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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. For those of you that said the Bible... All of the Bible? I don't think you read it all... but, let's be specific... for instance, your husband comes home with another woman and wants to marry her too. Where in the Bible do you turn? Or... your son or daughter is repeatedly disobedient... where in the Bible do you turn? Then, having found guidance, do you do what it says?


    Or more to the point in our world today... is it right to transfuse blood? Where in the Bible does is talk to this issue?


    Do you recall the Lakeberg twins? They were born cojoined at the chest sharing one heart. The surgery to separate them meant that one of them would die. Where in the Bible does it tell us how to handle this situation? Which twin should have been condemned to die?


    You claim the Bible is this guidebook of absolute morality. I have yet to see it function as such in any situation. Since so many of you say it is... do any of you have an example of a moral crisis that the Bible provided an answer for?


    To answer the original question, I strive to do no harm.




    It all about Faith in God. God decides which one of the twins will live or die, not us. It is in his hands. We all fall short of the Glory of God. We are all sinners. The Bible helps us in our walk with the Lord. It is not just a rule book of morality. It is not only a Christian's guide to right or wrong. It is the way God speaks to us and helps guide our lives. It is a tool along with prayer, fellowship, et cetera that we use to help us develop our relationship with God.


    Please feel free to ask more questions about my faith Phred. I need to go out right now to VBS but I am willing to discuss this with you.

  2. I know this isn't the season for Santa, but my ds7 has recently brought up the subject. He said he knows it's us that buys the presents and went on to logically explain how it doesn't make sense. I skipped over the conversation quickly and changed the subject so we could figure out what to say later. I know I could just say, "yes, you're right" and move on, but I want to do more than that. It's so odd he brought it up now because my dh and I have been convicted about deceiving them and not keeping the focus on what Christmas should really be about and we were planning on telling them this year. (but not in June!) I know many don't see it this way, but we do. I'm wondering how some of you shared this with your children in a sensitive way, explaining that we weren't lying to them, etc. Our children can be black and white about some things and they might question this, but not say it outloud, so we want to make sure we hit that issue to make them feel better. Are there any books to read to them? We've read about the real St. Nick over the years and plan to do that again, but I was wanting to touch on the issue of "tricking" them or deceiving them. I think I remember seeing a book on CBD that was titled something about there not being a Santa and explained it to the child. It has a young boy on the cover. If you know of this book or have any other suggestions on how to go about it, please share. Thanks!


    When my ds5 did the same thing last year, I just listened and let them believe what they wanted. I talked about the true meaning of Christmas, which we always do.


    Ds 9 decided to still believe in Santa even though he knew we bought the presents.


    I guess the main thing for me, is to make sure they know what Christmas is really about and then don't make a big deal about Santa. Eventually it won't matter anyway.

  3. One is much more take charge-- I think she wishes she had MD after her name. ;) The other one is much more laid back and relaxed. You can joke and shoot the bull with her.


    Thanks Marie,


    What you said here is part of it, I do not like to be told what to do especially when I know my body. I just can't relax around her. I feel sometimes she is not listening to me. She is just reading the facts and making her decisions. Like what I feel is not included. I am not good at these types of situations. My initial reaction is to be quiet and not say anything, which is not good here.


    With the other midwife, I feel I can talk to her and she is listening.


    I am scheduled for a homebirth which should help the situation some. But I have been told there is no guarantee for this.


    The midwifery service is owned by a OB. I want to meet with his practice soon, just in case. He will not be involved with a homebirth only if I go to the hospital.

  4. Has anyone ever used a midwifery service with several midwives and did not care for one of them?


    I am due in about 6 weeks (Praise God!) and have been thinking a lot about this. In the practice there are 2 midwives, one who I like very much and feel very relaxed with, R and the other who I feel kind of uneasy around, S. I am really unsure how to handle this.


    Some of you may remember me posting a while back about my ultrasound and my blood pressure. Well, as things have progressed my blood pressure is only elevated (in the 130s/80s) when I see this midwife S. when I see the other R, it has been fine (100s/70s) and at home it is fine (100/60/70s). I have a home blood pressure cuff and have been watching it closely.


    So anyway, how did you handle this situation? Right now, I am thinking the only thing I can do is pray that R is on call when I go into labor. Can I "hold it" a few days until R is on call? :D Due to my insurance my options are very limited for midwives. I feel very comfortable otherwise with this practice.


    Any advice from the experienced hive?

  5. Boys are a blessing to raise. God has given you a wonderful gift!


    We are expecting boy number three in about 6 weeks and need to pick a name too. Our family names are pretty much picked over by other family members. We have had many family conversations about it. Right now dh likes traditional names like Charles and Henry. I like Peter and Timothy. I have always love Benjamin but my db and sil used that one already.


    A lot biblical names like Joshua, Caleb, Josiah, and Isaac are way over done in our area. I do not know which way to go! I am praying that God will give us direction soon!


    Thanks for posting this Marie, now I have some new ideas!

  6. My childhood was disfunctional at best. My father died when I was nine and my mother started dating soon after. She went out often and also would go away with men for weekends etc. My female role model was terrible. I had no rules. The less my mother saw of me the better. When I was 18 I returned home from college and told my mother I was spending the summer with my boyfriends family. She didn't even ask for a phone number. When I was 11-14 I was treated inappropriately by one of my mother's boyfriends ( imagine the worse and you will probably be right) I found out as an adult she knew about it and had no excuse or remorse over doing nothing. All of this lead to a great deal of nonmoral behavior on my part. Frankly I just didn't know any better, and I wish I had. I became a Christian as an adult and at times I regret not having a more moral upbringing. We are raising our son to be a moral young man, but I don't even talk to him about my past. I am very embarrassed by it. He recently talked to me about wanting a purity ring and the first thing I did was praise the Lord for the moral lesson we have taught sinking in. I wish I had had the same lessons...Thanks for letting cry on the boards shoulder.


    You are not alone Karen, :grouphug:

  7. I just picked my first cuke of the year and sliced it to eat in my tuna sandwich, but it is slightly bitter. Is there anything I can do to prevent the rest of the crop from tasting like this? It didn't happen last year.


    I did a little bit of digging about this last year after being tired of bitter cukes and I found that there are a number of factors that cause bitterness in cukes, variety being the largest factor. Bush, pickling cukes seems to go bitter faster. In addition to picklers, last year I grew a Burpee Hydrid and had no bitter cukes.


    Second, everything in my garden is showing signs of emminent production except the pole beans. This year dh accidentally bought pole instead of bush, the vines just keep growing and growing, but no flowers are appearing. Do these usually take longer?


    Yep they take longer but produce longer. I prefer pole over bush.

  8. this is kind of just a vent, but here goes. i am already having a hard day because dh will be working until 9 or 10. i have been having to breath deep and pray every few minutes to not lose it with the kids. i was just serving the mac and cheese (6 PM) when mil asks if she can come over. she is bored. i told her i had too much to do and that we wouldn't be any fun because i had to get a bunch of stuff done (which is true). but mostly i just didn't want to talk to her for 2-3 hours. but of course, now i feel guilty. is it the "right" thing to do to meet her needs in that way (she is very social and just loves visiting with me). or is it ok to protect my sanity?


    How about she comes over, you go out and have coffee with a friend or have some alone time - out?

  9. In essence, you snip off all the shoots, which leaves the main stem with a few leaves on top of it. Then you make a trench and lie the plant sideways into it. You gently bend the tip so it sticks out from the dirt after you have recovered the plant. The reason for this is that the tomato plant will grow roots right from that buried stem and make the plant stronger. RC




    I have done this for several years now and it really helps make a better root system for the tomato plant. The stems grow to be thick and strong. I also take off any flowers that might form before the plant is full size. This allows the plant to gain in size and strength before it needs to fruit. (this in the end provides better fruit)

  10. Are any fruits low carb? I think it was Strawberries we had the other night that didn't seem to be high in carbs.


    I was told that grapes were low carb by a friend on a low carb diet.


    My dh (a type I diabetic) likes to eat cottage cheese before he goes to bed. He seasons it sometimes with lots of different things, salt & pepper, tomatoes, salsa, sometimes he even puts hot sauce in it.


    I've gifted people jars of jam, too. I just defrost it and let them know it doesn't have an extended shelf life. (I freeze it in the canning jars, so it looks just as pretty.) I do can a number of other items, but it's just so much faster to freeze applesauce and jam.:)


    That is something I love about this board. You get lots of opinions and different ideas. Some I never thought of!

  12. No, you spell it this way: :"booKs."


    The story behind booKs is that one crazy night that will live in infamy back on the old board, Elaine (bless her heart and her fingers) posted a desperate plea for a coupon. A coupon for Christian Book Distributors.


    (For context, let us remember that back on the old board, once you hit submit, that was it. You were done. No editing. It was there for all to see til the end of time. Okay, back to the discount/coupon request...)


    Only, you see, Elaine did not type "Christian Book Distributors." She typed "Christian Boob Distributors" and then she hit submit. And we howled and razzed her and gave her grief about it, then someone typed that if there were such at thing as Christian Boob Distributors, she wouldn't have such a hard time getting her husbank to agree to enlarge the budget for such things. So on the same night, in the same thread was born both "booKs" and "husbanK."


    The two words became embedded in our board culture and we have a quasi-literary way of referring to our endowments. And we sometimes talk about large and small volumes -- in my case we would refer to them as Pamphlets -- and to brassieres as booKshelves, as in, "Where is the best place online to buy booKshelves?" When someone asks about REAL bookshelves, I have to reread to figure out which kind is being referenced!


    I wish I could find the thread to link it.


    Thanks Pam, that explains a few past threads... I like husbanK too, clever!

  13. Everyone in our regular weekly potluck cancelled at the last minute. It's HOT here. So now I have thirty biscuits, made with milk, Bisquick and cheddar cheese, doused in garlic butter.


    No problem, they make a hearty snack or light lunch . . . if I can freeze them. If I can't they will make a monotonous meal plan for the next two days.


    I await the wisdom of the collective.


    Or you could send them to my house :drool5:

  14. She completed Brit Lit with Apex, and got an A. On to AP. Her teacher gave her a shining letter of recommendation for college, stating she is advanced beyond her years. Mind you he has worked for the AP board correcting English Essays and been college prof. for thirty two yrs. Stated she will have no problem. Thank God.


    Well score one more point for homeschoolers.






    Yeah for your dd! You should be very proud!!!!

  15. My friend's boy had this for sometime, then insurance stopped covering it and they had to switch back to the old one. While he had it, they loved it.


    This is our issue as well. The insurance will not cover the meter or the very expensive probes. I think dh would really benefit from it as he forgets to test his sugar. His hemoglobin A1C is pretty high right now because he hates going low (male pride issue and I do not blame him). I really wish our insurance covered the glucose monitor.


    Maybe next year.....

  16. Off the top of my head, I would think that any "clearish" liquid hand soap or shampoo would do the trick (not the "pearly" types).


    Essentially, all any of it is, is surfactants. You're going to rinse the heck out of anything, anyway, so it's not as if you'll be eating it.


    I found a thread discussing lots of ways:







    Thanks for the link!!! I make my own laundry soap so why not dish soap?


    Thanks Asta!

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