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Transcripts: Can you get credit for HS level coursework be-4 9th-12th grade?

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Hi all,


There was a thread somewhere discussing kids who finished HS level coursework in Middle School and getting credit for it. How did you put that on a transcript?


For ex, a 6th grader doing Algebra I, or Chemistry in 8th grade?




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Ds did Algebra II and Biology in 8th grade, and since he did them at a high school level using high school curricula (and I have solid records), I'm listing these on his transcript. I have two versions of our transcript, one by school year and one by subject. For the school year one, I listed the 8th grade school year with the notation "High school courses only" and just listed these two, noting completion dates and the fact that they earned high school credit. For the subject transcript, I just listed the courses along with all the other math and science and used a footnote to state that they were high school courses and earned high school credit.


I don't think I would list anything earlier than 8th grade, or anything that doesn't really need to be shown. I wanted Algebra II on the transcript to show that ds has taken Algebra, and I wanted Biology there since that's an important high school course (and I didn't know if he'd take any more biology in high school.) But I'm not listing Algebra I or Latin I, even though ds had the equivalent of these by the time he started high school. They weren't necessary--Alg 2 implies Alg 1, Latin II implies Latin I--and we're going up through Latin IV as well as doing 4 years of more advanced math in high school anyway, so we don't need the credits.


I hope this makes sense. We haven't actually used our transcript yet (haven't done college applications), so I guess it remains to be seen whether putting 8th grade courses on it will raise any eyebrows...

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You can give any credit you want. It's your school.


However, if you're keeping transcripts for colleges, you should know that some of them will specify that credits must have been earned in the immediate 4 years preceeding the college application.

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Hi all,


There was a thread somewhere discussing kids who finished HS level coursework in Middle School and getting credit for it. How did you put that on a transcript?


For ex, a 6th grader doing Algebra I, or Chemistry in 8th grade?






My twins are completing algebra 1 and 9th grade English in 8th grade at public school. But only the algebra 1 counts on their high school transcripts if they were to continue in public school system. They still would have to complete 9th grade- 12th grade English.


But for homeschoolers there is more flexibility.

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As Ellie pointed out, it depends on who is counting. If it is just you, go ahead and count them and be happy. Most colleges (of course, each one has its own standards) don't look at courses pre 9th grade.


These comments don't apply if you have a truly talented and gifted child who may be eligible for some "early entrance" programs, some of which take students as young as 12 or 13. They are expecting rigorous course work early on and high test scores.

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I wouldn't...generally.


You might keep up with the information IN CASE you need it, but generally, you won't need it and it isn't helpful (and often isn't even accepted).


Seriously, if your kid starts Algebra II in 9th grade and successfully completes 4+ maths in high school, any admissions officer is going to figure they successfully passed ALgebra I and Geometry. If your kid does Latin II, III, and IV in high school, then obviously they had Latin I at some time.


And really, you're going to have a FULL transcript of what is done in high school. There isn't a lot of room for various pre-high school credits.


One time I'd use a middle school class for credit is if they didn't have enough for college requirements otherwise. If they require 3 maths but only do Algebra II in 9th grade and no further, then I would NOTE that they did Algebra I in 7th grade and Geometry in 8th.


The other time you might consider it (and a good reason to note high school level classes just in case) would be for the student that took a high school load in 8th (for example) and graduated after what would have been 10th grade. Reassigning grade level after the fact if you decide the kid would be better served moving on is fine, imo.

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. I wanted Algebra II on the transcript to show that ds has taken Algebra, and I wanted Biology there since that's an important high school course (and I didn't know if he'd take any more biology in high school.) But I'm not listing Algebra I or Latin I, even though ds had the equivalent of these by the time he started high school. They weren't necessary--Alg 2 implies Alg 1, Latin II implies Latin I--and we're going up through Latin IV as well as doing 4 years of more advanced math in high school anyway, so we don't need the credits.


I hope this makes sense. We haven't actually used our transcript yet (haven't done college applications), so I guess it remains to be seen whether putting 8th grade courses on it will raise any eyebrows...


I am in complete agreement here. This is what we did. I have two children now in college and, although I did list high school work completed in grade 8, I listed nothing prior to that. Reason being, what you have stated above.


In our personal experience, we tried to make our transcript similar to those provided to colleges by public and private high schools. Thus, we limited the transcript to one page (although I did provide reading lists, bibliographies, and course descriptions to those colleges who asked for them. Don't, however, put these items on a transcript. Submit them only if required, and as attachments.).

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I would recommend counting any Algebra you do in eighth grade. Many colleges want 4 years of math. Even if your children are good at lower maths, they may have difficulties later on and you need to slow down. If it ends up that you have four years and your college is not super picky, remove the Algebra I. However, if your child ends up having tired of math or taken longer or decided that humanities is their interest; you will still have four years with stopping after Pre-Calc.


My older son was very unsure of where to apply to college so we found out about requirements at probably over a hundred colleges. The requirements were all over the place. SOme wanted math and foreign language taken in eighth grade. Some didn't. Some required four years of any math. At least one required four years with one of those years being Algebra I. This was one of the large state schools out West and since they had a very fornulaic application form and go through thousands of applications, I would suggest that at those schools, you use their system even if your child has gone through Linear Algebra or Differential Calculus. At that point, your kid would be applying for honors programs but in order to first get in, you have to jump through the hurdles.

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Seems a shame that we're all restricted to "da system" no matter if we homeschool or not. We're all married to the organization.




But yes, I've considered the idea that Alg II implies you've finished Alg I earlier than HS. You just don't get credit for Alg I, which to me is a rip off. Again, "da system" rules.



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But it only counts at home, which doesn't count at all, apparently. :)


You can give any credit you want. It's your school.


However, if you're keeping transcripts for colleges, you should know that some of them will specify that credits must have been earned in the immediate 4 years preceeding the college application.

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