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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. EVERY time I try to make granola it BURNS. This last batch was suppose to cook for 2 hours at 250 degrees. At 90 minutes it started smelling bad. I went in and when I opened the oven it was BURNT. The edges are crispy. I've used metal and stoneware cookie sheets. I am at a total loss.


    If any of you have a tried and true recipe or further cooking instructions I would SOOO MUCH appreciate it. Buying the ingredients over and over again gets expensive!!!




    ETA I did rotate/stir it halfway through, as directed


    I cook mine for about 30 minutes (depending on amount) stirring every 10 to 15 mins in a slow oven (300?). I think stirring is the key.


    Let me know if you need a recipe. I can give you mine.

  2. 10 days early, & #3 came on her due date...



    when do you think I should expect #4?





    Aubrey, who's not antsy or anything.


    I'm with you Aubrey - I'm due in a month and I am ready.to.go. I walk by the baby diapers and smell that newborn baby diaper smell. (the clean one) Unfortunately, both of my boys were late - sigh.


    I just want to be able to touch my feet again and sit normally.


    They say having fun with your hubby is a great way to jump start things. ;)

  3. If so, was it worth the $$$? Man those things are expensive. Are you glad you spent the money? Where did you get it? Is it holding up? Thanks so much.


    Is DH handy at all?


    We bought a kit a Home Depot a few years ago. It came with the hardware and plans. We bought the wood separately and dh put it together. I think when it was all said and done it cost us about $600. He liked the kit because he got to make modifications that would help it last and we could shop around for the best price on wood.


    It is about 5 years old now and is in great shape. It survived our move from NJ to PA 3 years ago. The kids play on it every day.


    If you can swing the price, I highly recommend wooden versus metal.

  4. The thing is: SOTWI is fine for a 5yo, but SOTW4 is not fine for a 8yo. It is a huge leap in complexity and difficulty and, to be honest, dry-ness.




    I agree with Julie that if you start too early you will run into problems later on. So don't go too fast.




    The thing I love most about SOTW is the stories in SOTW feed the imagination. My boys spend countless hours "playing history".


    Could you start reading the stories for enjoyment especially the supplemental reading? Then do the activities if needed. You can always go slow or redo next year.


    I would encourage you, if you can handle it, to start and play it by ear. See how it works for you. Just remember you can stop at anytime.


    Happy reading!

  5. I am thinking about just using library resources for geography and earth science this year instead of purchasing a curriculum. We have considered buying a telescope for astronomy because it is an interest for dh, but I'm not sure if the money will be in the budget for that this year or not. I'm also considering buying a few experiment kits to go along with the library books we read. I'm wondering if anyone who has done this before has any tips/advice. Did you find it difficult to find books available when you needed them? Did it work out well or turn into a huge inconvenience? I think it would save us money and make these subjects more low key for us, but I'm not sure if it is worth it or not.


    This works well for us at that age. I just made sure I had a spine that I owned to work from in case the library book was not available right way. At that age your goal is to expose them to science topics and have them experience science first hand through and experiments and projects. We do experiments once every couple weeks or weekly depending on interest and read books and narrate them.


    Science is fun time around here. We use it to break from regular school work.

  6. this fall will be our first curriculum-structured homeschooling experience, and i know i'm jumping the gun here, but i was wondering what you parents do with your kids during summer vacation?


    do you school year-round with small breaks here and there? do you have "school-lite" in the summer months? or nothing at all?


    just curious. :)



    We start school July 1 and school all year round taking weekly breaks about once a month. BUT nice days are always spent outside having fun exploring or just playing. My boys love imagination play and the slip and slide. Schooling year round allows us to have this fun time whenever we want or need it.


    Some days are spent just doing art and music or writing in their nature journals. We enjoy the Green Hour activities and Sketch Tuesday. These are great summertime outside activities.


    Welcome to homeschooling Liz!

  7. Cadam (Christina) gave me this advice in another post:


    My single most important piece of baby equipment was a sling at that age. If cost is an issue then any large piece of fabric (old sheet even) will do the trick. YOu can find sites on line that will show you different ways to wrap the material.


    I just used 3 yards of fabric that was suppose to be pillows and never made it. I hemmed the fabric, tied it and threw the baby in... happy baby!

  8. Congratulations on the upcoming baby!


    Infants tend to sleep a lot so that should help somewhat.


    Is there a homeschool store in your area? You might be able to find the study guides for much cheaper.


    Instead of a study guide could your daughter just read the books and then narrate to you? One idea I had with the kids I tutored was to give them a small write-erase board and pens and they drew some pictures of key points as they narrated.


    Thanks Jean.


    Unfortunately, past about a month my babies are not sleepers. Both of my boys took about two 20 min naps a day and nursed every 2 hours. So the first few months are rough. There were allergies involved with both so hopefully, I can figure this out early.


    I like the idea of drawing pictures with narrations. I think ds will enjoy this. Thanks!!! (I'll have to rep you tomorrow, I am out today)

  9. My single most important piece of baby equipment was a sling at that age. If cost is an issue then any large piece of fabric (old sheet even) will do the trick. YOu can find sites on line that will show you different ways to wrap the material.


    I just used 3 yards of fabric that was suppose to be pillows and never made it. I hemmed the fabric, tied it and threw the baby in... happy baby!


    I love slings!! I have 2 and they were essential to having a baby. I like them better than those car seat/infant carriers - Much easier!! I have a Nojo type like you describe and a Baby Borjn (sp?) that puts the baby in front.

  10. He had a severe asthma attack Saturday so he has been in the hospital since Saturday night.


    I have now just gotten home to clean up and get some bills paid before going back to the hospital. It has been a long week!! We had a lot of trouble with the Hospitalist. She was going against our and our family dr's wishes which caused major setbacks on our son's teatment. Things are looking better slowly.


    I probably won't be here until next week.






    Get well soon Holly's son!!

  11. I am due with baby #3 in 5 weeks :hurray:


    We still need to have school although our current curriculum choices will not work during the initial infant adjustment period. (the screaming time as dh and I like to call it)


    I have decide to do study guides on books since ds9 will spend hours reading.

    The ones I have looked at are around $20 a piece way too much for my budget.


    Can anyone give me some suggestions on free ones or a source of inexpensive study guides? Ds9 is technically in 4th grade but reads at about an 8th grade level so we have some flexibility.


    Any advice about doing school with a newborn is welcome!!

  12. I am due with baby #3 in 5 weeks :hurray:


    We still need to have school although our current curriculum choices will not work during the initial infant adjustment period. (the screaming time as dh and I like to call it)


    I have decide to do study guides on books since ds9 will spend hours reading.

    The ones I have looked at are around $20 a piece way too much for my budget.


    Can anyone give me some suggestions on free ones or a source of inexpensive study guides? Ds9 is technically in 4th grade but reads at about an 8th grade level so we have some flexibility.


    Any advice about doing school with a newborn is welcome!!

  13. My thought is this: Writing is so important for the college bound, that you should spend as much time on it as needed before other subjects like history and science.


    I also am reading Evaluating writing by the Writing Strands people and I find it very interesting and helpful.


    Sorry! I could not offer you more. Writing is such a stressful subject!!

  14. The Classical Education Police won't be pounding on your door if you don't mention dates to your first grader. Just tell the story chronologically, and you'll be fine. Tie in Jericho where it seems to fit best, and don't worry about exact dates. When we did SOTW I we didn't discuss dates much, if at all. We did, however, line up the stories. I just went through Catherine Vos's Child's Story Bible and lined up the events with the history book. Any chronological Bible would work, though. Isn't there a chart that plans this out on Paula's Archives?




    Dates are so disputable anyway that early on and unless you have a child that loves to memorize dates, don't worry about it. If there is ever a dispute, the word of God wins. The Bible is right. We use this approach with everything we do and learn in our lives even science. We read our story Bible regularly and this reinforces it. This worked well with ds9 the first time around and I plan to approach things the same way with ds5 this year.

  15. Maybe help him poke holes around the edges of the two pieces of fabric and then have him lace the holes with rope/yarn? May be easier for you both. I HTH, I ended up doing the cave painting as I had the materials for it.


    So it would be a sack with no sew sides, I would just bring the material up together making a sack? This sounds doable.


    I did the cave painting the first time around with ds9. He enjoyed that. Ds5 has his heart set on the bag and I know he will enjoy it. He loves to experience history. I just panic when it comes to sewing!!



  16. My son wants to do the game bag project in Chapter 1 The Earliest People.


    I am sewing challenged and could use some advice before I attempt to begin.


    I have college degree and sewing should be easy right? ( I have no idea how to use a sewing machine) Should I use a sewing machine? What does it mean leave the top of the bag open for turning?


    Please help!

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