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Prayer request for my neighbor

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For those of you who are inclined to pray, PLEASE lift up my neighbor Bob. He had a massive stroke Friday and is in the hospital. His doctor's say that he has a 10-15% chance of survival. :( He is mostly paralyzed, he can open and close his eyes but he cannot speak. He is a single parent to a 15 year old boy (Michael) who will not leave his father's side at the hospital. Mikey's mom died when he was 7 years old. He obviously is worried for his father, but also for himself because they have no other family here and he is worried about what will happen to him. My heart is just broken for them. Bob has been hit very hard by this financial crises our country is in. He was laid off from his job several months ago and has been struggling to keep his house out of foreclosure, no doubt his anxieties helped bring on this stroke. :( I am praying that God will grant him a full recovery. Please pray with me for him and Mikey. Thank you so much. :grouphug:

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Praying here, too! :grouphug:


That poor boy must be so frightened! I hope Bob makes a complete recovery, and that Michael is able to stay with his dad.


This is so tragic. :(





Oh it is. I've known Mikey since he was 8 years old when I moved in here. He's a good kid. My heart is just breaking for him. He's the one who found his mother dead. She was really tired one day and laid down to take a nap and never woke up. She had liver failure in her sleep and died. Poor Mikey also was the one to find his father on the sofa too and called 911. I cannot even imagine the horrors that this kid is going through. I'm pretty close with him and his father and in all the years I've known him he has never talked about his mother to me ever. I cannot even imagine how traumatized he was. Bob actually gave my son the suit that Mikey wore to his mother's funeral when he outgrew it. :( I'm just praying so hard for a miracle.

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**Sad Update**


Bob's sister is down here from Pittsburg with her husband and they are contemplating what decision to make as far as taking Bob off of life support. There is an inoperable blood clot at the base of his brain stem and the doctor's are saying he will not be able to regain any functioning. My heart is just breaking for poor Mikey. He is a stranger to his aunt and I don't know what she will decide to do with him. Bob has a girlfriend here who might possibly take Mikey or he may have to go to Pittsburg with his aunt if she takes him or maybe nobody will take him and he will wind up in the foster care system. It is all up in the air at this point. Please pray for him that he go with the right person and for his peace and comfort during this excruciatingly difficult time.


Thank you all so much for your prayers. :grouphug:

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I'm so sorry to hear the tragic news. I'll pray for Mikey. He must be absolutely devastated.





Mikey just came home from the hospital today. I'm going to go over there later when my dh comes home from work and can watch the kids. Bob has a daughter who is up in Pittsburg who is flying down tonight. When she says goodbye to her father, they're going to take Bob off of life support. :(

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They just took Bob off of life support so it's only a matter of time now. Mikey is ready to let his father go and in is surrounded by his other family members right now.


A good friend of Bob's, who incidentally is also named Mike, wants Mikey to come live with him and his family and Mikey wants this too. Bob's sister says that she thinks this is a good idea also. Mike lives just a few streets away so Mikey will still be able to go to his same school and be around his friends.


Thank you everyone for your continued prayers. :grouphug:

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**Final Update**


Bob passed at 1 this morning. The funeral will be held tomorrow at noon. My neighbor Gordon is a pastor and he will be performing the service. Thank you all for your prayers. They really helped the family get through this difficult time with a lot of peace especially Mikey. Please continue to pray for him as he works through his grief and starts this new chapter of his life. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your love and care for him and his family. :grouphug:

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This is so sad. My heart is breaking for this young man. Will continue to pray for Mikey and the decisions that will be made for/with him. I know he must be devastated.



I just came back from the funeral. It was a beautiful tribute. Mikey looked in really good form, but he broke down crying when I gave him a hug. He pulled himself together pretty quick though and told me he was going to be living with his dad's best friend. I sat next to him for awhile and we were just chit chatting about his dad and he smiled and even chuckled a bit. They were really close and I'm sure it's going to hit him very hard in the next few weeks and months, but I am grateful that he has so many people who loved his dad that will be there for him. He's a good kid. I gave him a card and wrote the Footprints poem in there for him. I hope he will remember that poem during the difficult days ahead.


Thank you, and everybody else,for your prayers for this family. They are good people, honest, hardworking and loyal. They are the kind of people that a few minutes after meeting them you feel like you've known them always. Thank you all for your continuing to lift up Mikey. I can definitely see that the prayers are working. There was a very peaceful spirit over the whole room at the funeral and although people were sad, there was peace and comfort there. I'm certain it has to do with all of the prayers. Thank you all so much. :grouphug:

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Prayers for Mikey and the family he will be living with as they deal with this loss. What sadness for such a young man to carry around for life. Losing one parent is hard, but both before you even hit your 20s is unimaginable.



It really is. Poor kid. You should have seen him at the funeral. He was trying so hard to be brave bless his heart. When I gave him a hug, he started crying and then after he composed himself he patted ME on the back and tried to comfort me and said, "It's going to be okay." Bless his heart!


Thank you so much for your prayers. :)

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