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Help combining Biblical History with SOTW 1


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I am trying to figure out what to use to cover ancient Biblical, Jewish, and Early church history while we use SOTW 1 this year. I was considering using the Victor Journey Through the Bible- but haven't been able to get my hands on it (library's had it on "hold" for me forever and they don't ever fulfill my request :angry:) and I don't want to purchase it until I know if it's what I need! Any ideas? BTDT?

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Well, I can tell you that the book you mention is a spine for MFW's study of the ancients in their program, "Creation to the Greeks". Therefore, I think it is likely an excellent choice that you could use.... if that helps any!



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I liked Old Testament Days for activities (although I felt there were enough in the SOTW AG for us) and a Bible cook book that contained some fun recipes--you could use any Middle Eastern cookbook.

Have you seen the resources at Paula's Archives? There is a schedule for coordinating the Catherine Vos bible book with SOTW.

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We use Biblioplan for history which schedules SOTW with a lot of outside reading. One of the spines they schedule is VJTTB. I bought it mostly for me and am happy to own it, but it really wasn't much use our first time through with a 6 yo and 3 yo tag along. Even the 6 yo wasn't old enough to really get much out of it other than looking at the pictures. The best thing for grammar stage is just to have a good Bible story book. I think Biblioplan did a 3 week Creation to Jacob unit then a 6 or 7 week Nation of Israel unit after Egyptians. There was also some reading on Jesus during the unit on Rome. Biblioplan scheduled reading from the Bible and I just found the same material in our Bible story book. Worked well here.

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I began reading a chapter a day from the the Vos Story Bible a week or so before beginning SOTW 1. I covered creation, Cain and Able, and the flood, then began reading SOTW 1 which begins with nomads. After that I simply continued reading both week by week, and the two narratives seemed to mesh together pretty well.


I also have Victor; it would be a great additional resource to read alongside the Vos Story Bible.

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I also have Victor; it would be a great additional resource to read alongside the Vos Story Bible.


This is what Victor is -- a resource. For each topic in the Bible, it will give pictures of the geography & other background information. It isn't like a study or anything.


As some have mentioned, MFW uses Victor but it is alongside major portions of the actual Bible. That would be my vote -- use the Bible! There is a ton of history in there.

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This is what Victor is -- a resource. For each topic in the Bible, it will give pictures of the geography & other background information. It isn't like a study or anything.


As some have mentioned, MFW uses Victor but it is alongside major portions of the actual Bible. That would be my vote -- use the Bible! There is a ton of history in there.


I definitely plan on using the Bible.. I agree that it should be the main resource. What I really want is something that will help me weave the Bible stories in to our history study chronologically.


The Story of Ancient History book looks really great, actually.

I am concerned that Victor would be way over my kids' heads... :confused:


Ugh. I hate buying books before I can look at them!!

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I did SOTW 1 for a second time this year. Since my sons are older, we went through the Bible alongside Volume 1. The Bible goes from creation to early Roman empire around Tiberius or so. Story of the World goes from early man to the fall of the Roman empire. So, I used a Chronological Bible (NIV). It was helpful for me because I understood where the prophets belonged in history and what was happening in the secular world as well.


Blessings in your homeschooling journey!





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