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Tell me about SOTW Vol 2 VS. H.A. Guerber's Histories


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... specifically The Story of the Middle Ages and The Story of the Renaissance and Reformation.


This would be for a late 4th and 5th grader and a late 2nd and 3rd grader.


I am considering Guerber because I want to include more church history than is included in SOTW vol 2.


My other option is to use SOTW along side Monks and Mystics and Courage and Conviction.




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I think I am going with the Guerber books this coming year too. I had started the SOTW 2 the year before last, but didn't finish it. Then last year my older girls went to public school for 3rd and 5th grades. We are back to hsing this fall as planned.


I have had such a hard time with this too. I really like the Guerber books. I was a little worried my 4th grade dd wouldn't understand the language as well as my 6th grade dd would. From what I have read on here and other sites, she should get used to it. I also wanted to use Foster's The World of George Washington and His Sons, when we get to that time period. It has great pictures that would work wonderfully for a timeline.


We are doing the same time time period as you are. But I wanted to start around 1000ad in the fall and get to 1400 or so around Christmas break. Then we could spend the rest of the year, plus the whole next year, doing US/world history (a little more US than world.) I love the American History Stories series by Mara Pratt (free on www.mainlesson.com)

Sorry to ramble on,


Hope I helped some?

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I have had such a hard time with this too. I really like the Guerber books. I was a little worried my 4th grade dd wouldn't understand the language as well as my 6th grade dd would.


This is my concern as well. I will actually be doing this time period next year- but I'm planning ahead (it's what I do!) :tongue_smilie:I REALLY like the Guerber books. I like the idea of not having to "add in" church history like I'm doing this year with Biblical history for the Ancients. But I don't know if the language will be too difficult for the younger one or if it's just too much information. I'm really leaning toward them, though. I WISH I could just hold all the books I want in my hands before I have to make decisions! It would be so much easier!

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Then we could spend the rest of the year, plus the whole next year, doing US/world history (a little more US than world.) I love the American History Stories series by Mara Pratt (free on www.mainlesson.com)


I like Mara Pratt's books too. Surprised to see they're not more popular.

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I used all three of the books with my advanced 4th grader this year. I used the Guerber histories as my spine and added in SOTW for the subjects that Guerber doesn't cover (mostly Asia). I also used Monks & Mystics and Courage & Conviction. There is some overlap with Guerber on these, but C&C is decidedly Christian, while Guerber tries to stay more historical.


I used SOTW2 solely our first time through history. The chapters are much shorter and the language much easier than Guerber. My dd is sensitive and there were a few places where I needed to ad lib and skip over too much violence.


Let me know if you have any other questions.

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I like the Miller's adaptations of the books, too, but I'm saving them for logic stage. I added in a little of MOH (just a little) in second grade for the church history. I think I 'm going to add the G books to MOH for logic.

I do like the idea of adding the CandC and TandT books in to SOTW 2, esp with your slightly older one, for this go 'round.

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I WISH I could just hold all the books I want in my hands before I have to make decisions! It would be so much easier!


Wouldn't that be great?



I like Mara Pratt's books too. Surprised to see they're not more popular.


More items added to my wish list.

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