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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. Hi all,


    My mentally ill son may be coming home this Thursday or Friday. He is diagnosed with major depression and this was his third hospitalization since mid March. Just last week, while his regular psychiatrist was away, another one added Welbutrin to his medication regimen and that not only took away what progress he had made just very recently but made him the worse he has been since this whole thing started. His regular doctor returned yesterday, stopped the Welbutrin today and upped another drug's strength. Anyway, today the social worker calls me to tell me he is being released Thursday or Friday. WHen I call to talk to him, he sounds just as bad as he was on the Welbutrin but of course he only stopped it yesterday. He is already telling me he won't let me make sure he takes his medicines and that he took them before ( not regularly). He won't go to the doctor appointments since I told him he will have to walk or ride a bike (it is slightly less than a mile away on totally flat land) since I have to take other children to orthodontics. He wants us to buy him a car but he won't pay for insurance and Florida is blackety blank state for requiring insurance and so on. So I called back the social worker and said I think this isn't going to work so she will talk to the doctor. However, I think we are coming up to Tricare limits and that may be why they want to release him. I really want him to get better but right now I think if he is released on Thursday or Friday, he won't be any better.



    ((Christina)) I don't have much advice to give but you are not alone. I have brother who is bipolar. It is so hard sometimes. I am praying for you and your family.



  2. My husband was very sick this weekend. It turns out he was and still is.


    We were camping and he was lethargic, shaky and not himself. Instead of driving him home, I drove him to the hospital(against his wishes, I might add, the stubborn but cute man!)


    He was triaged and his temp was 106.5 and his blood pressure 211/89. The ER staff was, let's just say, concerned.


    They prodded, cultured, stuck and electroded him.


    We left the ER 3 hours later, discharged by a very incompetent doctor I have already registered a complaint about. We saw his primary care Dr. today, which was much better although we still don't know what the problem is/was. The fever hovers around 100 in spite of 4 hour spaced tylenol. His leg is swollen, getting worse, sore and red. (He was hospitalized last year for something similar). We did have an ultra sound done and there is not a clot. His blood work shows only slightly elevated white counts. He does have cultures growing.


    He's tired and weak still. His hands are cramping severely, which is a new and weird symptom.


    To say I'm worried would be an understatement. Primary dr. prescribed 2 hard core antibiotics, but thinks it might be viral and admits the scripts are a crapshoot.


    I'll update when I know more.





    We will be prayer for you here! Hang in there! My ds 9 had a similar "weird" viral illness last year. It took 2 weeks of him being in constant pain but it did go away.

  3. We just don't believe in segregating the church by ages. It contributes to the "youth culture" mentality, which we see as a problem, regardless of the content of the classes. Also, our conviction is that it is just not biblical.





    As homeschooling parents we have decided it is our responsibility to educate our children not the state's job. As Christian parents it is our job to disciple our children not the church's. The bible says nothing of age segregated peer groups but it does mention many times that it is a parent's job, particularly the father's job to raise his children in the Lord's way.


    Voddie Baucham is an excellent speaker on this subject.


    My kids are afraid y'all will say dissect the fish......I told them we would post it here and see what the general opinion would be.....


    Please, please vote for dissecting........:D


    Dissection! Go for it! That is what homeschooling is all about. It would be very wasteful to throw it away.


    ** the only exception would be if some had an emotional connection to it, then a formal burial with lots of chocolate (or cookies or ice cream) is in order**

  5. I live in PA too...and I don't think you get fined. I called our carseat co. and they said to get rid of a carseat after 6 years. The research I read pointed to this too...the plastic degrades, leaving it not as safe in an accident.

    ETA: Plus, how would they ever know your car seat was older than 6 years? They don't go looking at the expiration date on them!:D


    Apparently in this situation they did look at the date and saw it was expired. Now this something that happened to a friend of a friend (you know how that goes)


    I had the same carseats for both of other boys which I know was more than 6 years. We were in an accident and both those seats were discarded after the accident.

  6. My son is interested in joining Boy Scouts. There are no just homeschool troops. I'm concerned that since we homeschool and are not into popular culture (we have no TV) that it might be an ill fit.


    Please share your experiences.



    After 3 different cubscout groups we found we did not fit in. My son was not motivated and in the end we quit. I can't say it was because of homeschooling but not being into popular culture definitely had something to do with it. He didn't watch the shows or movies they watched. They were not into the things he wanted to talk about (usually history). I also found cubscouts is not very Christian oriented. This also discouraged my ds 9.


    We joined the Christian Service Brigade at our church. Ds loves it! No one there is homeschooled but he is fitting in OK.


    Good luck!

  7. By PA state law, we have to submit a porfolio every year. So I save things throughout the year and have the kids sort through everything at the end of the school year. I ask them what they want to keep and I save some things I want to keep. We put it all in a 3" 3 ring binder. This is our scrapbook for them for that year. It has become and activity we look forward to and enjoy doing (even though we have to do it)


    You can be as creative or noncreative (like me) as you like. I do include pictures of activities, projects, samples of writing, copy work, math worksheets etc so we can remember the year.

  8. I also don't see much discussion about the parents support their daughter's decisions. She is 12 and is starting to develop ideas of her own. If her parents are alienating her now by discouraging her opinions or outright outlawing them, what kind of precedent are they setting for her future relationship with them? Or what kind of example are they setting about relationships by trying to control her thoughts?


    It seems her heart needs to be changed but this cannot be accomplished by telling her she is wrong or controlling her feelings.


    She needs to be lovingly counseled by someone she trusts. Trying to approach the situation with angry confrontation will only push further into the hands of this other religiously feverent individual.

  9. I'm kind of surprised at how many would advocate "persecuting" a 12 year old for her convictions. I have my own 12 year old daughter and she has held some very strong convictions over the past couple of years that I do not share. But my dh and I try to gently instruct her if we believe that her doctrine is in error. We certainly don't try to exasperate her by telling her "we're the parents and you will give up this ridiculous phase!"


    Also, I think we need to remember that countless very devout, doctrinally sound Christians do believe in keeping the Sabbath. They are not legalists (that is, they don't believe that they are earning anything from God by keeping the commandment) by any means. They are truly motivated out of love and a desire for obedience.


    So, I don't think any of us should just dismiss this girl's conviction. I also think it's sad that so many would call her a hypocrite. Which of us is not a hypocrite? Seriously! Are we not allowed to hold one conviction unless we hold the whole lot of them without ever falling? Not a single one of lives a fully consistent Christian life. That is what sanctification is all about for goodness sake.


    I would hope that all of us would do our best to honor our kids' convictions. If we push them and cause them to violate their own conscience, we are guilty of causing them to sin.



    I agree with Ronette here. It may not be convenient for you but supporting her convictions is important. If parents do not support their children, who will?


    You can always gently and lovingly lay some ground rules that honor you as parents and a family but still allow her to have her religious beliefs.


    Edited to add:


    Could you find someone at church maybe the pastor or a church elder that can speak to her about respecting and honoring her parents while still allowing her to have her beliefs? This way you can still support and love her as her parents and encourage her growing as a Christian but address her behavior issues.

  10. A friend recent told me about infant car seat expiration dates. She said they expire after 6 years. She also mentioned that if you are "caught" with an expired car seat the police can fine you.


    I did some research on the internet about Pa state law since this is where I live and cannot find any such law.


    Does anyone know about this? With a baby coming in 4 weeks, I feel I need to look into this thoroughly.



  11. I'm really sad right now. A four year old boy my ds and I know from the hospital died last week. He had sickle cell. He got a fever and cough and just didn't get better. This little boy was a lot like my son. He was playful and full of life. His mom was very attentive to his needs and very careful with his medical care, but his body couldn't fight the acute chest. She took him to the ER with a cough and a fever. He got sick very quickly and was admitted to the ICU. In less then 2 weeks he died.


    His mom says they are praising the Lord that he is in heaven now. I can't imagine how they must feel. She was by his side in the hospital. I am trying not to compare him to my ds, but it is hard not to. This is the first one of his friends who has died, and he died from something my ds has battled so many times and is so vulnerable to. My heart is heavy today.


    (((Cathy))) I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you and your friend. I am glad he is with Jesus now.



  12. Charlotte's Web

    Stuart Little

    Ms. Piggle Wiggle (all)

    Ralph S. Mouse (all)

    Ms. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

    Shiloh (all)

    The Wind and The Willows

    Uncle Remus' Tales


    Chapter Books:


    Magic Tree House

    The Box Car Children

    Time Warp Trio


    We have listen to most of these on tape too. The boys love listening to their favor parts over and over again.

  13. Leave it there, keep investing, there are bargains out there.


    Since dh and I are not close to retirement, our goal is longterm investing. During times like this we leave everything as is. He even keeps investing in his stock purchase plan at work. Over the long hall every thing will balance out.


    If you are close to retirement, then this is a different story.


    Pulling your money out however, is a losing situation.

  14. Ok, besides the fact that it's really too early to be thinking about jump-starting anything (right?) & besides the fact that that *never* works,you've got to be kidding.


    No kidding! Sperm contains large amounts of prostaglandins, the hormone your body naturally produces to soften the cervix and jump start labor. (and docs use artificially) If you start now, may be in a few weeks it could help things along...... It is not an immediate process, like you will not go into labor tomorrow but give it some time.


    The logistics of that...um...I'm 5'2", right? And my babies are around 9 lbs, right? And they stick. straight. out. I can't reach the pedals to drive because the steering wheel digs too far into my belly!


    You can get creative! The last 3 books I read about natural childbirth all said the same thing about s#x at this point in the pregnancy.


    Believe me, personally I am not in the mood for much more than ice cream, water ice, and air conditioning but they say it works. I had to stop doing the dishes because I stick so far out I can't reach the faucet! (ds9 picked up this job, he-he)


    I really want to start a pregnancy whine thread.

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