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Art and Music Curriculum

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I am ready to phase in art and music for this next school year. For Dd 6 and Ds 7

I would like something that is straight forward and pick up and go. What curriuculums would you suggest?.....

The only thing I'm picky about is for the music......if a music CD is included I want "real" music.....not a song that was played on a *lone electric keyboard* LOL:D


Both children will attend a monthy hands on art class at a local art museum


Any recommendations to research would be appreciated!:)

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I sound like a broken record (LOL! No pun intended), but this is a GREAT classical music curriculum. Buy Volume 1 and have fun! OOPS! Didn't see your picky part. I still think it is a wonderful way to learn classical music themes, and it could certainly be a springboard for the "true" music. The music on Classical Magic is very well done, but it is only short excerpts of classical pieces. One track is without words the other with humorous words for remembering the title and composer. The text has short biographies as well as several musical terms (differences between operas, oratorios, cantatas as an example). Sorry I didn't read your original post more carefully!

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I am ready to phase in art and music for this next school year. For Dd 6 and Ds 7

I would like something that is straight forward and pick up and go. What curriuculums would you suggest?.....

The only thing I'm picky about is for the music......if a music CD is included I want "real" music.....not a song that was played on a *lone electric keyboard* LOL:D


Both children will attend a monthy hands on art class at a local art museum


Any recommendations to research would be appreciated!:)


Katherine... Have you looked at Barbs lesson guides? Im with Tina... I wish I would have found them sooner... Im not sure about the younger grades, but I bought 7th and 8th grade levels and I can choose 3 options..... I will be using them with Artistic pursuits. You dont have to use that thought... she gives two other routes to take.


Here blog is Barb Harmony Fine arts ( I bet you knew that though) *Ü* but here is her site on squidoo that can give you an idea of what its all about... Harmony fine arts- art and music appraciation

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You may like Meet the Great Composers, Vol. 1 & 2, published by Alfred. Each book explores 18-20 composers and each lesson includes a bio, a music appreciation section, and an activity page. The CD has a work from each composer performed on the piano ;). This has worked well for my kids, ages 9 and 6.

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If you want to start your kids in music, a good option is "Music for Little Mozarts", as long as the characters wouldn't offend your kids. I used this as a primer piano and music appreciation course for mine, and they really enjoyed it. I would purchase the Starter Deluxe kit.

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