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Status Updates posted by Cecropia

  1. 2yo bursts into the room with a costume on: "Mom, give me a hug! I'm Batman!"

    1. kubiac


      ADORABLE! {{HUG}}

  2. That deep sense of foreboding when everyone in the household is miserably sick, except you and the little baby...

    1. Cecropia


      aaand the baby's got it!

    2. purpleowl


      :( Hope everyone is on the mend by now!

  3. Breached my pre-pregnancy weight today! *happy dance* Baby just turned 8 months old.

    1. MerryAtHope




  4. Anyone else celebrating Bilbo and Frodo's birthdays today? We just finished Second Breakfast; one hour 'til Elevenses. :)

    1. ScoutTN


      Yes! We had second breakfast too! It is hot here and we discussed how The Shire has proper fall weather.

    2. melbotoast


      I like this idea! Time for Elevenses...

  5. This morning I discovered that if a container of greek yogurt was accidentally frozen from being kept at the back of the fridge and is now all separated and grainy, the texture can be (mostly) fixed by beating it on high speed for a few minutes. Full-fat Fage plain yogurt in particular.

  6. I got so much nothing done today, it's ridiculous. Nothing FTW!!!

    1. GailV


      This is me most days.

  7. A long anticipated sheep's brain just arrived in the mail. I put it next to the egg cartons in the fridge. Kind of surreal...

  8. Tardigrades are super cool!

  9. Binging on homemade chocolate chip cookies and thinking I should feel guilty... nahhh I can enjoy this today.

  10. One more hour until the local public library's spring book sale preview!  Today has been full of self-talk about restraint and budgeting, "don't get too excited and go overboard..." Yeah, right!

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