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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. Yep, there should be a law...oh, there is! It's called HIPPA! Some good that law does!


    Also, they shouldn't permit freebies (trips, meals, etc)...other than a limited number of drug samples (I know I benefited a couple of times from those samples when I didn't have money, my dr gave out of the sample box).



    The only thing HIPPA does is allow the docs to charge over $30 to have 18 pieces of paper from your medical record transferred to your new doc. I wonder how much it would have cost me for the whole record!:banghead:

  2. :grouphug:


    Teaching children to read can be so hard! Both of mine at first did not like it. (my ds5 still does not). But they will over time.


    First I would take a break from reading - for now. Just spend time being her mom and doing "fun school" (making cookies, counting jelly beans, reading to her). Do things that will repair your relationship.


    Then, when you are ready to restart again.....


    Give her things that she can read. Even if it is the same little Bob book or sentence over and over to build her confidence and make at least associate some fun with reading. The goal is not to frustrate them but you must be consistent and read everyday.


    Have you tried Exploding the Code? or Bob Books? These have worked for many parents in your situation.


    Here is what we do:


    OPGTR - my goal is at least 3 lessons a week, more if tolerated. I try to attach a fun snack or some reward with the lesson - but he must do it. I also try to get it done first thing. For my kids I always found the earlier the better. The lesson should take no more than 15 mins at the most.


    At least 1 Bob book a day - his choice even it it is the same book every day. This is to build confidence and give some freedom.


    On the days where reading is really, really hard for him, we stop and I just read to him. I read to him every day anyway for at least 30 mins if not more and we listen to books or tape. We read books like Charlotte's Web, Shiloh, anything by Eric Kimmel or Patricia Palacco and sometimes just for fun books.


    My ds9, HATED reading. It was such a struggle. Some days were tears. (I have since learned not to push so hard)

    BUT now he reads very well. He will spend hours reading books.


    I am so glad I stuck with it, even though it was hard. You can do it!!

  3. I haven't been home for more than a few days from our little trip and here I am again asking for advice. :confused: It seems like I get over one hurdle with my dd and another presents itself. Sometimes I think it is a lot easier to parent a younger child. When my kids were younger it was easier to take them out of an activity or talk to the coach/dance instructor, etc. if I didn't things were going right. Now that my dd is 16 I feel that she needs to take care of these things herself but on the otherhand I don't know when to step in to help her.


    In the spring my dd tried out for poms and made it. She was thrilled for several reasons: she loves dancing and 6 months ago we didn't even know if she would be allowed to dance again (medical problems), she was really looking forward to being on a team and meeting new friends, etc. Dd has been dancing for 13 years and is used to the hard work that comes with it. She is also used to giving 110% in everything she does and this was especially true this school year when she gave everything she had to get good grades.


    Well unfortunately her poms coach has turned out to be very difficult. She took over coaching the team halfway through last year so this is her first year really in charge. She is young and I'm not sure she was really ready to handle this kind of thing. Last year was her first year teaching at the school as the spanish teacher. Right before tryouts this spring I ran into the coach during teacher conferences. She had my dd in study hall and was thrilled to hear that she was going to try out for poms. She said that she could tell that my dd had a strong work ethic and was well liked by her teachers. She said that it was going to be a wonderful year. She went on to say that her main goal was for the girls to have fun and have the opportunity to become a team and form good relationships. Of course she expected the girls to give their full effort but she emphasized the "fun" part.


    All summer they have had practices 4 days a week for 2-3 hours in the morning. Needless to say, this hasn't been the lazy sleeping in late summer that we're used to. Dd was fine with that because she really wanted to do this. The problem is that over the past few weeks all the coach does is complain to the girls and tell them how bad they are doing. Several times she has had some of the girls crying because of the rude remarks she has made. Up until now dd has been lucky but yesterday she singled dd out and made her feel awful. She was working with her group in another room and the coach happened to just walk in when dd did something wrong with her arms. The coach had a fit and told dd that she should feel bad because now they would have to repeat the dance again because of her. Since dd has been dancing for so long she is used to getting helpful criticism but this was different. The coach told the girls that they are starting to "pi-- her off" and that they all have bad attitudes. It seems like no matter what the girls do that they can't do it right. She even seemed upset when I stopped by practice the other day. I had to give her a check but while I was there I asked her for the upcoming schedule and for information about camp. Camp is in a few weeks and she still hasn't given us any specifics. She has also signed the team up for several competitions, although she originally told me that they would only be in 1 or 2 and that competition wouldn't be the focus.


    My dd was so excited about making poms and now she regrets trying out. She won't quit because she knows that it is not right to just quit a team. She has also put a lot of time into this and we have put in a lot of money into this. The problem is that dd is miserable and doesn't know what to do about it. She feels that if she talks to her coach it will make things even worse. I can imagine the coach saying something like "If you don't like the way things are going then you are off the team". I am tempted to talk to the coach but I want dd to be able to handle this on her own. I'm also worried that the coach could make life miserable for dd because she is also her Spanish 3 teacher this year.


    By the way, this is a private christian high school so this makes my blood boil even more. Of course being Christian doesn't mean that the coach can't have bad days but I think she is handling things wrong and isn't being a good role model for the girls.


    Any suggestions?


    I am sorry you and dd are going through this :grouphug:


    Just a thought - Dealing with difficult people is very hard but a necessary part of growing up. When she is working in the real world, you won't be able to speak to her boss about problems. Could your daughter and some other team members could tell the coach how they feel? The coach might appreciate being spoken to directly.


    If that does not work, they(or you) can speak to the administrator. We all have a tough time learning new things. Being a coach can be difficult. It sounds like she needs course correction. These comments do seem rude and it is a coach's job to inspire not insult the team.


    I hope it works out for you.

  4. I have NO IDEA how to grow anything, not even dandelions really but have the desire. I have a section of dirt in the back yard hubby cleaned up for me to grow veggies. It is about 8X5. I live in Southern California. Did I miss the growing season? We LOVE tomatoes, & peppers (red, green, yellow, etc) yet will eat anything I can grow.


    Please HELP! Suggestions? Ideas? Is it easier to grow from a plant or seed? Are their seasons to what I can grow here?


    I've really come to realize we eat way to much fresh veggies to not be growing our own. Thanks for ANY suggestions!! :bigear:


    Good for you!!! Do some research on the internet about growing veggies in California. Your growing season is different than most of us in more temperate regions. You probably are still able to grow many things. Good luck!!

  5. I will be praying you have a quick easy labor and a beautiful healthy baby. I'm looking forward to some pictures! Have you chosen any names?


    Thanks Amy! Any and all prayers are appreciated. From all the advice I have gotten, it seems to need to trust myself and trust God.


    No names yet for a boy. If it is a girl (although the u/s says boy) it will be Virginia Elizabeth.


    As a side note, the home we live in has been in my family for 120 years. Virginia, my great aunt, was the last baby to be born in the house and she lived here until 3 years ago when we moved in. I really want to have a homebirth!!!!

  6. Adrianne, I am not medically trained -- maybe that's obvious, lol -- but I'm not sure about the deal with "pushing too early". I have no one telling me how dialated I am or that it's "time" to push. I can just tell as I relax during and coming out of "transition" that, well, it's TIME TO PUSH. Your body knows -- it just does it. I remember reading once that if we did NOTHING, if we just laid there during labor, that baby would still come out. Our bodies are designed to get that baby out. So pushing, in my experience, has just come naturally. For the last several births (since #3), the active parts of my labor (the parts where I know for sure I'm in labor and it starts getting harder) have been between one hour in length and two and a half hours in length. The pushing has been 2-4 pushes. The first vaginal delivery I had the pushing was a bit longer, but it was still natural and obvious to me.


    Read more testimonies -- cord wrapped around the neck, breech birth, those kinds of things have been dealt with successfully in unassisted deliveries at home. There's a board at ivillage.com for unassisted birth and there's also christianuc.com. I'm in no way saying "Go for it no matter what" -- you definitely have to do what you're comfortable with. I'm just saying there ARE ways to deal with many issues successfully at home.


    Bless you!


    I will check out those sites! Thanks Darla!!

  7. Have you researched all the books about it?

    Googled it? Lots of you tube videos under unassisted birth.

    We are doing a midwife at home per dear boyfriend's wishes or I would be seriously researching this myself.


    I have read so many books on childbirth and read about birthing that my head is spinning :willy_nilly: I keep coming back to the fear that something could go wrong particularly a prolapsed cord and pushing too early.


    I am thinking Darla has the right idea....I just need to put it into God's hands. I am going to do some praying tonight.


    There is a woman who did all of births unassisted back in the 50's. She was incredible. Did a whiskey drink and excused herself to the bedroom every time.


    :lol: but I was thinking a Mike's might be good.

  8. Check out


    Pa Homeschoolers and CHAP. (Christian Homeschool Association of PA). The both have great info on homeschooling in PA (esp CHAP).




    Even if you are not Christian, the information they provide in the getting started section and Law and Forms section is very good. They also have a good convention every year in Harrisburg.


    We moved to PA from NJ 3 years ago and I have not found the law to be too bad. (NJ had no law). You do have to watch the school districts. They try to make up their own laws and call asking for info you do not need to provide. The Oley Valley School district where we are is not too bad.


    Good luck! PA is a great state to live in!

  9. a few other thoughts:


    a wise woman once told me, if its been in the closet untouched for one year, out it goes.



    I use this rule too. The only thing that escapes this rule is curriculum and hand me downs for the younger kids. Sometimes I might go 2 years if there is a special circumstance.


    Good luck!


    (BTW - I personally would keep the paper. We use doubles sides for unimportant printing jobs)

  10. We've been playing with flashcards. 5 yr old dd drew pictures on a card and was asking dh to put the beginning sound on the back. She said put a "P" and when he turned it over, it was a "person", then she said to put a '"s" and on the flip side was a snake.


    All was going well until she asked dh to put a "W".


    The flip side was a wocket (ROCKET).. She thought ROCKET started with a w-ocket. :001_huh: He didn't have the heart to tell her she was wrong.


    Obviously he isn't the one that gives lessons!!


    My ds9 outgrew it. Ds5 now speaks the same way. We confuse th and f. I only correct them when we are learning phonics.


    Good for dad for helping out!

  11. Ok... I've been out looking for skillets. I didn't want to spend more than $50 and I ended up getting 2 thinking that I can take one back.

    The first is a Simply Caphalon with a metal lid. This one comes straight down on the sides so that there is more cooking room on the bottom, but has a metal lid and I'm used to walking by and looking into the glass one I had. I found this at Home Goods for $39.99. I don't know how much they usually sell for.

    The next is a Circulon Elite. It has a beautiful oven proof glass lid, but slopes on the sides. It was on sale at Macy's for $49.99 (usually $120). It has tiny ridges on the bottom. I don't know if that will matter or not.

    Which one would you prefer??? Thanks!!!!!!!!!


    HHMM...I like my skillets with straight sides but I also like the clear lid. Does either have a guarantee?


    I can't say that I have chosen a pan simply for its clear lid but I have chosen one by the sides.


    Can you pick which trait is more important to you?

  12. Our son just got his first DS this past February. He had to save up and earn the money to pay for the games and the system doing chores, B-day and X-mas money. It took him about 6 months.


    We also have a game cube that is a family toy and are talking about getting a Wii this Xmas as a family toy.


    My ds9 likes the DS and I have found it a great thing when we have had to go to drs appointments or other appointments that I know are going to be long. I also allowed him to bring it to a wedding recently for everyone's enjoyment. Otherwise, it generally does not leave the house.


    As a general rule in our home, "TV time" which includes any electronic media (with a few exceptions) is restricted to 30 minutes a day. This includes the DS.


    Our ds5 has been asking for one but not until he can earn it himself.

  13. My DH and I are thinking about having Chickens and a few goats when we move to Alabama. We would like to have chickens for their eggs and possibly for the freezer. I am looking into Maran or Red star chickens. What chicken breeds do you have? What qualities do you like about them? Is there a particular breed that is popular in Alabama?


    As for the goats, we would like to use their milk for various uses; cream, soap, possibly drinking..Any advice as far as what kind of goats would be good?


    Neither my DH or I have had chickens since we were kids so I have a lot to learn. I know this group would be helpful.




    Picking chicken breeds is a personal choice based on what your are looking for. We have RR reds, a few sex linked reds, two banties for fun, a buff orpington, and 3 barred cochin. We are try different breeds to see which ones we like. I would encourage you to visit the Murray McMurray Website. They have great info and reviews for chickens. We buy ours there every year. We also found the book Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens.


    Good luck with your chickens and goats!

  14. I find that for impulse, that is just the way he is, behaviors, positive/negative reinforcement works very well.


    We make a chart. For each time he obeys and does what he is told he gets a star or happy face. So many happy faces wins him a prize, like more TV time or a treat of some sort.


    Disobedience wins him an X. After so many Xs he loses a priviledge like TV time or dessert or does more housework.


    I don't have to do this much with my ds9 now but it works very well with the younger ones.


    To me, the key is changing a habit they have developed (talking at bedtime) and replacing it with a new habit (not talking at bedtime).


    I do agree that since his mom died, he may be having anxiety issues. Maybe you could replace the talking with another sleep friendly activity? My boys will make up stories sometimes with dh while in bed. (each adds to part of the story). This helps them to settle down and relax. (it is time consuming though)


    Now willful disobedience is another story.......

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