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Posts posted by Adrianne

  1. But you can't just work around the schedule for the public schools. That's not a reasonable expectation.


    That is true but I think the issue is more of an unwillingness to cooperate. The response was flat out - well you'll have to do what is good for us. Not even a here is our schedule lets talk about it.


    I really sounds like Monica is trying to work with her mom. It does not sound like it is reciprocal.


    As a side note, to be blunt about it and not to offend anyone, but I don't feel sorry for someone with a public school schedule. It was part of the choice they made.

  2. even though you homeschool. We all have a schedule of some sort we need to stick to. We can't be expected to drop everything when someone wants us to vacation because our schedules are more flexible.


    When dealing with family vacations, every one should work together to make it work. It does not sound like her mom is doing that. I sounds like her mom is saying, well here is my schedule YOU work around that. A willingness to cooperate is not there.

  3. No I really don't care what your drawing, no I really don't care what your top score is, I have NO interest in the reason your 134,876th lego car-airplane-boat thing has rockets, no I have any desire to watch you beat that stupid redundant rock song on guitar hero, I heard it enough when I was dating your father!!, no i don't want to play ANOTHER round of toy story monoply or go fish, no I don't want your help making breakfast, lunch or dinner. LEAVE ME ALLONE I'M MAKING LESSON PLANS SO OUR SCHOOL YEAR CAN BE FUN AND ORGANIZED!!!


    There I said it. WOW.. been thinking it all day but couldn't really say it to the littles so you guys get to hear it.


    Anyone else feel this way????? :glare:



  4. So, I did email both sets of parents a copy of our school schedule for this year, politely mentioning if they were willing to be flexible and schedule their vacations to coincide with our schedule, that would be really great! (If not, seeing them is more important, but I was just hoping I might get some courtesy - mostly from our in-laws, who are retired.)


    I just got off the phone with my mom and she made this comment: "Well, you guys will have to work around our schedule because I'm not pulling the girls (my sisters) out of school." (I have younger sisters in Jr. High)


    Sigh. I told her that for the next year or so, we will be flexible, but as we get into school, we're going to have to stick to our schedule, and that hopefully we can get together in the beginning of the year and try and get our schedules to mesh together.


    I don't really have a point, I was just sad and wanted to share.


    I'm sorry. I know how it feels to deal with unflexible relatives. :grouphug:

  5. I found my copy of the Latin Centered Curriculum! It's been lost for ages, and I thought I must have lent it out without recording it. Nope! It was hiding with the dust bunnies behind my dresser. So, even though I hate deep cleaning, I did it, and now I get a reward! It's good to do the right thing. :D



  6. But I don't want to get these prescriptions filled. I am ALWAYS anemic, so I have been on this prescription before and it makes me so sick. I have never been on a cholesterol lowering drug, but my behavior food-wise has been commendable and I think I can do this thing without a prescription. I at least want to try.


    Do you take a daily vitamin C supplement? Vitamin C has been known to aid in iron absorption and could help your moderate anemia.


    Given that it is no higher than 28 points over the limit, should I give myself until the November labwork appt to see if I can nudge by only following the doctor's recommendations and if I can't nudge start the medication then? Or should I go fill that prescription today and get started on the medication now?


    Personally, I would stick to the diet and recheck in Nov. If in Nov the cholesterol is still high, then go on the pills. The pills do work.


    If you are not already doing it, you might want to limited your carb intake also esp the bad ones.


    Kelli, I hope things improve for you. :grouphug:


    Plus she's just not being a good steward of her body by not exercising.

    So I'm going to make her exercise.

    I'm just thrown for a loop because I've never had to deal with any defiance from this child.

    O.K., vent over, I feel better now :D.


    I think you are doing the right thing. It is when they are young that we must instill good exercise/eating habits. If she is not taught now, she might not ever learn these good habits and will battle obesity her whole life.


    She needs to find something she is willing to do, some form of exercise that suits her.


    I am sorry you have to deal with the crying, I know how that is.

  8. Once again, dh has a bumper crop of zucchini in the garden. I need ideas for using it up. I've got a great zucchini bread recipe, so that will use some. I normally just slice it and grill it with seasonings, but with the amount of zucchini we have to eat that'll get old, quick.


    We like:


    Mock crab cakes

    stuffed grilled zucchini


    I recently started making zucchini parmesian using replacing eggplant with zucchini and serving with pasta.


    Another family favorite is chocolate zucchini cake.

  9. He's always been easy going but over the last year I've noticed him crying more and more when he's frustrated or whatever. And he gets frustrated and annoyed more frequently than he used to. I just handed him his book to read for today and he actually fell onto the floor crying. :001_huh: He does tend to the dramatic. I'm sure some of this is a discipline issue but is some of it a 10 yo boy thing as he gets older? Do they get more emotional as they get closer to the teen years? I expected this out of my dds but not my ds.


    Another vote for puberty. My ds9 (will be 10 in 2 weeks), who has always had a flare for the dramatic, is becoming more tired, clumsy, and dramatic. He tends to always complain so I did not see this, for him, as abnormal. Watching some of the threads on this board helped me to see we are entering puberty.


    Adding a daily exercise routine and allowing these outbursts occasionally (with talks afterward) seem to work well for us. Ds9 is starting to recognize them and stop them.


    Good luck!

  10. Nope I've not been on any diets lately, all though I could do to loose some weight.


    I would go to the docs, but we are moving this weekend. Just not enough hours in the day to get there.


    Are you lactose intolerant or allergic to any other foods?


    There could be a number of foods eaten the day before that can make your GI tract upset.


    For example, I am lactose intolerant and milk of any kind even with the dietary supplement makes me nauseous with heartburn the next day.


    I hope you feel better soon!


    Did you hear the one about the MIssionary? He was wandering the jungles of Africa when all of a sudden he heard a pounding noise behind him! He turned to see a massive lion hot on his heels. He ran with all his might and climbed the nearest tree and began praying, "Lord, please, I really need you to make this lion a Christian right now!" All of a sudden the lion stopped in his tracks, got down on his knees, folded his paws and prayed.......wait for it


    "Lord, please bless this food which I'm about to receive!"


    You know that was funny!:lol::lol:



  12. To my parents, who are at the beach in Oregon, this morning on the phone:


    Ds--Hey Papaw, why is a seagull from the sea?

    Papaw--I don't know, why?

    Ds--because if they were from the shore they would be 'shorebirds!'



    Suddenly, ds---oh wait! I told it wrong...so hey Papaw why is a seagull from the sea?

    Papaw--I don't know, why?

    Ds--because if they were from the bay they would be called bay-gulls!!!! Get it? Bagels!!! :lol:


    That was great :lol:!


    I love kids...


    However, the next time (and the next, and the next), we just skinned them- no plucking. Worked wonderfully- so that's how we plan to do them for the foreseeable future. We normally don't eat the skin anyway, so why go through all of the trouble?



    Same here. My dh prefers to do about 3 at a time. His methods are very simple. He just kills, skins, and removes the internal organs and other unwanted parts. We don't want the skin anyway so it works for us.


    We don't like doing it and do not look forward to it, but it is a necessary part of life. We don't do large numbers either. Usually only older hens and extra roosters.


    I am a gardener not a livestock person. I like having chickens for the eggs and garden fertilizer.


    How were you with dissecting animals in science class? It is similar but a bit messier with a different smell.


    Good luck! Another thing, we did find Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens helpful.

  14. No labor yet:thumbdown:


    I was due yesterday. Both of my boys were late ds9 12days and ds 5 7 days. I am guessing this one will be late too.


    I did get a new midwife 2 weeks ago. I left the other practice. Its a long story but I really did want to go through labor and birth with that group.


    I was out walking with dh this evening. Trying to keep vertical to help things along.


    I've been reading Aubrey's thread last week about helping labor along ;)

    It looks like the suggestions worked for her:D


    I'll keep you posted! Pray for tonight!!!!

  15. All I can think is, "Phred, Phred, Phred, Phred, Phred." (Shaking head.)


    Phred, do you REALLY think that Georgia and Iraq are comparable? REALLY?


    Georgia: democracy, small military, not posing any threat to others, hanging on to South Ossetia (which is PART OF Georgia) - and then bombed from here to kingdom come by Russia, the country that doesn't LIKE that Georgia is a friend of the West, and appears to have been poised and ready to pounce on Georgia - not just in South Ossetia but also through Abkhazia.


    You REALLY think that's a parallel situation?


    I agree.


    I don't think the leader of Georgia is guilty of murdering his own people by dumping mustard gas on villages. Gee, I remember someone from Iraq doing that..... And taking over small countries to take their oil interests (Kuwait).


    Georgia is only guilty of being part of the former Soviet Union and having some proRussia sympathizers.

  16. I saw one of the first red ones today looked ready to pick. I was examining it, and turns out he bottom portion (hidden from view - where the flower would have been initially) was very brown. Rotten, really, with a touch of mold. The top half seemed fine though. I'm concerned b/c I picked another 2 of these earlier on and chucked them, thinking they were duds, but now I'm wondering if this is going to happen to all of them?


    My grape tomatoes are doing fine. My "Patio" tomatos seem OK too. It's just these beefsteaks that are having the problem.


    Ideas? Quick fixes?

    Thanks! - Stacey in MA


    It is called blossom end rot. Next year throw some crushed egg shells and bone meal in the hole when you plant them. This will prevent it. I do it every year and it works like a charm!


    I am not sure there is anything you can do this year. Maybe sprinkle some bone meal and eggs shells around the stem?

  17. That's an awfully high horse for a country that water boards and otherwise tortures people to be riding.




    I never thought I would say this but I agree with Phred on that one.


    The key to change is diplomacy.


    Iran, Sudan, and N. Korea all have nuclear arms and they will not speak to anyone about it. We need China to act as a go between here. If one of these countries decides to use their nuclear weapons, we will all suffer whether or not we like their human rights policies. Closing the door on them would not be very smart.


    Also Bush talked to Vladimir Putin, who he was sitting next to at the opening ceremonies, to condemn Russia's current military operations in Georgia.


    All around this trip to the Olympics has been very good for US Diplomacy. Being in his last term, Bush has nothing to prove, no votes to get. He is making good use of his time.

  18. The way I see it, Bush's trip to China was a two fold winner:


    1. Good diplomatic move - Right now China is our only link to North Korea. N Korea will only speak through and with China about its nuclear ambitions. We need this or N Korea will not disarm and will build their nuclear arms. Honoring the Chinese with his presence at the games in their home land, Bush is showing his respect for them. This is important to the Chinese. Bush is right, you will not bring change in China or N Korea if you are critical of them and hostile. A trusting relationship needs to be built with these countries if we are going to get them to change their ways.


    2. He gets to go to the Olympics and support the USA teams (which he did visit.) I think this is an awesome thing for him to do. Who better than the pres to show support for our athletes?


    I am interested in hearing some opposing views to Bush being in China....



    The only thing that seems like a reward system would be to give him points for good behavior and when he gets enough, give a reward.




    When I am trying to modify a behavior this is what we do and it works very well. DH insists that there is a consequence for negative behaviorr so we lose points for misbehaving. Our rewards are tied to TV time - this works for us.


    The reward system deals with behavior modification but if you really want him to change, you will have to deal with his heart. He is hurting, life is hard at this age and even harder for him. Have his dad spend time with him doing things together, bond with him, build his relationship with him and eventually when he feels he can trust and he will respect you with his heart. This will take some time but is well worth it.


    You can change is behavior with rewards and punishment but it will always be a constant battle for control. When you change his heart - the core issue will be gone.


    I agree with Tara that with the other kids, talk to them and say he is struggling right now and needs extra help (like extra help with his homework) or extra love. I also think a family celebratory reward might be in order when dss does extremely well. Like XX had a great week - lets have pizza tonight. Celebrating his success.


    Remember this will take time but it is well worth. Make sure you get Dad involved!


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