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Has anyone seen this article? What are your thoughts?

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I am a conservative Christian. I find World Net Daily's 'reporting' of the news to be a clean version of tabloid press. JMHO


Here is the same story from HSLDA: UN Treaty Jeopardizes HSing


Also, there is a thread on the board right now about the UN Rights of a Child: Call Your Senators, etc.


Hopefully that clears some things up for you. :)

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I am a conservative Christian. I find World Net Daily's 'reporting' of the news to be a clean version of tabloid press. JMHO


Here is the same story from HSLDA: UN Treaty Jeopardizes HSing


Also, there is a thread on the board right now about the UN Rights of a Child: Call Your Senators, etc.


Hopefully that clears some things up for you. :)


Thank you! Yes, I was getting that same idea while browsing through other articles on that site. I wasn't sure though.

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I agree with the others' opinions on WND. With that said, I do think we need to be vigilant and aware of what's going on in other countries. Our govt. seems to be highly influenced by the opinions of other countries and what happens elsewhere could make it here.

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