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Can geology be considered a "lab" class???

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Only if it contains a lab component.


Physical geology has labs -- Identifying rocks, minerals, strata. Analyzing aerial photographs. Etc. Such were the labs when I took physical geology in college.


If your dd did well with Biology, perhaps she would like to take a Physiology course. (although such usually is only for one semester) I did that in [public] high school. There is "second year high school biology", too -- however, normally one has taken, or is taking concurrently, high school chemistry for that course.

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My teen took three quarters of Geology at the local community college. Two were part of a three term sequence in Introductory Geology; the third term was a "Rocks and Minerals" class. All three classes had a lab component.




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NOT trying to disuade you from geology but I have no experience with it. I can offer that there are now available several great virtual labs for chemistry and physics (see the Kinetic books for one) that will reinforce the lab report knowledge and scientific method in a more palatable manner!

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My dd has done well in Biology - but I fear either Chemistry or Physics may be a struggle. For the second required "lab" science most colleges wish to see, would Geology or any other subject count????


You could also look at Conceptual Physics. It has a lab manual, but not the calculus level math that regular physics uses.

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Sure, if you make it a lab class by adding in lots of lab components. I'm looking up online info right now for a middle school class I'm going to do next school year and I've seen high school level curriculum available, too. I'm sure that this includes lab work. USGS has lots of teaching info online. There's a curriculum called Ring of Fire that's supposed to be for high schoolers and it does have a lab component with it, I believe....

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