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How do you organize recommendations from this board?

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My desk is littered with at least 25 sticky notes of resources recommended on here. I can't keep up...pant, pant.:tongue_smilie:How do you all keep track of everything recommended on here that you want to follow up on? I put things that pertain to this year with my planning folder. But then there are lists for books for the Middle Ages, Lori D.'s language arts plan, and info on Circa notebooks. Help! I'm drowning in paper scraps.

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the idea of putting a 5 subject notebook by the computer (since I am always writing on whatever paper is in front of me).....and using the different subject dividers for things like 'curriculum recommendations', 'recipes', 'misc. books', etc.


Granted....I have never actually followed through with this....LOL. It is so hard to change my organizational challenges....that I have given up, LOL!


Anyway....it might work for you!



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I use my amazon wish list too, it's set at about 34 pages last time I looked, so I hope I don't really want everything! :svengo:


I tend to list things on a Word document as well, and use headings like "Grammar Stage History" and whatnot. Once in a while I'll go through and tidy it up, but for now I kind of like the mess.




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Thank you everyone for the great suggestions. I am going to spend this afternoon implementing a few of them. Oh, my dh says he thanks you all too. Do you think he's tired of looking at the mound of sticky notes and loose print-outs on my desk, which just happens to be in our great room?:D

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I open a Word document, usually by subject or topic. All begin with "WTM" (i.e., WTM math, WTM great books, you get the idea). That way it's easy to cut and paste -- and that's about all the technology I can handle! :001_rolleyes:


If I need a printout for any reason, that's easy, too. And no more scraps of paper littering my desk.

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I use my browser bookmarks to track posts/threads that are packed with information I'll want to refer to again. Clicking the number for the post will open a particular post in a new window where you can bookmark just that post.


I also have a notes folder in Outlook for homeschooling related information and will copy/paste tidbits into there as I run across them. I tend to use this a lot for things like book lists.


After reading this thread, I'm thinking of starting to organize in a Word document. If I create a table of contents and use headers for each section, it will be really easy to jump around within the file to find things!

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I try and follow things up straight away so i can either bookmark them or dismiss them.

For useful lists or inspirational thoughts, or ideas for the future, i print or write them out and keep them in my planning folder. Every now and then i go through the planning folder and sort through them. Just keeping them in one place helps to keep them organised, though.

I also have my computer set up so that every link opens in a new tab. So I can click on something in a post and still continue reading the post, and go and read the link later when I have time.

I have become much more disciminating as time has passed. I can tell pretty quickly now whether something might be useful to me. But in those early days, whew, I had lots of pieces of paper flying around too.

Something happened last Christmas that seemed a tragedy at the time, but now I feel was a blessing. My computer crashed, and I lost all my bookmarks, as well as years' worth of ebooks and Word documents and other downloads. Thing is, 95% of them, I probably would never use, but I wasnt able to get rid of them. It was traumatic for a bit, but in the following months, I have barely missed any of it! And my computer is much cleaner and lighter for it :)

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