part or even his misinterpretation. Thanks for your help!

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You should be able to google a conversation we had a little while ago about this (or it might show up in related threads, below). The original version of WiW includes the term "ass", which was in more common use at that time (especially in Britain). I believe the term for that particular animal was still in wider usage at that time, in general, and so it had not yet passed quite into the realm of being considered a "cuss", or "bad", word. It is not used in this book in the same way that people today call each other by various forms of that root word.....



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Guest Lorna

'Wind in the Willows' was one of C S Lewis's favourite books. He always read it when he was ill to cheer himself up. It is more than suitable, and our two loved it at ages 9 and 11. It was one of our more memorable read-alouds because we read it in the park in the summer.

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