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Homeschooling Parents With Just High School or Less...

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I haven't got the slightest interest in attending any college/university.


Notice that I didn't say that I don't have an interest in learning... ;)


As for the comments about woman and higher education, working outside the home, and so forth -- I doubt the person is trolling based solely on that. I participate on another board where there are *many* people who feel the same way. I even tend toward that myself, somewhat... I would never tell anyone else what they ought to be doing though ~ and that includes our dd12. If she chooses to go off to university and become _whatevershewants_, I will love her and support her. If she chooses to become a homemaker, wife, and mother, I will love her and support her. If she chooses a blend of those (as many do), I will love her and support her. On the chance that I haven't repeated myself enough ~ I will love her and support her *whichever way she chooses to go. :)



*Okay, if she decides that her goal in life is to rob more banks than John Dillinger or beat random strangers on the street with a grumpy flamingo, we're gonna have some mother-daughter conflict. :sneaky2:


It was that this was the 3rd controversey in 18 posts. What is the other board? Is it's initials HK? Just curious if I know you.:D

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I have done some college but do not have a degree, I have a 1 year certificate in Early childhood development and a 1 yr diploma in medical office assisting. So really not really much of a post secondary education.


ETA: maybe I should have read the rest of the replies before responding, it looks like this thread has taken off in another direction.

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*Okay, if she decides that her goal in life is to rob more banks than John Dillinger or beat random strangers on the street with a grumpy flamingo, we're gonna have some mother-daughter conflict. :sneaky2:


I've always wondered, when other people say that (love and support etc). In my head I always add exceptions... (serial killer/rapist, drug dealer, prostitute, porn star, stripper, heartless investment capitalist that destroys lives, etc.)



Yep - that's why I stuck it in there. There are many choices that she could make that I simply could not support ~ bank robberies and flamingo beatings make the list, along with most of yours... all of yours might make the list, in fact, if I knew what a investment capitalist actually was. Finance was never my thing. :w00t:


Love - that wouldn't change. Support - yeah, it certainly could.

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Yep - that's why I stuck it in there. There are many choices that she could make that I simply could not support ~ bank robberies and flamingo beatings make the list, along with most of yours... all of yours might make the list, in fact, if I knew what a investment capitalist actually was. Finance was never my thing. :w00t:


Love - that wouldn't change. Support - yeah, it certainly could.



(I don't know what it is either, but I've always heard it referred to in a very negative light :lol:)

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Now, I'm very curious and not at all trying to be inflamatory. Is this regardless of whether they have children? Hypothetically, what about a couple who waits until later in life to have children? Do you feel the wife should stay home to care for the husband?



Well, herein lies another of our beliefs - we don't believe in birth control of any sort. We are what's called quiverfull Christians. So, we believe that when a couple gets married they will start having children as soon as God blesses them....and we believe that a family should have as many blessings as God bestows on them - whether that means 1 child or 15 or more.

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So, if you are not a troll, are you a classical educator (not a requirement, just curious?) What brought you here?


Thanks for clearing that up about the "troll"...I've honestly never heard that expression before - I was imagining the ugly little dolls with wild hair that were popular with some a few years back ;)


I am certainly not a "troll" as you call it. I have no desire to stir up strife or cause discord/division. I suppose that my beliefs in themselves do that, though. I honestly don't feel that I've been ugly or mean in my posts (although in the religion situation, I see how my lack of attention caused me to say things that were perceived as hurtful). Here, I don't think I caused a controversy - if someone gets angry because of my beliefs, didn't THEY cause the issue? Just asking :) We believe what we believe - and there are many that believe differently, and that's ok. Just as I've not said to them, "You are wrong", I don't feel that I am causing a problem just for stating them. If I had went so far as to say that another's beliefs were wrong, then that would not be ok...I can think it, but not say it, right? :)


And for your last question, I am a classical educator. I have been home educating my children for 7 years. It's one of our greatest blessings :)


I actually heard about this board through the Sonlight forums and that's how it came about that I'm here. I've thoroughly enjoyed the lively discussions, although I am learning to not be as "free" with my words as I am in my email forums :)


It's all just a learning curve.

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I have no desire to stir up strife or cause discord/division. I suppose that my beliefs in themselves do that, though.


It's all just a learning curve.


I don't think your beliefs in themselves stir up strife - it's the way they are stated sometimes. It sure IS a learning curve to figure out how to state your beliefs diplomatically - that's one thing I've learned from these boards. It all falls under "classical education" and learning methods for expressing our opinions thoughtfully, with regard to a wide variety of human beings. So far, I've learned to use phrases like: "I believe" "I feel" "I think" before I write my opinion. No one can argue with a statement like that, but they can take issue with statements that seem like you assume everyone should agree with your opinion. I'm a Christian, but I'll tell ya, since starting classical education methods with my kids and reading these diverse boards a few years ago, I've had to REALLY learn how to think through and express my opinions before stating them. The process has actually been good for solidifying my belief in God.


About the OP: I only have a high school diploma, too. :) And I'm alternately having a blast learning and being indignant about all I didn't learn! :D

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Well, herein lies another of our beliefs - we don't believe in birth control of any sort. We are what's called quiverfull Christians. So, we believe that when a couple gets married they will start having children as soon as God blesses them....and we believe that a family should have as many blessings as God bestows on them - whether that means 1 child or 15 or more.



Fair enough. If you don't mind, I have a follow-up question. :D


What if your dd doesn't have plans or prospects to get married by the time she's ready for college? If a woman is single with no prospects, what do you propose she do? Will she live at home with you until she does get married? Will she live on her own? Will she go to college or work during that time?


Again, just curious. Thanks for indulging me!

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Fair enough. If you don't mind, I have a follow-up question. :D


What if your dd doesn't have plans or prospects to get married by the time she's ready for college? If a woman is single with no prospects, what do you propose she do? Will she live at home with you until she does get married? Will she live on her own? Will she go to college or work during that time?


Again, just curious. Thanks for indulging me!


I don't mind indulging you at all! This is one of my favorite topics. Honestly, we would allow our daughter to make that choice. If we are going hypothetically on what we would LIKE to happen, here goes:


The daughter would live at home (unless doing some sort of mission work or working as a nanny, etc). I don't have a problem with a young lady having a part-time job or even a full-time job that is suitable for a lady before marriage. We certainly won't keep our daughters locked away like fairy princesses (although, they are princesses to us ;)), but will allow them to live their life as would be honoring to them until God bring that person into their lives that will be their mate.


Fwiw, we also don't believe in dating :) I'm sure that will spark a whole other discussion! lol


And I appreciate what the other lady said about watching our words. I'm learning! Just in my defense, though, everything I've said so far on this forum has been in the context of "I believe" or "We believe". I can believe it's right for everyone, but I can't always say that to them directly.


I appreciate this forum and what it has to offer. I hope that I can become a valuable part of that...and I promise to work on my wording :D

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Fwiw, we also don't believe in dating :) I'm sure that will spark a whole other discussion! lol


It has been discussed here, many times over the years. Along with just about every other issue you can think of. :D


Just in my defense, though, everything I've said so far on this forum has been in the context of "I believe" or "We believe". I can believe it's right for everyone, but I can't always say that to them directly.


"I guess it's unfortunate then that church attendance or choir participation won't get you to heaven. There is only one way - through Jesus the Son....and believe in Him means believing the Word, all of it." I found this quote of yours from another thread, ONLY to illustrate what I meant previously. If you reword these thoughts a little, they would come across way less offensively. So I agree with what you said about believing something is right for everyone, but that you can't always say that directly to someone. One can get plenty of logic and rhetoric writing practice by participating in threads here, LOL!


You are catching on. Welcome to the boards!

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I don't believe that Mom24wonders is trolling. She may be offensive in her manner (see the ladylike thread...you may adhere to things that are ladylike, but actions may not be ladylike :glare: ). Truthfully, I had a problem with this at one time when I was first getting accustomed to internet interaction...and I was of similar mindset as Mom24wonders (mom stays home, no birth control), but thankfully had friends that helped me through it and started reading my messaged before I would post them, to help me word things in a way that weren't so brusk and easily offending). But God doesn't require women to check their brains at the door...though the views are idealic, they are realistic only to a very small portion of people in the world. Jane Austen wrote books, not life that everyone had equal opportunity to enjoy.



(Mama of 7 and going back for my degree this autumn with my husband's blessing and encouragement ;) )

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I appreciate this forum and what it has to offer. I hope that I can become a valuable part of that...and I promise to work on my wording :D


You're doing great! This is such a diverse forum (that's the great thing about it) that you always have to keep in mind that any assumptions could get you in hot water. :) But I don't think that's a bad thing. Learning to communicate across divides is a real gift that will help not just on the internet but in real life.


I find I've also learned, through forums, how to appreciate, respect and even understand people with views very different from my own without losing the sense that my beliefs and practices are the right choice for me. Not a lot of people have that these days where every public discussion seems so polarized and mean-spirited.

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Fwiw, we also don't believe in dating :) I'm sure that will spark a whole other discussion! lol





Thanks, Mom24! Yeah, well now I'm curious about this!


If there's no dating, how do couples get to know each other and if they're a match for one another?

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Thanks, Mom24! Yeah, well now I'm curious about this!


If there's no dating, how do couples get to know each other and if they're a match for one another?


First of all, we believe that God has ordained a person's mate long before their birth. We start to pray daily for our children's mates the moment we conceive. Our children have grown up knowing that there is ONE special person that God has chosen for them. They also start to pray for their own mate sometime around the dawn of puberty (whenever it starts to become a discussion they want to have - normally around age 10).


Now, as for how they would meet their future mate - it could be through our homeschool group, church, mission project, any number of things!


My husband's cousin (Hannah) just recently got married and her story goes something like this:


She and her brother had an opportunity to travel to the Creation Museum with a family in their church. The family they were traveling with was going to meet with another family that they were friends with at the museum. The family that came to visit had a son named Tony and he and Hannah became friends on the trip, he also became friends with her brother. All three of them emailed and talked over the next month or so and Tony and Hannah both felt that God was leading them to something. Tony also became friends with Hannah and Zak's father. Tony asked Hannah's father for permission to court her and it was given. They began to email and call in earnest at this point. Tony came to visit her here (they lived thousands of miles apart!) and then Hannah went to visit his family with the accompainement of her mom. Then Tony asked for permission to ask for her hand in marriage - again, it was given and she accepted. They were married in January 2008 and had their first baby this past January.


That's how courtship is done! My sister and her husband also participated in courtship. I did not do things this way - honestly, when I got married I'd never heard of the process, although our "dating" was done a lot like the same. My husband and I both regret that we dated and don't want that for our children.


If you've ever watched the Duggars (I *think* the show is 18 Kids and Counting - we don't have television), their oldest son and his wife practiced courtship.


I guess it boils down to, we believe that God already has your mate and that he will lead them to you and you to them - you don't have to go out looking and giving away parts of your heart to random people to find the one.


I hope that goes to explain it a little.


And I feel I must apologize once again! I said earlier that all of my posts had the words I believe in them and another posted pointed out to me that I misspoke. She is right, of course. :) In that and one other instance I let my human side get the best of me and I am sorry it happened. This is a great place to practice self-control!

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I have done some college but do not have a degree, I have a 1 year certificate in Early childhood development and a 1 yr diploma in medical office assisting. So really not really much of a post secondary education.


ETA: maybe I should have read the rest of the replies before responding, it looks like this thread has taken off in another direction.



Maybe we can get it back on track... the topic is a valuable one to discuss and I'm glad to see other HS parents without college degrees.

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First of all, we believe that God has ordained a person's mate long before their birth. We start to pray daily for our children's mates the moment we conceive. Our children have grown up knowing that there is ONE special person that God has chosen for them. They also start to pray for their own mate sometime around the dawn of puberty (whenever it starts to become a discussion they want to have - normally around age 10).


Now, as for how they would meet their future mate - it could be through our homeschool group, church, mission project, any number of things!


My husband's cousin (Hannah) just recently got married and her story goes something like this:


She and her brother had an opportunity to travel to the Creation Museum with a family in their church. The family they were traveling with was going to meet with another family that they were friends with at the museum. The family that came to visit had a son named Tony and he and Hannah became friends on the trip, he also became friends with her brother. All three of them emailed and talked over the next month or so and Tony and Hannah both felt that God was leading them to something. Tony also became friends with Hannah and Zak's father. Tony asked Hannah's father for permission to court her and it was given. They began to email and call in earnest at this point. Tony came to visit her here (they lived thousands of miles apart!) and then Hannah went to visit his family with the accompainement of her mom. Then Tony asked for permission to ask for her hand in marriage - again, it was given and she accepted. They were married in January 2008 and had their first baby this past January.


That's how courtship is done! My sister and her husband also participated in courtship. I did not do things this way - honestly, when I got married I'd never heard of the process, although our "dating" was done a lot like the same. My husband and I both regret that we dated and don't want that for our children.


If you've ever watched the Duggars (I *think* the show is 18 Kids and Counting - we don't have television), their oldest son and his wife practiced courtship.


I guess it boils down to, we believe that God already has your mate and that he will lead them to you and you to them - you don't have to go out looking and giving away parts of your heart to random people to find the one.


I hope that goes to explain it a little.


And I feel I must apologize once again! I said earlier that all of my posts had the words I believe in them and another posted pointed out to me that I misspoke. She is right, of course. :) In that and one other instance I let my human side get the best of me and I am sorry it happened. This is a great place to practice self-control!



Thank you very much for indulging me! To be quite honest, I hadn't really thought about these type of "old fashioned" values being in practice in today's society. After a tumultuous adolescence myself, I find I'm drawn to the safety, security, and virtue of that practice. In hindsight, of course, it would have been lovely to have been spared from the anguish of dating!

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