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We don't vaccinate and I don't know what to expect regarding summer camp?

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I agree that full disclosure is important. However, just because a child is not vaccinated does not mean he/she would be the likely carrier.[/quote



There have been a few measles breaks in the last several years and most the point zero patients have been unvaccinated individuals, usually traveling home from a trip to Europe.

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That seems odd, since most of the people who catch it are vaccinated.


Actually, that's not quite right. Most of the individuals who were infected in the recent CA were all unvaccinated.


Here's a link:http://thestatsblog.wordpress.com/2008/09/08/unvaccinated-children-behind-worrying-measles-increase/

Edited by Stacy in NJ
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Actually, that's not quite right. Most of the individuals who were infected in the recent CA were all unvaccinated.



This American Life had an episode about measles. The nugget in it was that the pro-vax people stayed pro-vax, and the anti-vax did, too. I liked hearing the interviews of the parents.




I doubt it will change anyone's mind, but it was interesting.

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I'm signing my 14 yos up for a camp this summer but we stopped vaxing when he was 5. He got most of them but he's not up-to-date. I'm a little worried that his application will be rejected and he won't be able to attend.



I just saw you vaxed to age 5. If there is something they are adamant about, like rubella, as there will be fertile young women there, ask your doc for a titer. I showed all my positives once, to get into a school. Of course, I'd had all the darned diseases, including a really horrible measles at age 27 because my mother had told me I'd had it (I later showed her pictures and it was chickenpox I'd had when I was three).


Maybe your kid still has his titers up!

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I think that people forget that it is these "sort of policies" that have kept "outbreaks" at bay. Seriously, does anyone remember from history lessons when children and people of all ages were dying left and right from outbreaks of diphtheria, Pertussis, or whooping cough, polio,measelsm ,mumps and rubella...etc.

Yes, I do think that vaccinations are a "choice" but, I still believe that because most parents vaccinate....its the reason that those who dont vaccinate dont get sick. What if noone vaccinated.....all these diseases would come back....would they not?


You can't fault an institution or camp for trying to protect!


Its such an emotional and polarising issue.

However, I suspect you haven't even read the reasons people dont vaccinate, because there are plenty of arguments that disagree with what you have said above- and educated people, doctors, armed with lots of information, will argue with you very eloquently that what you have said isnt true. People against vaccinating often dont do it for just personal reasons, or paranoid reasons- there are very good arguments that say many of those diseases would have disappeared generally even without vaccinations, and they were already disappearing when vaccinations came in. Vaccinations make certain companies a LOT of money.

However, I am not pro or against vaccinations either- I just wish people would have an open mind to both sides of the debate and truly educate themselves, in a scientific way, of the facts both sides present, rather than taking an emotional and ignorant position wherever they "feel" the truth lies. Both sides have valid arguments, and scientifically backed ones. One is more socially acceptable than the other.

I have been to third world countries. It would be very shallow of me, although i choose to only partially vaccinate my children, to make generalisations about what is best for everyone- I know the limitations of my knowledge. I know people who don't vaccinate who I feel are as naive and ignorant as people who just blindly do it because the doctors and nurses tell them too.

My point is simply that its an issue worth studying at a deeper level because there is more to it than appears on the surface, but the mainstream media, backed by pharmaceutical companies with an agenda, uses fear to manipulate people.


As for the OP, I would just deal with the situation as it arises, and it may not be a big deal at all.

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The summer camp my oldest is going to requested the Dr to fill out a shot record form on the medical evaluation. I don't know what they would do if she was missing something, but I do know they listed the tetanus booster had to be up to date on the original camp application.


We classify as delayed vaxers, but I never thought of us that way until this thread :D. My youngest would have had to have 6 vaccines last fall to enroll in Kindergarten! Not because I'm "behind," but because NM keeps changing their rules. Her Dr and I agreed to delay because she's Homeschooled. Her Dr said, "Let's do 2 today, and some more next year." I agreed. We did the Chickenpox booster and I think the Hepatitis one. Her Dr isn't worried about Polio for example, because the chances of her contracting Polio are rare. Had she not been up to date for Pertussis, that would be something different. It really is up to the parent and their level of comfort when it comes to vaccines.


I don't think you should lie, but I don't think you should be required to vaccinate either. There are vaccines we WILL not give our children that are still optional in this state. If a camp or school won't accept that, we'll take our business elsewhere. It's as simple as that.




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