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Donating a Car to a Nonprofit-BTDT?

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We are thinking of donating a pickup truck to a nonprofit group. Is there anyone who's done this that can answer some questions? There are so many different groups who accept car donations...how did you select which one? Does the car need to be in any certain condition? Ours is running, but does need some work. Do they pick it up for you? What kind of tax deduction do you receive? Any help would be appreciated.

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We did this. Ours was "kind of" running... it could start and it could run for various distances... then cut out. The company I chose advertised helping children with serious illnesses. I can't say that I researched and looked around... it was more of a "we've got to get this car out of here" moment.


They sent me a form to fill out that released me from the car. I was to have the car unlocked with the form in the glove box for them. I forget what the key arrangement was... They came to the house and loaded it up. They did not care if the car was entirely inoperable... because if a car is a broken down clunker, they can usually make enough to do more than break even for their time hauling it by recycling it, etc.


I saved the paperwork for it all... filed it... for tax deduction. Then completely forgot the next year during taxes...

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We've donated three or four cars. I guess it was a good thing, but later we were contacted by the police because *each car* had been abandoned somewhere and we were still listed as the owners. Happily, we had kept the bill of sale or donation receipt or whatever for each one and could prove we had sold them.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

We donated one to the Kidney Foundation. They picked it up and all the paperwork was handled professionally. Never had a problem.

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We have done this twice -- the last time was last month and we donated to Salvation Army. This one was running and they came it picked it up. They sold it at auction and sent us some paperwork that said the price they got for it so we could claim that amount on our taxex for a donation. They worked with us very well.


The other time was 7 years ago and that one was totaled (can you say the frame was bent so badly that the hood could not be pried open with a crowbar -- kid nosedived the thing into a ditch and called to say "Mom I slid the car off the road and can't get it out of the ditch" Anyway, they also picked this one up, but I don't remember the organization. I do remember it wasn't a problem and we wrote some amount off on our taxes, but I don't know the details.



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