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How long can eggs sit at room temperature?

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I never refridgerate my eggs. They sit on my counter top 24/7.


it seems like I read once that eggs right from the farm don't have to be refrigerated because they have a protective covering of some sort naturally, but that eggs from the grocery have been washed to remove that and have to be refrigerated?


Maybe that's not right ....


I cracked one and it smelled fine.

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Do the sink float test. If it floats it is bad, if it sinks it is good. If it sinks and stands upright is is most likely 10 plus days old. If it sinks and lays down it is less than 3 days old. At least that is what I was always told.


That's funny: that method is exactly the same way a person was supposed to check an albuterol inhaler before they went CFC free.


Sink meant "new", standing vertical in the water meant used, but still had some medicine, and floating meant "bad" or "empty".




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I would throw them away. As I understand it, Danestress is right about grocery store eggs requiring refrigeration, and I wouldn't risk my family's health for a few dollars worth of eggs.


You could try the float test, as was also suggested, but again, it seems like you're talking about fewer than a dozen eggs, and you can get very, very ill from tainted eggs, so I wouldn't even consider eating them.


Isn't it worth wasting 2.00 to ensure your family's health?




PS. I should mention that I'm always paranoid about these food issues, so I'm usually the one who says to throw things away! :001_smile:

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I never refridgerate my eggs. They sit on my counter top 24/7.

I'm sorry but...:ack2: I guess I've never had farm fresh eggs because the very thought of leaving them out...Oh. no.


I'm a bit of an egg snob and can taste the difference in grocery brand and Eggland's Best. I bet fresh from the farm would be divine! (from the fridge):tongue_smilie:

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It's the blossom, I believe, that's left on the eggs. I know when my parents were in France...all the eggs were on a regular shelf. My friends with farm fresh eggs, leave them in the pantry for more than a week. Once they are really washed, or refrigerated, is when you're suppose to keep them cold.... And, yes...farm fresh are best. When we first started getting them....my girls were saying, "Why are these so orange?" and then after a while...they forgot...because over at my mom's, my daughter asked, "Why are yours so pale?"


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