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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. I would pick a schedule and meals and stick to it. It sounds like he is getting the message if he is trying new foods.


    With our boys I offer healthy food at every meal and they must eat what they are given or no snack or dessert. Now, I try to make the meals something they have eaten and liked. I don't serve cabbage on purpose just to make a point. and if they prefer uncooked veggies, I serve them instead of cooked.


    At 3 you are setting the stage for what he will eat later on when he is older.


    n the last 4-6 months he has begun to refuse foods he used to eat regularly


    This is pretty normal around my place. One week they love broccoli, the next they hate it. I think it is a cycle with kids. I still require them to eat it though.......:001_smile:


    Breakfast and lunches are usually not a problem


    My ds 5 did not eat much dinner around this age either. All he wanted was pasta. If he eats these meals then I would try to load him up with healthy food during these meals and then do not worry about dinner. My ds5 lived on peanut butter and other nuts during this time for lunch.


    I've been purposely making food that is tolerable and that he would eat a year ago (no liver and onions) but just not on his current eating list.
    This sounds like a great plan - stick to it! Everything I have read about kids and food (including my grandmom's advice) says that kids need to be exposed to a food at least 10 to 15 times before they starting liking it. This has worked very well in my family esp with veggies.


    He's begging for waffles with cream cheese and telling us he's hungry.
    My response would be - if you are hungry then eat dinner! I would have his favorites maybe once a week just to make him happy and show him I love him. (we have my favorites and dh favorites once a week too!)


    I've considered bringing out his dinner for breakfast, but I honestly don't know if he'd get the connection


    He is too young to make that connection.


    (On a positive note, at lunch today he took a bite of his banana which normally would have been refused.


    Yeah for him!!!!!


    Good luck, this is a hard issue but from my experience with my 2 boys, making them eat fair meals regularly and not giving them what they want all the time has paid off. They both are very healthy eaters!

  2. It is grown ups who attach some sinister meaning to such innocent descriptions. I was sad that I had to teach him that man has harmed man to such a degree that the fallout is people being hurt by certain words even if ds has no ill intent. You should have seen the confusion on his little face when I told him to be sure and not refer to that boy in his piano class as 'brown' because the boy and his mom didn't like it. When he asked why I had to tell him I really had no idea.


    That is so true. Over the weekend we had to explain to ds 5 why the indians were attacking John Wayne's group when they had never met him before. :001_huh:

  3. Cindy, :grouphug:


    I can't offer you any advice, but I will pray that you find the perseverance and encouragement you need.


    I read your blog and God bless you for what you are doing. Your blog is beautiful and really glorifies His name. (you had me in tears!)


    I will continue to pray for your family and Katya that the Lord may heal her wounded heart and that He opens the heart of your family to give her the love she needs to heal.


    Keep up the good work!

  4. It bothers me when people say they don't see race, because I feel like it is pretending that racism isn't a problem. Just because you don't feel differently about people of different races doesn't mean that you should pretend everyone is the same race. People of visible minorities face a lot of struggles in every day life that the majority group doesn't. I think it's important to acknowledge that, and to teach kids about race and racism.


    I see your point but isn't teaching that people are different based on color or origin of birth, whether it is good or bad, racism? Isn't this separating someone based on the color of their skin? l think focusing on this one issue is what is causing the problem.


    Yes he/she may have brown skin but he is also kind, funny, has brown eyes, one nose etc. Why do we need to focus on just the aspect of the skin color? (or origin)


    I do think it is important to acknowledge that minorities struggle more than others, but do we have to point out what color their skin is or who they are ethnically?




  5. We have discussed this before in the past, and I think that the majority of people (please correct me I am not remembering this correctly) prefer the mixed viewpoints presented on this board. I for one, love reading the posts of those who do not share my religious/political/parenting/fill in the blank beliefs because they make me think of things in different ways. I would be very sad if we split on any one of these issues, because I think the strength of the board would be diminished.




  6. Vinegar didn't hurt my dd, she just hated the smell. We did it for quite some time, and it seemed like the warts were going away- but they call came back and invited their little friends.


    I tried a salicylic acid treatment from the drug store- same thing. We got some burned off yesterday, but that was painful and dd has about 30 warts now. Dr. suggested an over-the-counter antacid- Tagamet- in a pretty high dose. Evidently there have been studies done using it against warts. I googled this, and it seems to work a little better than a placebo. Great.


    If anyone else has some wart removal ideas, I'm open to anything at this point!


    We used Tagamet for ds5 and it worked great. He took two pills a day (he weighed 35 pounds) for about 3 months. just when is seemed it was not working - Poof! they were gone. I do recommend it.

  7. My son took the groceries to the basement yesterday and filled the freezer above the refrigerator with bread, margarine, and pizza...and left the door ajar. My freezer jam is in there, too. It is now 40 degrees. I'll refreeze the bread and margarine. I'm not going to toss my freezer jam. What would you do with the pizzas? Do we have to throw a pizza party tonight? Do I even want to consider refreezing them??? :(





    Been there and hate when that happens!!!!


    If they are defrosted I would throw a pizza party tonight. If they are still frozen, throw them back in the freezer.


    Because cheese is culture, you can leave it at room temp for a while before it goes bad.

  8. You can also run open scissors or a knife across a stick of chalk to make chalk dust and then mix that with the egg yolk. Use better quality chalk for richer colors or sidewalk chalk for a cheaper experiment. The paint you make will be fairly translucent and you can let one color dry and layer another over top of it. When the paint dries it has a nice shiny surface. It isn't easy to paint with though!


    I have done this in a co-op setting with upper elementary kids. They thought it was great.


    If I remember correctly, the book Discovering Great Artists has this as one of the activities.



    We did the activity in Discovering Great Artists. We crushed chalk, mixed it with a little bit of egg in an egg carton, and painted. My ds5 had a great time with it.

  9. I've led co-ops for a few years but it just seems like so many parents want "fun"- they don't see the great value and fun in learning.


    I personally want our co-op classes to be fun but it is because I am so demanding on the boys at home. Co-op is a place for us to experience fun things with friends. I do not need to add to our already busy homeschooling schedule.


    We've been advising a "classical" group for awhile but they want the end goal, not the process -kwim?


    I think this is true of many things in our society. People want the end result but not the work that goes with it. I think it is all due to materialism. It is easy to buy things for you kids, not so easy to build relationships with them or discipline them.

  10. I'm wondering if you have a problem at all. If he can do it, he will do it when it has meaning for him! Work on making sure he can do the problems and building confidence. Reduce the number of problems he has to do if he knows how to do them. Relax! As long as he is learning, he is fine! If you had said "My son just can't get math," you would have more to worry about. Think about it, what son really wants to concentrate on math for an hour a day, especially when he already knows it?








    My ds9, soon to be 10, is the same way. We use Saxon also. We reduced the number of problems he has to do. This has helped with the mistakes, but he still makes them. But his confidence is much better. We went from him panicking with even adding the price of candy at the store in his head, to him being willing and wanting to do math in his head.


    My ds9 is good in many other things. I had to be willing to accept that math was not one of them. We do not focus in what he gets wrong, we correct it and go on.


    I honestly feel it does not help to focus on what the child can't do or doesn't do well. I try to focus on what they do right and just get through the wrong stuff.

  11. any books, etc you would recommend reading on allergies like that?


    I remember reading the Baby Book by Dr. Sears. I also talked to moms who had babies with allergies. It was mostly trial and error and the process of elimination. I would avoid eating xx for one week and see if it made a difference.


    With my ds and soy, he actually vomited after getting soy formula so it was easy to see that allergy. As for eggs and milk I had to eliminate them.

  12. My little guy is 3 months old. He cries whenever he is not being held. Not just a little fussy, but full-on, I'm-mad-as-heck screaming. He doesn't calm down after a few minutes, either.


    Now, before you tell me that I've just spoiled him, I haven't done anything different than I did with my first 3 children. I 'wear' him whenever possible. If I can't actively hold him (like while I'm cooking), I talk to him in a smoothing voice. It's not helping. :001_huh:


    He's still young and I want to cherish this time. I know that someday I'll ache to hold this small version of him. At the same time, I've never met a baby like this, my chores are falling behind, and I'm beginning to feel a little overwhelmed with the amount of constant attention he demands.


    Thoughts? Prayers? Advice?


    (((Jeanne))) I know how you feel. I don't believe you can spoil a baby with too much love:001_smile:


    Both of my boys were screamers. Have you looked into allergies? I did not know about this with my first so we just walked and wore him a lot. When my second ds came along, I started reading about food allergies and through a process of elimination, we found out he was allergic to eggs, soy, and milk. He could not have formula with these ingredients and since I nursed him, I could not have these products either.


    Once I eliminated these from my diet, it was like I had a new baby. He was content, no more bad diaper rashes, no more screaming.


    I have read about babies being intolerant of many things including laundry detergent, environmental allergies, food, et cetera.



  13. While the kids were weeding the garden beds I was reading the Odyssey to them outloud. After another round of Odysseus being treated well be a god and then smacked down by another one, my 8 yo asks, "what are their (the gods) problems?" My 13 says in total seriousness, "Look. The gods are bi-polar. The sooner you figure that out the happier you'll be!!"





    Thanks for the laugh!

  14. So Adrianne, Plaid, what you are saying is that all those who simply say they use the Bible as their moral guide are leaving out a large part of what they're really using. Or, they're not using it correctly. Because you can't just use the Bible in a vacuum.
    I need to give that some thought. I feel uncomfortable using absolutes when talking about people. Everyone is different in their Christianity. I can say that this is how I use the Bible.


    As to the specific question of polygamy. Would you please point me toward where polygamy is outlawed?
    I would encourage you to read Matthew 19. More specifically, Matthew 19:9 states, (these words appear in red which means they are spoken by Jesus)


    "I tell you, that anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness and marries another woman commits adultery." (adultery is a sin according to the 10 Commandments).


    I would also point you toward Adam and Eve, God's greatest example of a relationship between a man and a woman. God created Adam, and provided for him a single wife. He did not provide multiple wives for him.


    Genesis 2:24


    "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh."


    Edited to add:


    Deuteronomy 17:14-20 in which God warns Solomon


    14"When you enter the land which the LORD your God gives you, and you possess it and live in it, and you say, I will set a king over me like all the nations who are around me,' 15you shall surely set a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses, one from among your countrymen you shall set as king over yourselves; you may not put a foreigner over yourselves who is not your countryman.

    16"Moreover, he shall not multiply horses for himself, nor shall he cause the people to return to Egypt to multiply horses, since the LORD has said to you, 'You shall never again return that way.'

    17"He shall not multiply wives for himself, or else his heart will turn away; nor shall he greatly increase silver and gold for himself.

    18"Now it shall come about when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, he shall write for himself a copy of this law on a scroll in the presence of the Levitical priests.

    19"It shall be with him and he shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the LORD his God, by carefully observing all the words of this law and these statutes,

    20that his heart may not be lifted up above his countrymen and that he may not turn aside from the commandment, to the right or the left, so that he and his sons may continue long in his kingdom in the midst of Israel.

  15. I'm a Christian, but I don't understand this line of thinking. In the case of the twins (assuming I'm understanding the facts of the case), if the parents separate the twins, one twin will get a heart and one won't. Since you can't live without a heart, the baby who is not chosen to get the heart will die.


    Are you saying that God could decide to keep the twin without a heart alive? Or are you saying that God will not let the parents pick the "wrong" twin to get the heart?


    (In case this comes across as snarky, I'm not meaning it to. I sincerely want to understand your thinking.)


    Ah Melinda, it seems you have caught me in my own ignorance. I did not understand the full nature of the twin situation. I really do not know the specifics of this situation.


    However, I still stand by what I said. I believe God is sovereign in the end He will decide what happens according to His will. I don't think that He will make the baby live without a heart (although if God wanted to - He could). What if the baby was kept alive on a bypass until another heart was available? What if the docs were wrong and a donor heart became available last minute? God is all about miracles.


    I really do not feel comfortable trying to explain God's actions in these black and white terms. God is not always black and white. No one can understand completely and sometimes we have to go on faith.

  16. Hello Adrianne... I want to know how you can use the Bible as a guide to morality. In the example of the twins, the decision as to which will live or die is not in any deity's hands, it is in the hands of the parents and the doctors who will give one a heart and let the other die. How can they use the Bible as a guide?


    Hi Phred,


    I think Plaid Dad said it very well. I wanted to add that as Christians we believe in the teachings of Christ. The Old Testament rules only apply if Christ mentions and supports them again in the New Testament. This is the guide I have always followed. Christians do not follow only the Old Testament that would be the Jewish Law before Christ (it is a little more complicated than that but I do not want to go into it here).


    For example, polygamy as you said is accepted and was practice culturally in the Old Testament, however, as Plaid Dad said, Christ condemned this practice in the New Testament, here we follow the teachings of Christ as Christians and outlaw polygamy.


    I am starting to get the feeling Phred that since you have no belief in God that you cannot understand our faith. I am trying my best to help you understand. With the baby example, as Christians, we believe God is sovereign over everything. Will I get married? Will I have children? Which twin will live or die? God decides - period. The doctors and parents are only around to help carry out His will. We do what we can but in the end, God has the final say.


    So many people claim to use the Bible as their guide to morality but I would suggest this isn't true. I would suggest that the Bible is used to validate what you want to find moral and other things the Bible might suggest are put by the wayside. For example, the Bible clearly suggests that polygamy is acceptable. Anyone seeking to validate a polygamous marriage can surely do so.


    My thoughts for you are many here so I will try to narrow it. Forgive me if I stray from my point or confuse the daylights out of you.


    Yes you are very correct that Christians use the Bible sometimes to validate their own moral code. People use this to abuse their children. People use this to steal from each other (an eye for an eye). Again these are Old Testement answers. We are all sinners. No one is perfect or always does the right thing.


    As Christians, it is our charge by God to walk with Him, to develop a relationship with him. It is through this relationship that we find guidance in the Bible. We should not and cannot depend on ourselves or our gut feelings to get us through. It is only through consultation with the Scriptures and prayer that we can know God's will. (and sometimes not even then). Again in comes faith and trusting God's perfect will.


    You ask how I use the Bible as my book of morality and I have to agree again with Plaid Dad that the Bible is not read in a vacuum. You can't just open the book and find the answer to what you want. (with the exception of the 10 Commandments found in Exodus these are black and white.)


    When faced with a moral crisis, I first pray, read the scriptures, consult my fellow Christians or pastor and pray some more. My actions are not always correct or "right". I may ere grossly in what I do, but I do my best with God's help.


    As my personal guideline, as I tell my kids, if are not producing the fruits of the Spirit love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, et cetera, then chances are you are not supporting God and the devil is hidden somewhere in there.


    I hope I have answered your question. Please feel free to ask some more questions.

  17. You are not a failure! Rabbits happen.


    I would say go ahead and replant your beans. I usually can get a few plantings of beans every summer here in PA. If you want a faster grower use a bush bean. They tend to produce sooner.


    As for lettuce and cilantro, replant in later summer for a fall harvest. These plants do not like hot weather.


    Rabbits can be such a bother!!!

  18. I have two questions on this. First of all, we were in a coop last year. Both dc loved it at first. Then, as the year wore on one ds liked it less and less. By the end, he didn't even want to go. Well, now it is time to sign up for the fall. One ds wants to go. The other does not. I am on the fence on this one, both for me personally and for the dc. There are some good things about it (social time, for one). However, it is not necessary either academically or socially, though it does help us to be less isolated in the dead of winter. I really don't want to take one unwillingly,but I think sometimes he just likes to be negative and then gets stuck in the "no". So I am not entirely sure what is up here, though since he didn't like it toward the end, I am assuming he really does not want to go back. Any thoughts?? Would you push it ? Back out? Take one and not the other?


    Okay, and my second question is on coop classes. I am just interested in hearing what classes some of you have done at your coops. I am looking for some new ideas. Thanks, everyone.


    In our family it is not the kids decision to go. If my dh and I feel it is best then we all go. We have belonged to co-ops since we started homeschooling and really being a part of them. My ds 9 usually does not want to go at first but he always comes around mid year.


    As for classes, we have done so many different things. Being a biologist, I have taught Kid Concoctions, Kid's chemistry, Mud Pies to Magnets, and Everybody has a Body. I have also taught lab sciences to the High school groups.


    Other moms taught music with a song flute, sign language, cooking, art, the Prairie Primer, Galloping the Globe, writing classes, public speaking classes, PA history classes and so much more!


    I hope you have fun choosing what classes to teach! It is always my favorite part.

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