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Lets Talk FIAR....


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So, i wont be using it yet cause i think we are set with 100 ez lessons, hooked on phonics k-1, signapore math, hoping for singapore science if i can save money....


so has anyone ever used FIAR JUST for the bible supplement? or is that crazy.?


Technically all i need is the guide right? then i can get the books out of the library??


Then i could use FIAR for history and other subjucts?....


i think im confused with FIAR...


just talk to me!

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All FIAR is a a library book read 5 times. My friend used the library exclusively for FIAR.


I have the guide for FIAR 1 if you want to buy it.


I didnt find it that helpful. I need concrete assignments. Reading a book 5 times annoyed me.


but yes FIAR could be your social studies.

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so maybe i can add this so my curc....i like the idea of havig the books, knowing they are good choices...

i wish we werent so broke. Ive been budgeting from our weekly food money to get what we need, and its a pain. Sometimes i wonder if we are making the right choice, its touogh financially to homeschool. at least for us :(

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All FIAR is a a library book read 5 times.


I couldn't disagree with this statement more!



Let me give you a sampling of one week of rowing a book with FIAR. Now keep in mind that my child is only 4 yo so I keep it light. There are more ideas in the book that I have not used.


A Pair of Red Clogs


**I choose one verse from the Bible supplement. We read it a few times a day. Latter I will beef it up to memorization. There is a lot more so that you can read scripture each day. Some are just one verse, others are more.

Jn 8:32 Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.

I chose this one cuz Mako was considering lying to her mother.


**Each day we put the story disk on Japan on the wall map. You would be surprised just how well they learn geography this way.


Day 1 (social studies)

~~We looked at and discussed pics about Japan from How People Live. (This is my addition and many do the same thing. It is not scheduled in the guide)

~~discussed clogs, post boxes, hair styles, architecture, low tables and cushions, chopsticks, Japanese writing all in the book

~~We also discussed lying and stewardship issues in the book.


Day 2 (language arts)

I usually don't do a lot of what is in the guide for LA because of my dd's age, but there are some neat things. We did personification in one book, and we will get to so much more.

~~vocab-lacquer, suspecting, perfectly


Day 3 (art)

~~cross hatching

~~mixing colors

~~yellow, red and blue made the sunset

~~theme in the colors used

~~expression on faces

~~gray droopy pics for a sad mood

~~sketch moving stick figures


Day 4 (math_

~~play store

~~observe the weather

~~play matching clog game (found at homeschool share)


Day 5 (cooking)

~~There was a recipe in the cook book for seasoned fish that looked good, but we did Yaksoba found in the archives at the FIAR website.

~~Ate on cushions with a lap desk between us

~~Used chop sticks


We absolutely loved this!


There are some books with more hands on, and some with more LA, and some with more art. It just all depends on the book. I do get a few ideas from homeschoolshare and the archives, but mostly from the guide. On the cooking day there is usually more science. We just had fun with steam while rowing Mike Mulligan. And with the Rag Coat we learned about uses of coal, lung disease, pretended to go coal mining. We will cover sea life and more while rowing The Very Last First Time.

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so maybe i can add this so my curc....i like the idea of havig the books, knowing they are good choices...

i wish we werent so broke. Ive been budgeting from our weekly food money to get what we need, and its a pain. Sometimes i wonder if we are making the right choice, its touogh financially to homeschool. at least for us :(


If I had not been collecting these over time, and had not been blessed with a gifting of several books I could not do FIAR as our library is not all that good. If you have a good library I would do this:

Buy the guide

Buy a good book that covers countries (if you can)

Use the library for the rest.


When reading a book that features an animal get a book from your library that covers that animal. You can do the same thing with foreign countries. FIAR can be done very cheaply if you have a good library. A lot of the projects can be done with things you already have or are very cheap. Don't forget to look in the archives at the FIAR forum. You have a great mix of ideas from many people. We will do a jelly fish in a baggie that can be done for pennies.


If you cannot afford the full color, laminated disk that FIAR sells you can print out the ones in the guide and let your child color them.


You don't need to buy the recipe book. There are many recipes in the archives.


Can you tell that we are loving this?!

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In order to use FIAR you have to like writing your own lesson plans bc there isnt enough guidance in the volumes as written IMO.


We tried it. I basically used it as a book list.



I didn't come up with this stuff on my own. I am not that creative or observant.

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Let me also add that I do know that not every curriculum will work for everyone.


But as far as the planning goes....I have health issues and I also have seasons of business due to gardening. There are times that I get down and cannot do any planning. But all the planning that I do do is so very simplistic that I do a few weeks worth in one sitting. I get the guide book, the recipe book, the Bible supplement. Read through the lessons and choose what I want to do. I plug it in on the schedule sheet so that I have the weeks lessons at a glance. Much like what you see in my post above. I don't have to come up with ideas and lesson plans cuz they are in the guide. All I am doing is scheduling what we want to do on one sheet. IF I want more I then check out the archives and homeschoolshare.

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I don't know the age of you dc. But, I started using FIAR vol 1 for the first time last spring w/ my then 5 yo. I picked it bec he loved to read and re-read the same books --always looking and finding new info, something new in the pictures, and he likes to memorize the books. I wanted something easy to use with him bec I had two older ones to work with. I wasn't sure about it but found a used Vol 1 manual for $15.00.


Have you looked at any of the samples? The main planning that I did was to read through the author's suggestions for the book we were doing, I printed off some lapbook components from http://www.homeschoolshare.com, and pulled a few books off my shelves that I had that went with the topics.


We did Madeline as our first book: we read the book ---talked about where the story took place --located Paris on a map ---looked at a geography book I had that had pictures of France and talked about things we could visit there and then looked for any of the pics in Madelina---colored a picture of the Eifel Tower ---drew our own Eifel Tower and built one out of Legos. He also copied the book title and the words Eifel Tower, Paris.


Day 2: we read the book again ---reviewed what we discussed the day before and then talked about an appendix and surgery/hospitals/doctors. We colored a pic of an appendix - located an appendix on a model in a book. We also talked about Rhymeing and read the book looking for the patterns ---we came up with some rhymes of our own.


You get the idea ---we only spent maybe 30-45 mins each day --but when I added in phonics/math it made for IMHO a full schedule for a 5 yo.


I plan to use some more of the titles this year with him. He still recalls information that he learned from the few titles we read last spring. I found it easy ---you could make it more involved depending upon the rec'd areas you decide to cover.

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So, i wont be using it yet cause i think we are set with 100 ez lessons, hooked on phonics k-1, signapore math, hoping for singapore science if i can save money....


so has anyone ever used FIAR JUST for the bible supplement? or is that crazy.?


Technically all i need is the guide right? then i can get the books out of the library??


Then i could use FIAR for history and other subjucts?....


i think im confused with FIAR...


just talk to me!


We'll be using Volumes 1 & 2 this upcoming year, as well as the FIAR Cookbook. I'm actually not familiar with the Bible supplement, as we use something else for Bible. As for using the library, that's fine. I've purchased almost all of the books I need, but that's just b/c I love books!:D You could opt to just purchase the manual. FIAR includes all subjects, but as a pp stated, math is limited. This is what I'll be using in addition to FIAR this year:


Phonics Pathways, Primary Language Lessons, Draw Write Now, Cheerful Cursive, Prima Latina, Saxon Math, and Trip Around the World books. The Trip Around the World books will be added to the FIAR stories as appropriate for extra culture and geography activities. HTH!:)


Also, I should say that we LOVE FIAR! We usually read the story each day. My children like the stories so much that they don't mind hearing them again and again; however, you could always tweak that if necessary.


ETA: I second http://www.homeschoolshare.com/ It's a great site.

Edited by freeindeed
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My daughter learned so much through FIAR this spring, and the entire family had so much fun doing it. (I did not do any bible stuff though.) However, I went overboard and burned out and stopped doing it, even though both my husband and daughter ask for it again. I'm going to start up again very soon, but try to find a happy medium, we don't have to do every single activity I find on homeschoolshare.com and all the other FIAR blogs/sites, hehe.

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do i have to go in order. dd just pulled took the book Madaline off our shelf and i read it to her the other day. that would be a good place to start when i gt the the manuel as long as i dont have to go in order. i didnt even know we had the book~

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anything beach related to those who know it??


Do you mean are there any books that are beach related? If so there are Night of the Moonjellies, Cranberry Thanksgiving, and The Very Last First Time that in some way relate to the water. Then there is The Story of Ping and Grandfathers Journey. The one that is the most beach like is Moonjellies and then Very Last would take second place.

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Night of the Moonjellies is beach related, but it can be hard to find through a library.


Here's a free Bible curriculum. I've never used it, but it gets recommended from time to time on the boards:




If you need a bit of extra cash for curricula, you could consider babysitting or a pt job during hours your dh can watch the kids. Hsing on a shoestring is possible, but it's very hard to find curricula that fits both you and your dc for free. Even $50 a month can make your hsing much, much more pleasant.

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i just reserached night of the moonjellies. looks PERFECT for the beach idea....we are gonna visit family for 2 weeks and id love to give it a trial run while we are there (if i have the book) and no library carrys it around here! and we leave in 2 weeks :(

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Here's a link to a homeschoolshare unit study for A House for Hermit Crab. Since it's an Eric Carle book, just about any library will have it. HSS is a great site for free FIAR style units and most of the books are easy to find at a library.




If this doesn't work, here's a slighty more advanced study for Time of Wonder by Robert McCloskey. This is another book almost every library will carry.





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FAIR is a terrific program. You can easily use it just for the Bible supplement and you can get the books from the Library. Beware: some of the books are out of print and your library may not carry them.


FAIR introduced me and my children to some absolutely wonderful childrens books. It provided lots of cuddle time while reading and lokoing at picture books.


I highly recommend FAIR.

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Do you mean are there any books that are beach related? If so there are Night of the Moonjellies, Cranberry Thanksgiving, and The Very Last First Time that in some way relate to the water. Then there is The Story of Ping and Grandfathers Journey. The one that is the most beach like is Moonjellies and then Very Last would take second place.


Also: Gramma's Walk and All Those Secrets of the World....

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FAIR is a terrific program. You can easily use it just for the Bible supplement and you can get the books from the Library. Beware: some of the books are out of print and your library may not carry them.


FAIR introduced me and my children to some absolutely wonderful childrens books. It provided lots of cuddle time while reading and lokoing at picture books.


I highly recommend FAIR.


I have a poor library, but I was able to get 3 OOP books through Interlibrary loan in just a few days. Make sure to ask the librarian if she can order them for you. You may be pleasantly surprised. And since there is no set schedule with FIAR it won't matter when you get them. Some programs don't work well with ILL, but this one does. :D

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Jenny's surprise summer (before FIAR) is a lovely beach story. some of our favourite early years of homeschooling memories were around FIAR. at first, i tried to make it too hard. pretty quickly, i figured out that i could do minimal planning and it would all be fine. and it was : ).

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I liked FIAR okay... but the art and LA are very advanced compared to the other topics.


The Bible supplement is great and I kept that.


We learn a lot from picture books and enjoy reading them over and over. but we did that without FIAR when we were checking out books from the library that went with our geography program.


I am looking into Story Stretchers for next time.

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okay my library is gonna have me going to the beach without a book for DD and i to work with fromFIAR. anyone ever go through this?? i cant imagine if id have to buy the books. there should be a book swaps for fiar somewhere

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