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Happy Birthday Spy Car, Makita & KLynnTX!!

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You know you are a home education geek when you're asked what you'd most like for your birthday, and your answer is the new Singapore Math Models book :lol:





:lol:LOL I have to say, Bill, that you have really inspired me when it comes to math and I want to thank you publicly for it. :) I have always been horribly inept in math and have always believed that it is my own fault and that I just lack the intelligence to learn it. I've always chocked it up to, "oh well, I guess I'm just not a math person" and accepted it as a matter of course.


Well, since doing Singapore with my daughter I can say that I am actually learning things that I have never learned before in all of my years of PS. When I saw that I could learn and understand I thought, "wow! I get this, I wonder how much more I could really learn and understand?" and it started me on a journey of changing that old belief that I've had that I just couldn't learn anything beyond the most basic math.


Well after reading your posts and you and Stripe talking about ordering math books for teachers it inspired me to do the same and I bought Singapore's book for teaching secondary mathematics. I confess that I am more than a little intimidated by this book (it actually terrifies me a little bit), but I am going into it telling myself that I can do this.


I want to thank you for your posts, that although they are not directed at me personally, I have found inspiration in them to strive to better myself and I now have the faith in myself to believe that I can do it. :) So for that, sir, I thank you. :)


btw, if you are older than the hills, does that mean you get your pick of which hill you live on?? ;) :)


Happy birthday from me, the smart aleck. :D

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:LOL I have to say, Bill, that you have really inspired me when it comes to math and I want to thank you publicly for it. :) I have always been horribly inept in math and have always believed that it is my own fault and that I just lack the intelligence to learn it. I've always chocked it up to, "oh well, I guess I'm just not a math person" and accepted it as a matter of course.


Well, since doing Singapore with my daughter I can say that I am actually learning things that I have never learned before in all of my years of PS. When I saw that I could learn and understand I thought, "wow! I get this, I wonder how much more I could really learn and understand?" and it started me on a journey of changing that old belief that I've had that I just couldn't learn anything beyond the most basic math.


Well after reading your posts and you and Stripe talking about ordering math books for teachers it inspired me to do the same and I bought Singapore's book for teaching secondary mathematics. I confess that I am more than a little intimidated by this book (it actually terrifies me a little bit), but I am going into it telling myself that I can do this.


I want to thank you for your posts, that although they are not directed at me personally, I have found inspiration in them to strive to better myself and I now have the faith in myself to believe that I can do it. :) So for that, sir, I thank you. :)


btw, if you are older than the hills, does that mean you get your pick of which hill you live on?? ;) :)


Happy birthday from me, the smart aleck. :D


Wow! Your post gives me a warm glow. What sweet things to say. We are on the same path. My math education was terrible. Dull, dreary, uninspiring. I read novels during "math class", and pretended to pay attention.


But we can learn it, and we can teach it. And our kids can be fired up and excited. So let's have at it :D


Bill (5 "orange" rods and a "white" rod today :001_huh:)

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Wow! Your post gives me a warm glow. What sweet things to say. We are on the same path. My math education was terrible. Dull, dreary, uninspiring. I read novels during "math class", and pretended to pay attention.


But we can learn it, and we can teach it. And our kids can be fired up and excited. So let's have at it :D


Bill (5 "orange" rods and a "white" rod today :001_huh:)



:D :D :D Amen. :D:D:D

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