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Anyone do rain gutter bookshelves?

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We are going to install 30 feet of these today. I would love any advice, suggestions for people who have already done it. Here's a few initial questions:




  • Did you attach them to studs whenever you could?
  • If not, were they still ok?
  • How many brackets did you use per yard?
  • Any photos?


I know a few people here have them, hoping I get some responses! :)


For those that don't know what I'm talking about, there's a few links:








Edited by Satori
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I put some up after seeing the idea on here. I think Dawn/Nest of 3 posted pictures of her boy's room. I love the idea of my boys having a spot to put books and even other small momentos close to them. They have bunk beds so they don't have bedside tables. so I put them on the long side of the bed against the wall. It looks great. I used only two brackets one on each end. I think I should have put one more bracket in the middle but they work fine as long as it is not too over loaded. i didn't put them into studs because I had a specific spot I wanted them. They are mostly stable although my youngest on the bottom bunk has kicked his in his sleep and knocked it off the wall. I think a wall anchors should be good enough. Sorry I don't know how to add my picture. Good luck, my boys love theirs

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We have done it, and they have to be attached to studs otherwise the brackets will not be able to hold the books and the shelves will fall off the wall. Trust me from experience on that one :tongue_smilie:.


We did it just like the above picture with 3 brackets per shelf.


Our boys love them and love that they can see to pick out their favorite books. Have fun!

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They look great, but woudln't work for me because they take too much wall space and wouldn't begin to hold our books :D.


They wouldn't come close to holding all of our books either, but I can still find a use for them.


I plan on installing some just for those books that do not fit nicely on any shelf (tall books, pop-up books, over-sized skinny paperbacks, and even books that just have great cover illustrations).


They will go on the wall above my 5 yo's bed, as pretty much all of those type of books are his. You could make best use of these in places where it would be impossible to use a traditional bookshelf.

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Yeah, hehe, I think for any book lover, just a few of these shelves will definitely not hold all your books. We also have traditional bookshelves for those, but there's no fun in those.


But the benefits of the face-out bookshelves are so tremendous (get your child to read more), that I definitely want to get a few up to hold some of our most appealing cover books. I was just in bookstores yesterday and they definitely have too many books, but yet they realize the value of some strategically placed facing out shelves!


We'll be using a combination. I can see putting shorter gutter shelves under windows, above beds, way up high to hold stuffed animals...

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Those are neat! I just talked DH into putting some up for us when we move onto base. They won't begin to hold all of our books, but I like the idea of putting some out for them to chose from and having a place to store the one they're reading. We have tons of books and some of them don't get read because it's difficult for the kids to sort through them on the shelves. I'll periodically rotate the books for my younger 2. Plus, they can store their stuffies up there!

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Well, how clueless am I! I have never seen these before! I can think of many good uses, but specifically for us to create a small space where all our current books are kept, and then use bookshelves for the ones we're not using for now.


I also love the idea of putting some above my dd's bed to hold all those many, many webkinz!


Thanks for sharing and be sure to post pics when you're done!:D

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I finished today! I finally made the library I've been meaning to design, a colorful reading room for kids. :) No TV, homeschool lesson studying allowed, just reading!


Here's some photos, or head to my blog post to see the big photos and text:













Thanks everyone for the advice, I sure saved a lot of time and ended up either trying to find studs or using anchors.

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