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Posts posted by Adrianne


    Thank you all for your responses. I thoroughly dislike this type of thing and wish that ministry and church could be kumbaya from beginning to end, but then that would probably mean Christ wasn't discipling me. :lol:




    Isn't that the truth! I have also learned in my Christian walk that sometimes I think I can see God's will and then when all is said and the results were quite different and I was very mistaken.

  2. We're about to jump into the fray of piano lessons, but we need a piano. I have the option on an old upright (and I mean OLD) that I don't think is in good shape but would be cheap. Or, we can get a reasonable priced digital with headphone option (our house is super open so it would be nice). I would love any opinions. THANKS!!!


    FWIW, When faced with the same situation a few months back I decided to go with the old upright instead of the digital. The main reason is that digitals are not very easy to get fixed. My brother, a musician, had one that broke (the sharps and flats stopped working after 3 years). He had to buy a new piano.


    When I had a piano tuner in to tune my new/old piano, he agreed that I made the right choice. He said he cannot just come and fix your digital like he can a regular piano. A lot of the time, people need to send their digitals back to be fixed which can be very costly, if not impossible. I did trust what he said, he came highly recommended and tunes many church and home pianos in our area. He also said he feels the sound is better with real pianos (he admitted his bias here).


    I also felt that if the kids did not like playing, I did not invest much money in the used upright. If they become virtuosos then I can always upgrade.



  3. We've just had 10 yards of loam dropped in our yard. Dh is going to build the raised garden ASAP, and I've ordered the heritage seeds (so I don't have to keep buying them year in and year out.


    So, having done this, I found out that dh's book on organic gardening is still packed. Does anyone have any good suggestions? I'll get what I can from the library until he can find his book.


    Also, any good tips are welcome, such as flowers to keep pests away, etc (I think marigolds are some of them, right?) I want to avoid chemicals as much as possible, but Jeri told me once she just can't grow her squash (I think it was squash) without spraying it at some point due to insects. We are definitely hoping to harvest some squash. I've ordered seeds meant to be planted late or with shorter growing seasons, since it's so late in the year.


    This will be our victory garden--victory from rising prices. Plus, I love to garden and finally have my own house and yard instead of renting.


    Victory Garden, how cool!!


    The best thing that I have found is to use this year as a learning experience. Plant what you want and see what kind of problems you have. Every area/soil type has its own set of problems. We have lived in our present home for 3 years now and I am still encountering new problems every year. This year I have root maggots!


    I have found the internet to be a great resource for organic gardening information. I just put whatever problem I have followed by the word organic into google and a solution always comes up. The library also carries books on organic gardening.


    Of course you can always post your problems here. Lots of information and help to be had!


    Here is a tip for you, Dipel dust is great for any kind of worm infestation in fall/spring broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower.


    Happy Gardening!



    1 3/4 c. sifted cake flour

    3/4 tsp. soda

    3/4 tsp. salt

    1 c. sugar

    2 tbsp. shortening

    3 tbsp. peanut butter

    2 squares chocolate, melted

    1 c. whole milk

    1 tsp. vanilla


    Sift flour once, measure. Add soda, salt and sugar. Sift together 3 times. Cream shortening and peanut butter until well blended. Add melted chocolate and mix well. Add sifted dry ingredients, alternating with milk and vanilla. Stir until all the flour is dampened. Beat vigorously for 1 minute. Turn into two 8-inch layer greased pans or loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until done.



    Also, the one review this cake got said it "didn't rise much and maybe needs eggs". Should I add a couple eggs? And I don't have cake flour, would all-purpose work?


    I was thinking a cream cheese frosting might be good. What do you think? Thanks!


    Cake flour gives the cake a moister consistency. Using AP flour will make it a little dryer/tougher. But I would and have made this substitution when I did not have cake flour. I guess it depends on your expectations.


    As far as icing - I like the idea of cream cheese or maybe a peanut butter or chocolate icing?


    Incidentally, my ds 5 is allergic to eggs and I am always looking for eggless cake recipes. Thanks for posting this one! We love peanut butter and chocolate!

  5. My dh has been a type I diabetic since he was 18. About 3 years into our marriage the pumps came out. It has made a tremendous difference in our lives. There are not as many lows. It also gives him freedom with his meals.


    His is a Medtronic the model that just came out. He is on his second pump now.


    It takes some training and time to learn how to use it but it is well worth it! I highly recommend it.


    Does anyone have the continuous glucose monitor that works with the Medtronic pump?

  6. One of my big problems, though, is that I can turn wimpy. I so want peace that I won't have the backbone needed. Anyway, my wimpiness mixed with IP's insecurity problems and controlling personality were just a bad mixture. I wound up basically backing out of the team since changes couldn't be made.
    I know how you feel! I am the same way. I do not like angry confrontation and will wimp out easily. (even if I know I am right)


    It is appearing that IP is coming back. IP has had hurt feelings, and from what I understand, feels that I am to blame for this. I'm frustrated and don't know how to handle this person's presence.


    It is sooo easy to blame someone else rather than work on our own problems. Sounds like IP does a lot of this.



    "I" feel I am not to blame other than not standing up to IP more firmly in the beginning. This particular ministry is now flourishing without IP's hand on it, and I think that has caused frustration and anger also...there are others on this team now and it's not all about one person dictating but it is more than one mind working together for the best interest of the ministry, seeking God's will for the ministry.


    NO no! Do not feel that it is your fault. People like IP love to blame others instead of looking inward for the problems. (I think sometimes we all do this) Obviously the ministry is growing and God is working if you can see the fruits of the Spirit.


    I've prayed about reaching out an olive branch to try to bring peace, but I just don't know if I'd be encouraging that type of behavior further. I don't know how to handle IP in a Christlike manner now. I see IP's behavior as coming from someone who has been hurt, an insecure person who definitely needs people who love them but for whatever reason is unwilling to be humble and submissive in any form. HOW do you hug a porcupine?? I think that's my question.


    I would just keep doing what you are doing. God is working, he always is in these situations, and things will work out. There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep your distance from this person. I would keep a distance from IP and act cordially to him/her when needed. But the Bible says we must forgive 70 x 7 so there is no way around that. You need to try to forgive and move on for your own sake if not for IP.


    Once you move past this, their presence will not bother you anymore.


    You are in a difficult situation and I commend you for trying to work this out peacefully. These situations can be sooooo hard. Just remember God is at work!

  7. :ohmy: We have already used

    4 packs of 18 boxes

    2 packs of 41 boxes, misc. size

    and 8 misc. size boxes


    that's 162 boxes and we need more! :eek:


    I think 1 more pack of 18 will do it but goodness. I have spaghetti arms right now so I'm taking a break to see what y'all are talking about.




    I hope things are going better for you today :)!

  8. My great grandfather was a teacher his whole life in various one room school houses in my area. When he was teaching in the 1920's and later, it was actually grounds for firing for him to call on a girl during the week. He was only allow to "visit" a girl during the proper time of the week, which I think was over the weekend. If you were a woman and found to be visiting a man during the week or :eek:with child, this was grounds for termination.


    You also had to be in order financially (no debt, savings in the bank) and under no circumstances were you allowed to be in any situation considered to be improper legally or morally. Mishandling of these were grounds for termination.


    My great aunt (his daughter) found this in an article in her attic and shared it with me. Boy times have changed.......

  9. We use our credit card any pay it off at the end of the month. We do this for a lot of our purchases (except food, I can't bring myself to charge that).


    We do it because we really like the LLBean rewards coupons. We really like their clothes for the quality and can't afford it otherwise.


    Although this year, for the CHAP conference I saved cash ahead of time and had that to spend just to see if I could stay in a budget. When I buy FLL4 this summer, I will use my credit card and pay it off.

  10. But, how in the world do I stop wanting another baby!? I have 4 dc ages 8,6,6, and almost 4yrs. old. My husband is really not for having another and to be honest I see his point. It was really hectic with all those little ones a few years ago and I do feel like we are entering such a nice time with all their ages. We just finished up our first year of homeschooling and will be continuing next year with the addition of my youngest into our classroom. The three eldest all ahve one activity a week as well as piano lessons. As if that isn't enough of a challenge! I also make cakes on the side and am active at church. I love love love all of these things I am doing but It seems I'm always striving to simplify my life because busyness overwhelms me.


    another piece of it is that since we started homeschooling, I have really changed into someone who wants to be so much more of a mother to my children. I always have been very devoted to them but there has been a definite change in my relationship with each of them. I have a different perspective now and I feel like I finally found out what it is I'm supposed to do with all these kiddos. :)


    My age could be a factor. I'm 34 and feel as though if I were going to have another I should do it now. I like the kids to be close in age and I don't have an easy time with pregnancy. Not complications - just miserable and sick.


    A couple of months ago I had this meltdown that lasted about 4 days. My SIL (who I love) had a baby (her first) and that just set me off on a crying jag that I could not stop. I thought I was finally just grieving what feels like the end of an age for me and that I would be all better afterward. Well, I did feel fine for a while but now it's become an everyday struggle again.


    My poor dh is growing tired of me asking him if he's reconsidered or if he would just think about it one more time.


    Maybe someone can help me figure out this irrational drive to have "just one more" and really will I feel done after that? I don't know... I just don't think I have the "off switch" when it comes to this.


    Anyone have any experience with this?





    About a year and a half ago God placed the same thoughts in my heart. I really wanted another child. Dh was not on board and I completely understood. But yet I had these feelings.......


    I just prayed and prayed for God to show me why I was in this situation and prayed for His peace to deal with them. I really felt they were God given.


    I am not sure how we got here but I am pregnant with number 3. (well I mean I know how we got pregnant). I did not plan this pregnancy and was VERY surprised about it.


    I can't say the same will happen for you but my point is, to place your trust in God. He put those feelings in you for a reason. He will reveal to you in His time why.


    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5.




  11. I don't think of this so much in terms of accountability but simply as an expression of the fact that we function as a team. And it definitely does not cramp my style in any way.




    I think teamwork has a lot to do with it. When dh comes home from work, he does work long hours, we talk about the day and what happen. I am sure he does not tell me everything but we talk about the important things. We joke because I swear he becomes chatty Kathy at bedtime, when I want to sleep.


    He does from time to time make larger purchases without talking to me but since he handles the financial stuff, he knows what we have and what we do not. I trust that what he bought we needed and usually this is true. Although I am still trying to figure out why we need 12 each of the two sizes of fox wire traps :glare:

  12. My ds10 seems to pick up bad/annoying habits all the time. For examply, he used to "hop" when he walked. He would take a few steps and hop (sort of like a skip), take a few more and hop. Really weird. Another time he would make weird snorting noises when breathing (on purpose). Very odd. Well, now, we've discovered that he has been biting the skin on his finger "pads". I saw him do this the other day and thought nothing of it (perhaps he was just nervous). Well, last night I see his fingers on BOTH hands and he looks like an alien or something. His skin is all torn and calloused and there are scabs in places where I suppose he bit hard enough to make them bleed. It's HORRIBLE! Help! I don't know what to do. I'm very concerened about this. Dh and I spoke to ds and he said that his fingers don't hurt and that he doesn't bit hard enough to make them bleed or hurt. So, it doesn't seem to be an issue or self-harm or inflicting pain (like "cutting" or something). I'm not sure WHY he does this (or any of his other habits for that matter!). He's a happy kid, not really the "nervous" type, has lots of friends, etc. I don't know how to "cure" him. I mean, it's like thumb-sucking...what do you do? You can't "take away" the thumb or his fingers, KWIM?


    If you find what works please let me know. My ds has been bitting his nails down to the stubs for years now. I have tried EVERYTHING!!! bribery, lectures, punishment, yelling, lectures by doctors etc. His fingers have gotten infected but he will not stop.


    (throwing my hands up) I have no idea what to do. :banghead:

  13. It must be a 5yo thing. Mine is the same way. I just say okay! or oh or ignore it all together. I try not to make a big deal about it.


    I can remember my 9yo did this, stopped for a while and now seems to do it again.


    Of course at 9 he understands the talks a little better but I still think it is a phase.


    One thing I have notice and am trying to stop is when something does happen, if it is not important, like who spilled the milk on the floor, then I try not to place blame or let them place blame. I just say "it does not matter, who spilled it, just clean it up".


    For big things though, like who marked up the wall with marker, that does need action.


    Edited to add: Oh and when the baby comes it will be "the baby did it" my personal favorite.


    Kids gotta love em':001_smile:

  14. HHMMM....


    I am not sure, mine says something different. Did you try to choose the menu bar? somewhere it should give you toolbar options.


    Try this also - go to the right of where it says edit, view, etc to the empty space and right click on your mouse some toolbar options should appear.

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