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California Gold Rush Fans:

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Columbia Diggings opens tomorrow for just 4 days!


It's a great field trip; we have done it several times. The docents of Columbia, CA, a state historic living history park set about 10-20 years after the initial local gold rush, set up a mining encampment more representative of conditions during the beginning days of the gold rush. Thus you can experience both on the same day!


Parking is ample and free. There is a small fee to enter the encampment. Bring a picnic lunch to eat at the tables near the parking lot.


I really have enjoyed this trip every time we have done it--the docents are very garrulous and fun, and the educational component is significant but painless.


Columbia is worth a visit anytime, but during the Diggings, it's even better. It's located on route 49 (49ers, get it?) just a couple of miles north of Sonora.

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We are only about an hour away so I might see if my husband wants to go, with me and the kids of course. We have been there before but never to dig. It will be interesting to see if there are any others that are not too far from there.


Thanks for the info, Erin

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  • 1 year later...

It was great!

We went the night before and camped out with a bunch of other homeschoolers. We used the Marble Quarry campground--I recommend it if you have an RV. If you're using a tent, ask for site 71--it's very soft lawn. The other tent sites are fairly crowded and not soft ground at all.

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