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Who uses Teaching Textbooks for highschool?

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I suppose it's not an honors course, but my boys all use TT and the oldest just got a 700 on the math portion of the SAT, so personally, I don't think it's as shabby as some folks say. We did supplement their Pre-Calc a little bit with the Matrices portion.


I like TT. It's simple but effective. I have two that are good to great math students and one who struggles...


I've never been a Saxon fan...(nor are any teachers at the school where I teach) and haven't looked at many others.


I have a part time job teaching math at our local public high school, so see what they do there too. My kids are much better students for the same level than the majority of their public schooled peers and supposedly the 700 on the SAT puts him in the 94th percentile nationwide of students taking that test. I am NOT going to say all students using TT can get a 700 (math talent is also involved - as is 'clicking' with a program), but it's not the curricula that's the problem.

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I suppose it's not an honors course, but my boys all use TT and the oldest just got a 700 on the math portion of the SAT, so personally, I don't think it's as shabby as some folks say. We did supplement their Pre-Calc a little bit with the Matrices portion.


I like TT. It's simple but effective. I have two that are good to great math students and one who struggles...


I've never been a Saxon fan...(nor are any teachers at the school where I teach) and haven't looked at many others.


I have a part time job teaching math at our local public high school, so see what they do there too. My kids are much better students for the same level than the majority of their public schooled peers and supposedly the 700 on the SAT puts him in the 94th percentile nationwide of students taking that test. I am NOT going to say all students using TT can get a 700 (math talent is also involved - as is 'clicking' with a program), but it's not the curricula that's the problem.



What did you use to supplement Matrices....



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I (actually my son) used Teaching Textbooks Alg 1, Alg 2 and we are going to use Pre-Calc next year. I had ds use Jacobs for Geometry...and I am sorry that we veereed out of TT. he loves the program...He was the only one in his class who REMEMBERED his Algebra for the review sections...He did not love Jacobs so much...sigh. We are going to use TT to finish up...and then we'll see where we are going from there. I am happy to hear such good results on the SAT's. My older kids all used Saxon...and did not fare so well.


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I suppose it's not an honors course, but my boys all use TT and the oldest just got a 700 on the math portion of the SAT, so personally, I don't think it's as shabby as some folks say. .


It worked extremely well for my non-math oriented child. She didn't get a 700, but she scored WAY better than we thought she would!


She liked the style much better than the 3 other programs we tried (Jacobs, Saxon, Keys to . . ), and seemed to catch on a lot quicker, too.

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LOVE IT!!! My daughter disliked math! We were using Saxon. One day after beginning TT for Alg. 1, she said that she liked math... I could have fainted:) She finished Alg. II this year and will do Geometry next.

PS ... Dad doesn't have to spend time explaining problems to dd now... TT does the job, and if she doesn't get it, the solutions cd explains the problem to her.

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What did you use to supplement Matrices....




Umm... me. I teach math and didn't like that TT didn't show how to use Inverse Matrices to solve systems of equations... so I added that part. It's pretty simple actually - esp with today's graphing calculators (so I was REALLY surprised when TT didn't have it). I like that they teach the 'old' way and all that can be done with matrix manipulation - they just didn't finish the job.

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Umm... me. I teach math and didn't like that TT didn't show how to use Inverse Matrices to solve systems of equations... so I added that part. It's pretty simple actually - esp with today's graphing calculators (so I was REALLY surprised when TT didn't have it). I like that they teach the 'old' way and all that can be done with matrix manipulation - they just didn't finish the job.



So...how would a math putz like me teach this to my ds?? Do you have any pointers?? Or websites?? OK...What the heck is a Matrice?? I am pathetic...wanna talk philosophy ...or metaphors??




Faithe (Who is sobbing into her hands because she blew math off as a kid...ARG!)

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So...how would a math putz like me teach this to my ds?? Do you have any pointers?? Or websites?? OK...What the heck is a Matrice?? I am pathetic...wanna talk philosophy ...or metaphors??




I can absolutely talk you through it (as can probably several others on here) - are you at that point yet? If not, don't stress about it until you get to it. For what it's worth, matrices is the plural of matrix... It's a different way of solving SEVERAL math type problems, but generally only an introduction to the basics shows up in high school. Many math books introduce them in Alg 2. TT waits till Pre-Calc. I like seeing them in Pre-Calc better personally... as it helps kids to remember them better... and their brains are better developed.


Honestly, if you (or your kids) are at this point (or past it), let me know and I'll type out a step by step instruction for how to do it - you can just show your kids without needing to understand it yourself. :)


AND, I can fully understand and honor your expertise. I let my neighbor - an English Prof. at a nearby college - handle my boy's writing and English. If they ask me, "Does a comma go there?" I tend to respond, "Maybe..."


We all have our niches in this world.

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I can absolutely talk you through it (as can probably several others on here) - are you at that point yet? If not, don't stress about it until you get to it. For what it's worth, matrices is the plural of matrix... It's a different way of solving SEVERAL math type problems, but generally only an introduction to the basics shows up in high school. Many math books introduce them in Alg 2. TT waits till Pre-Calc. I like seeing them in Pre-Calc better personally... as it helps kids to remember them better... and their brains are better developed.


Honestly, if you (or your kids) are at this point (or past it), let me know and I'll type out a step by step instruction for how to do it - you can just show your kids without needing to understand it yourself. :)


AND, I can fully understand and honor your expertise. I let my neighbor - an English Prof. at a nearby college - handle my boy's writing and English. If they ask me, "Does a comma go there?" I tend to respond, "Maybe..."


We all have our niches in this world.



Nope, we are not there yet...but I am going to tag this thread and bug you when we get there. I am really hopning I can get myself together enough to study the Algebra 2 TT myself...and then the Geometry. I really would like a better handle on what my teens are learning. i figure if they can learn it...I can too....


Thanks for the help!

Faithe...who agrees that the comma "may" go there. :D

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Guest Katia

My dd uses TT, but we use it as a supplement to Life of Fred.....or maybe we use Life of Fred to supplement TT?? Either way, she likes them both so we do them both. :001_smile:


She's done TT Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry and she is half-way through Trig/Pre-Calc. Her ACT math score was only 23, but she got hyper and couldn't calm down.....anyhow her algebra and trig scores were very high. She forgot the geometry formulas! She'll re-take and do fine next time, I'm sure.


As far as Life of Fred, she has only completed his Algebra 2 course of Advanced Geometry and the first part of his Geometry. We have the trig book but haven't started it yet.


We really like TT. It works well for this dd.

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It works very well for my oldest son!!


He has high functioning autism and TT is just right! We've tried other math programs and this one just works for him.


I like the fact that, if he misses a problem, he can plug in the CD and it's solved for him! And it's less confusing for him than trying to get Mom or Dad to explain it! ;)


My youngest son is also using TT and doing very well with it. He's advanced in math, so I'm not sure if we'll use TT for high school or not. I have a few years to figure that one out!

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Ds has used it and he retained nothing. It did not have enough review for him. Like I said in another post it really isn't a matter of what other people like it's a matter of what works for your child. He is using Lial''s now and loves it and is doing extremely well. A lot better than he did with TT. I think it's really important to know the strengths and weaknesses of the program more than who likes it or who doesn't. If you know those things you can make a better choice for your child.

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Started TT with pre alg. Dd did well with it. Started at a private school that used Saxon in 8th. Even though she tested into Saxon's alg., the school had her take pre-alg because that is the highest option they allowed for 8th grade (didn't want them to run out of math classes in high school). She kept over a 100 average without any effort on her part. Brought her back home and back into TT. She is just finishing TT Geometry. I really, really have liked the geometry. I feel like TT is a good math series that is appropriate for many different students/abilities.

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Having used both Saxon and Teaching Textbook, if I had a struggling math student, I would choose TT over Saxon hands down if that were my choice. If TT wasn't enough, I'd add MUS along with it. Some people on these forums have had great success with Life of Fred, although you didn't mention it.


Bias note: I don't like Saxon; it's a poor fit for me as a teacher, and wasn't a good fit for my dc. We have TT Algebra 1. My 14 yo, then 13, is very mathy, so found it too easy. However, she enjoyed the humour.

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There is much to like about TT. Mr. Sabouri explains things so very gently and doesn't get frustrated and make your dc cry!! If your dc misses a problem they can see and hear the whole problem worked out the correct way to see where they made their mistake...a great learning tool. Dc can work pretty independently. TT made the year for us last year. Dd started to feel much better about her abilities in math. Mom doesn't have to teach a subject she may have struggled in herself, and though TT is a bit pricey, it's still way less than hiring a private tutor or buying some other video programs. It also has great resale value.


I will also sing the praises of TT where I can. However, I will also admit that my dc ended up needing more practice on concepts than is written into the TT material. We ended up hiring a tutor for dc #1 and since I'm now foreseeing the exact same thing happening to dc#2, I have changed to a mastery type program. It's just a better fit for my dc.


It's been interesting to read here that others' dc have had good success even with the upper level TT courses.


Hope it works for your dc.



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