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Has anyone ever made packets for their kids of the work to be done?

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With a 2yo running around, my work schedule and driving ds14 everywhere I have a hard time keeping up with dd10's work.


I am considering making her packets this summer to keep us on track a little better next year. Has anyone done this and had it work out (or not)? Any suggestions?

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After my last dd was born I fell in love with packets. My girls knew exactly what was expected of them every day. I had a folder for each day and child. Once they completed their day's work they put their folder/packet in a special holder for me to look at when I had time.


Eventually we changed over to a check off sheet.


My girls have ALWAYS worked better when they knew the plan for the day.

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I had a system where I'd make up a packet for each day of the week. Each child had their packets in a book bag. The system worked well until I slacked off and stopped making up the packets. Every day the kids would do their work for the day and put it back in the packet. At the end of the week I filed their work, redistributed what they didn't do and make up the packets for the next week. The kids really liked the system and keep asking me to do it again.

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I'm planning on getting DD a clipboard with storage to use as a lap desk this year. That way, when we're on the go, I can put any seatwork (worksheets, copy work, that sort of thing) in it for her to do. I would imagine such a thing would be even easier with an older child who may require less direct instruction.

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I don't make packets, but this is what we did this year. I make a list of dd's assignments for the entire week, by subject. We have a "meeting" on Sunday sometime and discuss it and the week ahead (days we'll be going out for appointments, field trips, etc.). She then plans her whole week, assigning which days she will do which assignments. She likes lists and checking things off.


Each day she begins any work that can be done independently while I work with her little brother, but she can always ask questions if needed. I finish with him, and she and I can cover things before lunch. We did history together while they ate, and right after. Science and more discussion, etc is with her after that. We usually finish by 2:00 or so.


She really enjoyed doing it this way, and it moved her to a lot more independence and less complaining about the workload.

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I haven't done packets, but it sounds similar to workboxes. We just started doing that a couple of months ago (saw a thread about it here on the boards), and it has changed my life! Planning is sooo much easier. I know that people do different variations of this with packets, magazine holders etc. I've tried the schedule/checklist thing, and this is just a lot easier because everything is there right when you need it. That was my main problem before, wasting a lot of time setting up (while having a 3 yr old tugging on my leg. :lol: )


Here's an example in case you've never seen it (not my blog, but a great example): http://myfamilyliferocks.blogspot.com/2009/03/workboxes.html

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