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Free Chocolate Friday!

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Dude. 6 weeks? :001_huh: If we could wait 6 weeks for chocolate, we'd be eating apples. And we'd be skinny. :lol:






I actually did this about three weeks ago (I think). I signed up both my email addys. I got two coupons within, oh, I think two weeks. Dunno if that's normal, but there you go.


You know, um, for the kids. Yeah, that's it. The chocolate is for the kids. :D


(And it's good to see you around again, Aubrey. :001_smile:)

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Dude. 6 weeks? :001_huh: If we could wait 6 weeks for chocolate, we'd be eating apples. And we'd be skinny. :lol:


LOL :D I've actually gotten my coupons in about 2 weeks. I'm not sure I even dare eat chocolate. My dh is the calorie police these days, trying to get us both to lose weight. Pass the apples?

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