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help with teaching strategy spore math earlybird


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my 4.75 yo ds and i have reached a section where simple addition is being introduced. a page would show a picture of 6 birds on one line followed by 3 squirrels on the second line and the words indicated 6 is ___ more than 3.


i feel my ds is not quite understanding it. the section prior to this covered 1 more than and 1 less than and he got that. we also supplement with horizon k book a and there it shows a picture of black and white unifix cube and will have the child shade 3 blocks with one color and then atother 3 with another color to represent 3+3= 6.


i want ds to understand and not just doing the motion with the workbooks. those who have experienced this, do you just use toys to "show" the relationship? i would appreciate your ideas and strategies to concretize the concept for my ds.



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Maybe use: toys, linking cubes, beans, abbacus, sticks, pushups, drum beats,tapping, hopping, clapping, drawing, keyboard strokes, or whatever.


Maybe have him count the birds then take your thumb and cover up 3 of those birds and ask something like " with your superman vision how many more birds are under my thumb? "


Maybe combine a couple- using two bowls and some counters and noise making device. For every drum beat one counter is put into a specified bowl (3), then whack away 6 more times and put those counters in a different bowl. Next have DS take out and count those in the bowl (3) counters. Then have him remove three from the bowl with (6) and ask him how many does he still have in the bowl...


Counting on is a good strategy when you don't have to count too far foward, past 3 times it's easier for number-crunching errors to creep in.



I'm a fan of the idea that every strategy or concept has a number...of repetitions to be done before something starts to make sense.


Pushups seemed to require the least repetitions to get this counting strategy idea across:lol:

Edited by Ray
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I came across this with my ds(4.5) recently in the U.S. Edition Earlybird 2A as well (pgs. 18-21ish?), that is until we began using RightStart as our math spine (previously Saxon Math K/1) supplemented w/Earlybird. I can already see a huge difference... my ds is actually getting a true understanding of numbers with RightStart (currently Level A), instead of just going through the motion in the Earlybird workbook as you mentioned.


Even though I see the benefits of RS and already highly recommend it, I realize not everyone is going to run out and buy their whole program just because I think it's so wonderful. Therefore, I suggest looking into either RightStart's AL Abacus (cheaper at Rainbow Resource) along with the Activities for the AL Abacus and/or Worksheets for the AL Abacus, or just going with RightStart's Math Games Kit. Other additional links that may be helpful if purchasing the AL Abacus is not an option for you...


RightStart's online Interactive AL Abacus


Illuminations Electronic Abacus


I can honestly say that the AL Abacus and the way RS presents concepts have been a big hit here... they're definitely laying a solid foundation for my ds. We let RS be our guide in learning concepts and then use Earlybird as our workbook reinforcement/practice after a concept has been covered.


On a side note: I have some Miquon materials that we may also dabble into and use as well, but only as an additional supplement.


:001_smile: HTH

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grab some snacks and replace the birds and squirrels with cookies and m&m's. LOL. I have 3 cookies here. You have 6 cookies there. (Starting with like items may help him make the connection better). How many more do you have than me? Then let him stack your 3 on his 6 and see how many are left. How many more do you get to eat than I get to eat? 3 more!


Then try to show him the difference with the m&m's and cookies...then try similar animals as in the story...then move on to different numbers. Singapore just needs the hands on in these early stages and takes some being creative. But it is SO worth sticking with! I did the SM EB with my son along with Horizons K as well...we ended up dropping the Horizons b/c SM is the one that really taught him concepts the best. I use Heart of Dakota's guides for the singapore math activities...they are all planned and so easy to do! So creative! Usually using snacks and such that really motivates the kids :o)



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I use Heart of Dakota's guides for the singapore math activities...they are all planned and so easy to do! So creative! Usually using snacks and such that really motivates the kids :o)


Is this guide available separately, or do you have to purchase the entire kindergarten package?

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Is this guide available separately, or do you have to purchase the entire kindergarten package?


You can get just the guide without all the other core stuff. Plans for all subjects would be in the guide, but you'd have the math plans right there and they are WORTH the price of the guide just for the math lessons (IMHO!) although I love every bit of it all :001_smile:

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My son is the same age as yours.


The problem in EB: 6 is [ ] more than 3 (using the bar-graphs) was probably the most difficult concept for him to grasp (using EB alone) of anything we have encountered.


Even though he knew 3 + 3 = 6


And even 3 + [ ] = 6.


But still, those pages "stumped him". He did not "get it".


Drawing lines to show one to one correspondence and seeing how many are left helped a little. But didn't really "finish" the job.


Covering up parts always led to the "correct" answer (I'm going to steal Ray's "superman vision" idea, this is brilliant!). For my son it led to the "answer", but somehow did not past the semantic understanding. There was a "block" (which I believe as much "linguistic" as mathematical).


What worked for him, was a variation of our "inequalities" game.


I'd created a game using Cuisenaire Rods of various values and an "index card" with an inequalities sign (>) that he could flip the correct way between two rods I'd laid on the table.


At first it was just "greater than or less than".


Six is greater than three.


But when I saw he had troubles grasping the "how many greater" concept in EB I came up with a "variation".


After he had identified which of the two rods in our game was greater, I would ask him to show me "how many greater"?


He would put the (for sake of example) 3 value rod on top of a 6 value rod and discover what value was needed for the difference.


Then I'd ask:


How many greater is 6 than 3?


6 is three greater than 3.


Very good. Well done! 6 IS 3 greater than three.


For us this broke the log-jam.



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I use C rods too - I've had to do very little verbal explaining b/c the rods are just a clear picture of the concepts.


Putting it in real life terms helps too.


You have 3 cookies and your sister has 6. how many more do you need to be equal? For some reason, when REAL cookies are involved, the accuracy in math nears perfection.:tongue_smilie:

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I use C rods too - I've had to do very little verbal explaining b/c the rods are just a clear picture of the concepts.


Putting it in real life terms helps too.


You have 3 cookies and your sister has 6. how many more do you need to be equal? For some reason, when REAL cookies are involved, the accuracy in math nears perfection.:tongue_smilie:


Ah! Great wisdom here :001_smile:


Bill (who's one child shy of playing "sibling rivalry" :tongue_smilie:)

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Covering up parts always led to the "correct" answer (I'm going to steal Ray's "superman vision" idea, this is brilliant!). For my son it led to the "answer", but somehow did not past the semantic understanding. There was a "block" (which I believe as much "linguistic" as mathematical).






Bill, the Aharoni book 'Arithmetic for parents' was the most recent place I 'stole' the idea of, hiding numbers from view. Seen variations of the idea, but cannot recall exact sources.


Many ideas in this thread, going to 'steal' a couple myself.



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Bill, the Aharoni book 'Arithmetic for parents' was the most recent place I 'stole' the idea of, hiding numbers from view. Seen variations of the idea, but cannot recall exact sources.


Many ideas in this thread, going to 'steal' a couple myself.




I've done the "hiding the numbers" from view part, its the "superman vision" component that makes this oh so appealing for "expropriation" :tongue_smilie:


I know my boy, he'll love this.


Aharoni's Arithmetic for Parents is not a work I'm familiar with. Should it be?



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I've done the "hiding the numbers" from view part, its the "superman vision" component that makes this oh so appealing for "expropriation" :tongue_smilie:


I know my boy, he'll love this.


Aharoni's Arithmetic for Parents is not a work I'm familiar with. Should it be?




Hi, yep knowing our kids and their individual likes/dislikes, seems to help getting some of these ideas to click sooner.


That book is by Ron Aharoni, and I think Stripe said he was reading it or had read it. I thought it was kind of expensive ($28? +ship), but might be because the publisher seems to be a small independent http://www.sumizdat.org/

I did a quick first read and came away with a better understanding that the obvious step is really not. Its a good short read.



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Hi, yep knowing our kids and their individual likes/dislikes, seems to help getting some of these ideas to click sooner.


That book is by Ron Aharoni, and I think Stripe said he was reading it or had read it. I thought it was kind of expensive ($28? +ship), but might be because the publisher seems to be a small independent http://www.sumizdat.org/

I did a quick first read and came away with a better understanding that the obvious step is really not. Its a good short read.




Thank you Ray!


MEP actually does this "hiding a quantity" with a hand (in MEPs case "pictorially" as part of a "problem solution"). No "superman vision" though :lol:


And I try to throw some covering and uncovering in with the "number bonds" in Singapore.


At one point I actually was using a "flap book" (idea stolen from Miquon First Grade Diary) that I made from cardboard. It had a back and two "doors" (also cardboard) hinged with fabric tape.


On the inside of the back piece I used photo corners that would hold cards (one on either side) with numders represented with Red Dots (Japanese Math style), or Tally Stick style or as regular numerals.


So a door could be opened to reveal, say a "3".


The other door could be opened to show a "2"


How many all together?


Close the first door (take away 3).


How many now?


Two. That's right.


And so on. Kind of fun. Reminds me I should break that flap book out soon.


Thank you for the tip (and the link) on that book.



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Great idea Bill. I think we will be building a 'flap' book too!


Using "photo corners" was my innovation (if I dare using so lofty a term) and I placed them in the two bottom corners only, sized to "index cards" on which I made all my "homemade" number cards.


Standardization and the corners made changing out values pretty fast. And the "peek-a-boo" aspect does seem to grab their attention.



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That book is by Ron Aharoni, and I think Stripe said he was reading it or had read it. I thought it was kind of expensive ($28? +ship), but might be because the publisher seems to be a small independent http://www.sumizdat.org/

I did a quick first read and came away with a better understanding that the obvious step is really not. Its a good short read.

Yes, I got it from the library. I don't own it myself (yet?); I convinced them to buy it for their collection. I have it checked out for the second time. I will have to get back to you on my opinion of it. I am having trouble getting into it. (But it could be a really good book!)


I agree that it's pricey and a slim volume.


You can see an excerpt on the publisher's site. (They sell it for $19.95 + 2.80 shipping.)

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Yes, I got it from the library. I don't own it myself (yet?); I convinced them to buy it for their collection. I have it checked out for the second time. I will have to get back to you on my opinion of it. I am having trouble getting into it. (But it could be a really good book!)


I agree that it's pricey and a slim volume.


You can see an excerpt on the publisher's site. (They sell it for $19.95 + 2.80 shipping.)


If it was a movie I would say "its a rental", and Singaporemath.com was not the deal this time. Still Singaporemath.com's service is outstanding :)

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We played a fun "game" tonight, based roughly on a lesson in MEP (that I'd skipped, but was holding for a fun night). Its 1A Page 47 Exercise 1 Part B for those who may care.


Anyway, the idea presents a four squared grid, with two boxes on the top two on the bottom (think tic-tack-toe with a closed box).


Each box is filled a number which corresponding to the number of blocks that a child is to stack as a column. Is this confusing?


Pretend we have a grid:


[ 5 ][ 4 ]

[ 1 ][ 3 ]


This gives us the god's-eyes view.


The back left column gets built 5 blocks high. The column to its right is 4 blocks high. In front of the 5 column-high stack there is a 1 block high column, to the right of the "1" there is a 3 block column. Clarity now?


So we give the child the grid and they build the construction using these "instructions". Already fun.


But then we can use the differences in height to do comparisons. We can ask:


How many blocks are in this column?


And how many blocks are in this (other) column?


How many less (or more) are in Column A than Column B?


Then we can ask how many blocks are in the vertical "rows" starting with the "base".


The bottom row has "4"


Next row up? Three.


Next row? 3 again.


Then 2.


Then One.


Isn't this fun?


Then we made new grids


[ 6 ][ 1 ]

[ 0 ][ 4 ]


And did it all over again.


Tomorrow, *I* will build the columns, and ask the young one to "fill-in" the grid.


At least once or twice, because let's face it *he* wants to be "the builder".


What do you think?



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OK, I read part of that book last night before bed. I would say -- he has a big interest in the beauty of math (apparently his next book will be about this), and that math requires a proper foundation, that understanding comes from a correctly sequenced building up of layers. That being said, he believes people don't understand/like math because they are missing a necessary step of understanding. He thinks his daughter had a flash of brilliance when she once asked him to ask a simpler question; this has really influenced his way of teaching. He discusses many examples of how one can understand something (and consequently, as a teacher, how one can explain something) by carefully building up layers of understanding, one basic step at a time.


It is also very plain looking, like something you'd type in a word processing document, with some illustrations. I am sure one could get a feel for it by looking at the excerpts on the publisher's website.


Also he has been influential in setting up the latest Israeli math curriculum. His interpretation of things is occasionally different from the American perspective in things like saying that he was used to writing Hebrew on lined paper and columns of numbers to add on graph paper (which I certainly never did in school [refering to the math here]), but occasionally in other spots. These I found interesting, not irrelevant. He opens most sections with quotes from A A Milne, and occasionally Jewish poets or even Bible verses (related to math), and he refers to Pippi Longstocking's plutification tables a few times. This is not nearly as distracting as I'm making it sound! Anyway he was involved in forming their curriculum by doing things like NOT using calculators; he believes in the importance of memorizing basic arithmetic facts, and he was involved in their decision to use Singapore math texts. He is also a big proponent of things like first graders doing lots of counting of many different things, and he seems to not be a fan of Cuisinaire rods.


I found it to be thought-provoking, about the critical importance of going very slowly, and understand all the processes that we, as adults, have internalized. A good reminder, if a bit overwhelming.


It is nothing like the Parker & Baldrige book, but I think it is a totally different book, even though both like and use the Singapore texts. I think Aharoni has more of a stylistic approach, whereas P&B are trying to help teachers understand the theory behind elementary math before they teach it (as I said before, I speculate that the goal, at least in part, is to provide the background that Liping Ma seems to feel is sorely lacking on the part of American elementary school math teachers).

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Looking forward to getting to that one Bill. Sounds like fun!


I "expanded" that lesson a far bit. Why not? The idea was too interesting to not run with some. But MEP just keeps coming up with very interesting teaching ideas.



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