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Prayers Please

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Having a rough go. Tazzie HAS to have dental surgery. Its been scheduled for Wed, which is 2 wks sooner than we expected. We have to pay $500 on Wed. We have $300. It HAS to happen Wed, because I currently have insurance coverage through my work. I fully expect to be fired any time now, since I've been off on Workers Comp over a year, and all my Drs say I'll never work again. I've already paid $400 towards our share, the dentist won't allow us to make payments AFTER the surgery, and without insurance its $2,400.


My only hope at this point is that I *do* have reciepts submitted that total $240. I'm calling tomorrow to see if they've issued the cheque yet and if not, if they could and we can arrange to pick it up.


Otherwise, I simply don't know what in the world we're going to do.


If you would pray for us, please. I know that nothing is impossible for God, and that He will get us through somehow...I'm just so scared right now, because of the insurance running out.

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Having a rough go. Tazzie HAS to have dental surgery. Its been scheduled for Wed, which is 2 wks sooner than we expected. We have to pay $500 on Wed. We have $300. It HAS to happen Wed, because I currently have insurance coverage through my work. I fully expect to be fired any time now, since I've been off on Workers Comp over a year, and all my Drs say I'll never work again. I've already paid $400 towards our share, the dentist won't allow us to make payments AFTER the surgery, and without insurance its $2,400.


My only hope at this point is that I *do* have reciepts submitted that total $240. I'm calling tomorrow to see if they've issued the cheque yet and if not, if they could and we can arrange to pick it up.


Otherwise, I simply don't know what in the world we're going to do.


If you would pray for us, please. I know that nothing is impossible for God, and that He will get us through somehow...I'm just so scared right now, because of the insurance running out.




:grouphug: :grouphug: God is good! I am praying that He will provide for all of little Tazzie's needs. :grouphug:

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Funny, isn't it? As much as I have faith that God is good...I'm still scared. How the heck does that work? :confused:




You're human. But He understands. :001_smile:


My prayers are with your family right now. Keep us posted on how the little one is doing! :grouphug:

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The money from the reimbursements won't be in til Friday. The cheques were sent downtown for signing, and won't be back for mailing til Friday.


Now what the heck do I do?


I'm in tears. There's got to be a way to manage this. Got to be. The dentist REFUSES to make a payment plan. I may have no choice but to show up for the surgery with $300 in hand and a cheque dated for Friday for the other $200 and pray like heck its accepted and they don't tell us to go home.


This appt wasn't supposed to happen til next wk. I had the budget worked OUT for that. No worries. That was the date quoted to me. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that she worked him in, the other potential was a date in July that would have had us risking no insurance at all. But darn it, if she'd stuck with the date quoted, instead of having to bump and switch, I'd have the money for it.


If I hadn't paid bills, but had held off til Friday, I'd have the money for it. :crying:


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if she'd stuck with the date quoted, instead of having to bump and switch, I'd have the money for it.





Hopefully you can say that to the doctor and she will be reasonable. I will keep praying for this situation and for God to work on the doctor's heart. :grouphug: It's going to be okay. Just trust and see. :grouphug:

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