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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. Part of me is a little upset that dh isn't even lending me his brain but I know his brain is already overloaded with pain and his own stress about moving churches.




    Could you give him little problems to solve, maybe one at a time? Like, what do you think I should do with this ---? Or Do you think the yard would look better like this or this? What should I make for dinner? Men like to feel useful and it could help him get his mind off his problems. It might also stimulate him enough that he wants to work.

  2. Warning: I am going to vent.


    I'm even giving this post a thumbs-down. I am 11 days from our move date, there are painters coming Monday morning to paint 4 rooms of this house that I'm trying to pack all by myself b/c my dh (and I'm not mad at him) had back surgery and cannot do ANYTHING. The Dr. said it will be a year before he's healed and he's on Vicodin, he's in pain.


    SO. Not only am I doing :banghead::banghead::banghead: EVERYTHING by myself- the bills, the utilities, preparing the house for moving, making all the decisions about what to purge, what to donate and trying desperately to keep the house in some type of order while I pack and the kids are bored out of their minds (dd7 and ds4), Dh is in pain and hurting- and in a constant bad mood.


    I have a yard to weed and clean (8 month old puppy and two kids).

    I have a house to scrub which I can't do with everything in disarray!

    I have a garage full of stuff to give away, full (a couch, loveseat, computer desk, etc.- I really mean full)


    Oh yeah. I woke up this morning unable to breathe. I'm sick. I keep taking breaks and coming here b/c my goodness- I'm overwhelmed. Part of me is a little upset that dh isn't even lending me his brain but I know his brain is already overloaded with pain and his own stress about moving churches.


    I'm about to close my eyes and just stick stuff in boxes and tape them up without even glancing or writing what is in them.


    Do not feel sorry for me. Just say a prayer that I don't collapse.


    Just do what you can or absolutely have to get done. Everything else God will work out.


    If you are sick and laid up next to your hubby then nothing will get done!!!:grouphug:


    Unfortunately for him, that means missing a birthday party tonight. I imagine I will have him go apologize to the other kids who were there and their parents as well.


    Thanks for your input, y'all.


    I am not sure punishment is the way I would go here. Yes it is inappropriate but they have no way of knowing or understanding at this age the ramifications of those actions. They are just 7 to 10 year old boys who think touching their p**is is funny. I would not make a big deal about it.


    I do understand how you feel. I stopped giving my boys a bath together(9 and 5) because they are too interested in playing games with it. (like who can pee the farthest or I am going to get you with my laser firing p**is). It makes me and dh feel very uncomfortable. But I have never punished for it - its child's play. I just keep having conversations about their bodies and God's plan for their body.

  4. Just want to caution you about your response. You sound like you already know this by what you said, but watch your response so that he doesn't think it's a game. It is hard to stop the reflex with pain, but that's my advice. Another is when he is biting, pinch his nose shut, gently. He will release to breathe. Along with saying gently, No bite.


    Mine didn't bite a lot, but did leave impressions from sucking position hard. Good luck. Poor booKs!



    I always said "hurts mommy! Ouch!" and pinch the nose gently to have them pull away. But it must not seem like a game to him. Sometimes I would tap their cheeks with my finger as a reminder. I think a few times it even got to the point where I put them down and said No biting and would not let them nurse if they bit me.


    I know how you feel both of my boys had teeth at four months. I went through biting with both. At first they always look at you and giggle:glare: but after a while they will get the point.


    I hope your n**ples feel better soon!

  5. http://www.onenewsnow.com/Election2008/Default.aspx?id=130938


    I know NOTHING about this news site.


    Someone sent it to me in a link. I just thought the subject was interesting. I am a TD Jakes fan, if you are not then it probably won't be interesting to you.


    I have never heard of TD Jakes and I find his comments interesting. Is he a conservative or liberal?


    While I did not agree with his feminity as a liability comment, I did like the fact that he spoke about this historic milestone with respectful tones. It did not strike me as liberal rhetoric.


    Thanks for sharing.

  6. I just wanted to take a moment to thank you ladies for the wonderful words of encouragement, the prayers and the sweet emails.


    I plan to print them out tonight and meditate on them tomorrow while my husband is working.


    He sought me out when he arrived home from work to hug me. We have actually gotten to the point where we just say hello when he comes home, so this was a big deal.


    I also wanted to make a couple of quick comments to clear up any confusion. I had a few people comment that I did not look old enough to have an 18 year old. This is because my 18 year old is technically my step-son, but I never call him that. He has called me mom since Day 1. I am 36 years old, while my husband will turn 49 next month. We have been married for almost 10 years.


    I also wanted to make sure everyone was clear that my husband has never been abusive in any way, he is a wonderful provider, a hard-working man, and has been physically faithful. There are also no p_rn problems or anything like that. I truly do know this.


    I personally just feel blah because I am carrying extra weight which I cannot seem to lose, and I just cannot compare to the thousands of ladies who attract the eye of men. Though charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, they seem to be one of the most important things to a man.


    We have just come to a place where there's not much togetherness, not much zest, and not much closeness.


    I know exactly how you feel. Dh and I have been married for ten years and sometimes it is hard to keep things going. We had a few problems a year or so ago and underwent counseling. It helped tremendously. It got us to open up and talk about things that I guess we had taken for granted. It helped us to become closer while allowing us to work on some issues.


    Things are by no means perfect for us, but I really feel we are moving forward not stagnant like we were before.


    You are not alone! :grouphug:

  7. I'm not going to throw tomatoes, but I have to say that I feel genuinely feel sad for you, having that view of women. I am a bible-believing Christian also, but the Bible does not teach what you seem to think it does.


    I am blessed to be able to say that the Lord has given me intellect, strength, the ability to think logically, and leadership skills, as well as empathy, compassion, and the ability to nurture. I'm sure he's given you the same things too. It makes me sad that you don't see that in other women, or in yourself.




    You are kind of proving my point, don't you think?

  8. As a Christian I do see Biblical support for male leadership in the home and in the church but I am not sure about secular government - I would have to study it!
    Lisa, that is a very good point! It is a secular government. After giving that some thought, I guess I would be using my Christian principles to make my secular decisions.


    And I am thinking of Margaret Thatcher and Angela Merkel - strong and competent.
    I never said women should not be leaders. Deborah is a good biblical example of a female leader that God blessed. Both women you mentioned (I personally like Margaret Thatcher very much) were great leaders.


    But the question that was put before me was about voting for an equally qualified man or woman. I do believe men and women are very different (part of God's plan) and because of this, even though they have had the same education and personal experience, the fact that they are inherently different causes them to respond to situations differently this would be the gender factor.


    I also agree with those who said they would have to look at character as a factor - again everyone experiences things differently.


    I have served on many boards both public and private and have seen bad decisions made by both men and women. The difference was men seemed to be less effected by emotional responses and women more. Men could make decisions and move on. Women had to "react" to them and try to make everyone happy. These are just my personal observations in the secular world not scientific fact.

  9. I have six children right now - three of my own and three temporary. One of the temporary little girls just loves Chuck E. Cheese, and I wanted to take them before they go home this weekend. I know we are a sight because 4 of them are 4 and under, but this was the first time someone asked if we were on a field trip or having a party. You should have seen the look on her face when I said they were all mine! (They are all mine for now anyway.)


    If you said yes, would you get a discount?

  10. As he was leaving to go to the movie rental place I asked him to pick up some popcorn. His jaw dropped, his eyes popped and he said "WHAT???"


    He thought I said "hot p*rn".


    Married to me almost thirty years and that's what he heard come out of my mouth??? Must have really upset him, he forgot the popcorn.





    Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

  11. We live in a rural area. It is a bit of way before the next house. We got a dog for many reasons, one is to warn us of strangers.


    A stranger comes to the door, knocks, and the dog looks up from his sleep and goes to the door wagging his tail.


    Last night, my son is playing in the front yard, the dogs barks wildly and rips the screen on the front screen door jumping on it.


    Huh? :confused:

  12. [

    quote=Ishki;276826]I do think, generalizing that is, that men tend to react more aggressively than women. And sometimes aggression can come out violently. More violent crimes are committed by men? No?
    Yes this true.


    Just for the record, my husband isn't violent. It's usually rash decisions involving money. But when he's stressed and emotional, he is definitely much more aggressive ... masculine.
    My dh is like that too.


    That's why I appreciate and try not to underestimate the influence of the First Lady. Men need the balancing effect of a female. ;)


    Absolutely! They need us. In my opinion that is how God made us. I never tried to say that men were not emotional (we are all human). My argument is that God made us this way for His purpose. It is not for me to understand. As a Christian, my faith is in His word.

  13. I'll try to remember this the next time my hubby makes one of those rash decisions in the 'heat of the moment' which he later regrets. :001_smile: For such a reasonable, logical man, when he does have an emotional moment, it's a doozy! Plus, when men get emotional, it tends to be much more aggressive and violent.....


    I would vote for the woman to be able to say I was able to vote for a woman, and then as someone else said, hope we could just focus on qualifications, not gender. Right now I'm considering pulling a name out of a hat. I'll throw the cat in for good measure.




    This would be the exception. Not all men are violent.


    I was sooooo raised in a women's lib environment. My mom never depended on a man and still does not. She would agree with you.


    This is my hubby reading my posts on this subject :lol:

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