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How to get rid of yellowjackets?

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I think we have a nest of yellowjackets on our front yard...in the dirt of the landscaped area. At first I noticed one mound. I went to put cornmeal in it, thought it was ants, and I saw a wasp-like thing go in it. I thought that was odd...but thought maybe he was after the ants..????:001_huh:. Now a few days later, we have two more holes, three in total, and they are not very "mound-ish", like a ants would be...just very circle-like holes, about the size of a dime in diameter....they are all within a radius of three feet.


The problem is, they are three feet from our front door, right next to the driveway area that we walk next to whenever we go out. With kids and a dog to take out, we walk by this area all the time.


I looked it up online, and it appears it is probably a nest of yellowjackets, apparently they do make nests in the ground...who knew!!?


I want to kill them the quickest way. I prefer non-chemical, but will do whatever makes them die and leave, and not return.


Any thoughts?

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Yellow jackets will make nests in the ground. Get rid of them. They are very aggressive and can will swarm after a person. As you noticed, they will make several entries, so you need to make sure you observe them going in and out and block off every hole. My dh would pour something down the hole, after blocking other exits. He tried to wait for a cold evening, when they were less active, but no way to do that now I suppose.



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We had a very similar situation a couple of years ago and my sweet daddy and I were swarmed while dh and my mom watched from inside laughing until they realized what was going on! (I am actually laughing now myself remembering how hilarious we must have looked to them!!!) Anyway...those nasty yellow jackets are scary aggressive and literally followed us as we ran through the yard to the door. The stings were very painful and even days later when they weren't so sore, the itching as they healed was maddening. They continued to swarm the area for several hours after the initial stinging, but as soon as we could leave the house dh went and bought some kind of foaming "stuff" especially for yellow jackets. At dusk (evidently they're calmest then, unlike my children!) he went out prepared for battle and sprayed the holes. No more yellow jackets ever again from that nest! Yea!


Sorry that I rambled. It's been a long time since I relived that day. It was quite a scene! My kids have never seen me screaming and crying like that and my dad was dancing around yelping and swatting himself...see why I'm laughing now!?! ALLLLL that to say...you will be glad if you go ahead and take care of them before they get up close and personal!


Take care!


edited to bold your actual answer that got lost in my rambling!

Edited by happykate
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Block the openings and then saturate the ground with lots of boiling water. We treat yellow jackets and fire ants this way. Make sure no one is standing around watching and getting in the way. If the yellow jackets chase you, you want to be able to make a quick get away.



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Just to throw out another possibility...cicada killers. My dad has had a problem with them building nests in the ground in front of his front door and they rarely bothered him. They are very scary looking but are fairly benign.


Of course, if they are yellow jackets get rid of them quickly.

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You definitely want to kill them at night. They all head back to the hive at dusk - so wait another half hour and then take care of it. I've heard pouring some gasoline on them works (the fumes kill them apparently), as well as stuff you can buy at the store. We had a nest and DH tried killing them in the day, and let me say, the next time I ran over the hive with the lawnmower I determined he did NOT kill them all. LOL!! We waited until night time after that and it worked perfectly. Night is your friend, LOL!

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Sorry that I rambled. It's been a long time since I relived that day. It was quite a scene! My kids have never seen me screaming and crying like that and my dad was dancing around yelping and swatting himself...see why I'm laughing now!?! ALLLLL that to say...you will be glad if you go ahead and take care of them before they get up close and personal!



:lol: That was me - running and screaming - but only the neighbors got a good laugh. And yes - the ITCHING! What a nightmare. In hindsight I must have looked hysterical with a half moved lawn and me running and yelling like a baby! LOL!!

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These are evil, and yes, must be destroyed. We've had them swarm people too, and it's just horrible.


I tried completely soaking the area where I saw them coming in and out with a yellow jacket-killing formula, and I must have missed something, 'cause it didn't take care of them. I bought a yellow jacket trap that seemed to work better. But I'm *still* leery of that section of the yard.


(We thought we had gotten rid of them once, till they came back in exactly the same spot two years later. I *hate* them.)

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I had an aweful experience getting bit, and have now discovered I'm allergic to them after experiencing crazy, weird and painful syptoms for a month!


Also, next January - and we live in a mountainous area of the PNW - set the traps out. The queens come out the first warm day of the year and look for an area to build a nest and lay her eggs. I set 3 traps out last January and we never had a yellow jacket around. The traps were filled with ENORMOUS yellow jackets. Usually you can't take any food or drink outside in August because of the problem. If you set the traps out in the summer you just catch all the worker yellow jackets. Set it out early and you catch the queen before she lays all her eggs.


Good luck!

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